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@geoanasRegistered June 17, 2006Active 7 years, 7 months ago
43 Replies made

Thank You kind sir!

I can’t believe it ! This is awesome ! Congratulations for this masterpiece !


Thank YOU very MUCH !!! …
AMAZING work 🙂

Thanks a lot bigmak !
You are really GREAT ! :thumpup:

Thanks 1000 times !!
Great Release !

The permanent (soldering) method is far more superior than anything else. I did it on my 2 VBs with great results. You only need a low wattage soldering iron and “nerves from steel” to attempt it first time. If you manage to solder successfully the first screen …there is no way back 😉

Glad to hear that Martijn is on board ! “Debris” is great, so I expect something very special (judging from the early sneak preview) from him !
Glad to see more “Vectrex gurus” getting involved with VB dev !

MineStorm wrote:

BTW I’d love to make some Dragon Hopper carts too 😉

😉 😕 :thumpup:

This box looks absolutely fantastic :thumpup:
Great Job !!

I’ve also received my Bound High cart today.
Richard you are a real guru !
Thanks for this excellent service…Bound High ROX ! 😀 :thumpup:

I have 4 VBs, and all came from the other side of this world (!)
I am Greek and I had all four machines shipped from US.
This is a long journey, including lot of shaking and tossing. I can say that all 4 machines survived this crash test !
The one and only REAL problem is that damn glue, Nintendo used to their displays >:(

Has anyone seen anything like this before ?

Virtual Boy Shoshinkai 3D Goggles / Specs import jp


e5frog wrote:
Really, where can I find a the GameBoy player for NES?

Well according to wikipedia :
“Camerica had the Game Boy to NES developed by Biederman Design Labs, which appeared similar to the Super Game Boy”, but I don’t think that was ever released.

I see… I already have a Gameboy Player for my GameCube. Nintendo released a “Gameboy cart player” for every console she made, except for VB !…another proof how much Ninty hated(s) VB ! :rolleyes

What about a single arcade emulator (like Galaxians), using MAME arcade roms ?

Thanks a lot ! :thumpup:

I have to agree with e5frog.
Music seems to be a bit < off topic >.
Same goes to your picture playing VB.
I think it should be very short in length and targeted only to < competition > concept.
Nice effort !

Cool ! Thanks for this one !

Excellent job !!

Hmmm… things are a bit complicated now…arent’ they ?

Anyway a big thanks to whom – really – dumped them !

It was about time ….
“Shags” I own you a big : “THANK YOU ” :thumpup: