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@gloverRegistered August 29, 2010Active 1 year, 5 months ago
128 Replies made

To the folks just arriving… this isn’t really the “official” order location anymore, as they are currently available for purchase on Uncle Tusker’s site, http://www.uncletusk.com

Not quite every game… there was also NiGHTS into Dreams (yes, based on the Sega Saturn title).

As always, with projects like this, I’m a little worried that increased media attention will provoke a “Cease and Desist” eventually. Fingers crossed that doesn’t happen!

Still, it’s great to see the efforts of the community recognized!

Propster wrote:
Got mine!!! Thanks to everyone involved in making this happen, you’ve done us all a service!

Got mine as well! I must say, absolutely top marks to everyone involved in making this a reality. I honestly did a double-take at how EXACTLY like a real box and manual they are!!! I’m thrilled and proud to be able to add it to the collection.

Looking forward with great excitement to future projects!

Just wanted to drop back in and say I’m loving this shirt. Thanks for making them!

Put me down for a box and manual, please! Just let me know where to send money to.

Been waiting for this for close to a year. Exciting that it’s finally happening!! Bravo, folks! 🙂

Thanks for sharing all this with us, Mr. G! Be sure to share with the owner how much interest it’s drummed up here on the forum… maybe we can convince him to change his mind someday. 🙂


Always looking for a chance to wear my gamer pride. The fiancee is sure to be THRILLED walking next to me down the street, hahaha… 🙂

Yeah, I happened to be browsing for Virtual Boy things on ebay the day that auction was around, and I was absolutely livid (remembering MineStorm’s warning when he first started building them for us). It really was a sad day. 🙁

Not to beat a dead horse or anything, but… does anyone have any word on the current status of the boxes? Hopefully the end of the repro’s doesn’t mean the end of the box project. I’d still be happy to buy one from someone, with or without a manual.

Mutant Mudds is a great, great game – one of my 3DS favorites. There are some really fun little gems on the eShop, if you can pick them out from amongst all the other garbage.

Been playing through the Kingdom Hearts game series, since the 3DS one just came out and it sort of reminded me I had always wanted to play the previous ones. I’m trying to play them more or less in order, story-wise, so right now I’m playing Kingdom Hearts 2 for PS2, and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days for DS (when I’m out and about).

When I get a hankering, though, it’s hard to resist plunking down for some Galactic Pinball or Bound High. 😉

I’m definitely still interested in a box/manual combo (even though I tend to lurk more often than not on here, these days).

Very well done, indeed! 🙂

2)Benjamin Stevens
3) mawa
5)Randy Jeffery
12)Robert Molander (Gamewarriors)

Incidentally, how’s payment for this going to work? I’m guessing Paypal (since there’s probably a lot of ebay users here) or something similar?

If only I had the disposable income… 🙁

This is a crummy time to be looking for a job. NJ isn’t too far away from me, either. I’m sure the original inserts would pop up on eBay at some point or another.

Out of curiosity, I just scanned a random sampling of game (and movie) cases I had lying around, to see how they tended to display website URLs.

Almost without exception, it appears that common practice is still to include the www (but not the http://). Yes, most browsers now truncate it from the address bar display, and don’t require it to be entered when you’re typing in an address, but it’s sort of become ingrained into social consciousness that the www immediately signifies a website.

Granted, in 1995 and 1996 (the timeframe in which this manual “would have” been printed), the Web was just starting to get its feet under it… so there’s some element of breaking the illusion, whatever we do. The question in my mind really isn’t “what do we think it should say?” so much as “what would Nintendo have printed?”

I’m probably thinking about this way too much.

Here’s my recommendations:
1) Include the www.
2) Keep it all caps, rather than camel case as previously suggested. Web browsers don’t care what the case is, and it would be distracting to the eye to have an uneven block of text after a string of all-caps words. If the preceding text were mixed-case, that would be a different matter, but let’s stick with the given template.

4)Benjamin Stevens
7)Randy Jeffery

Come on guys, someone nab that 10th spot! 🙂

Looks like it got relisted without a Buy It Now price, but yikes, the back of that box is pretty torn up…


From near the very start of the thread:

Do the carts need dust caps?


Just got mine back in the mail… looks absolutely great. Thanks!!! 😀

I was pondering a day dressed as Matt Smith’s Eleventh Doctor, after I found a shop nearby that was selling replica Sonic Screwdrivers… Unfortunately, I don’t know how to tie a bow tie. 🙁

We shall see…