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@gloverRegistered August 29, 2010Active 1 year, 5 months ago
128 Replies made

Between my Pocket, GBC, Advance, and SP, I don’t even want to contemplate how many hours upon hours I spent, haha. I’m most nostalgic for the Pocket and SP, though… had some really great times on both systems. (I had some really great times on ALL of them, but those two stand out in my memory particularly.)

I remember getting a couple Game.com games in a clearance bin at Walmart for $3 each (Fighters Megamix and Batman & Robin, I think), resolving to track down a system and start collecting things for it, too. Then a friend lent me his, and after about five minutes with it I very quickly altered those plans. 😯 They should have issued eyestrain warnings for THAT screen!

mawa wrote:
why is this one goining up so high in price?

mario tennis boxed for display only

Those boxes are very hard to come by, given that the game was a system pack-in in the US without a box. I believe these US boxes were only printed and sent to Blockbusters that rented VB units, so they’d have something on the shelf for the game, too.

Yeah, ebay’s your best bet. You might also try Amazon, I’ve had good luck with the sellers there. In either case, make sure and read the descriptions carefully so you know what you’re getting.

Yeah, I had Teleroboxer years ago, but haven’t tracked it down again (yet). I do remember it being tough as nails, though… the first guy is pretty easy, but the second always destroyed me, haha. I remember getting to the third guy ONCE. Really hard, but really fun nonetheless!

Red Alarm is pretty challenging too, I think I need to get a better feel for the controls… practice makes perfect! 😉

Really interesting stuff! I remember reading a while back how exactly the VB displayed the images it did, but it was really confusing to follow in just text. Seeing these visual aids along with the explanation is awesome, and really sheds some light on what’s going on in that little red box!

VN102296400. Bought on ebay, but it came with a US manual.

Thanks! I did a little more scouting online, and they have a number of positive reviews on various sites, so I think I’m going to give them a try. I’ll report back on my experience if it ends up being unfavorable.

My Virtual Boy actually came today, so I’ve been having a blast! 😀 Lots of fun memories to relive, and new ones to make!