In case people haven’t noticed I just wanted to point out that there’s likely damage to the box that isn’t clearly depicted or mentioned in the description.
Judging by how the light reflects off the box, there seems to be a pretty noticeable indentation on the right side of the front of the box.
speedyink wrote:
Damn I want a Vectrex so bad. It’ll be really hard to find one I can afford that ships to Canada no less.
Sellers usually aren’t impossible to reason with in my experince. Even though it says shipping to the US only, it’s very possible they’re willing to ship to Canada. Usually they just want to avoid non-english speakers when limiting the area they’re willing to ship.
VectrexRoli2 wrote:
When you wanted to sell your Virtual Boy games you didn´t expect the Spanish Inquisition?
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!😉
Exactly 😀
Seeing that clip, I know that I have gone too long without any Monthy python =)
InactiveX wrote:
Wow.Hebbe_84’s original post might have been seen as vulgar by those to whom VB is a very precious thing, but I think the response has been pretty bloody harsh.
It’s just a bit of red and black plastic, right?
Edit: Last two posts are TL;DR.
To be honest, whatever one might feel about my original post, it seems absolutely mental to actually be offended by it. Could I have phrased it better? Sure, no doubt. If I thought someone would actually get offended by the fact that I think selling games is a hassle and most times not worth it, I would of course have left it out.
Well in my opinion the use of profiteering when it comes to non-essential goods is utterly ridiculous. Profiteering is taking advantage of the weak and/or disadvantaged. When it comes to essential goods, like water for instance, you really have no choice and there is no real substitute. You are more or less forced to buy what is offered, no matter the price. For non-essential goods it doesn’t work like that. If the market thinks the price is too high, no one will buy, period.
But fine, lets say for the sake of argument that profiteering in theory is possible in the video game industry. Unless one person or entity owns the vast majority of a video game, you can’t affect the market at all. So it still falls flat on its face.
What you are talking about is actually speculation, not profiteering, which is something completely different.
What you don’t seem to understand is that the market always decides what price is reasonable when it comes to non-essential goods, no matter how rare or common they are. Since the goods by definition are non-essential, no one actually needs them. Even if one person were to own every copy of a game, or like your example a prototype, the market still decides what a fair price is. The people driving the prices up are actually the collectors themselves. But I do agree that it would be a shitty thing to do, buying every copy of a game to control the supply, although impossible in practice.
I remember in an earlier post you, somewhat ironically, pinned a label of entitlement on me. It’s clear to me now, and should be to you as well if you have any kind of self-perception, that it’s actually you that is so full of entitlement that it’s shooting out of your ears.
You feel that you, and anyone else who wants to own a rare game, should be able to do so at your whim. And I, a former collector, is evil for not selling everything I own at whatever price you think is fair.
Do you apply this kind of reasoning in all other similar markets? Should I sell my house to you at the price I bought it no matter the market price, if I’m not emotionally attached to it, because you and your wife just loves it? Am I allowed to keep it even if you offer me the market price? Should an old man sell his mint condition vintage american car worth $50k for $5k, because that is what it cost in the 50’s? Is he allowed to keep it, even though he doesn’t love it anymore, if offered market price?
The prices of virtual boy are in all likelyhood never going to go higher than they are now, there’s no reasonable reason that they would. Whatever goes on in that grey lump of yours, if I’m not selling, it’s not because I’m holding on for the prices to go up.
Benjamin Stevens wrote:
HoMenace wrote:
what is wrong with profiting from anything…
Based on your detailed explanation, it strongly seems that you are simply referring to “making profits” or “profiting” from the sale of items. That is completely different from what has been under discussion here, which is “profiteering.” By definition, it is not possible to “profiteer” with common items, it is only possible to do so with very rare items. I think it is perfectly fine if people “make profits” or “profit” off of the buying and selling of video games, as long as they do so honestly. But “profiteering,” no matter how it is accomplished, is despicable, and I especially despise profiteering as well as the profiteering mentality in relation to video games, as video games are a strong passion of mine.
Actually the rarity of the good has nothing to do with it. What is needed to profiteer is to control the market. Which means you control the supply, however big or small, in order to raise prices. This also will only work for goods that are a necessity, it doesn’t really apply to luxury goods at all. If you’re going to throw definitions around I suggest you know what you’re talking about before doing so.
If you seriously believe that one can actually profiteer while owning a game that exists in the hundreds, then you are delusional. One either sells at market price or one doesn’t sell at all, actual profiteering is impossible.
What you perceive as “profiteering” is not being sure if wanting to sell a rare game at market price, while you see no problem in selling more common games for whatever price. It’s so hypocritical that it’s actually laughable.
@VectrexRoli2 & HoMenace
I have hung around gaming forums since the early 2000’s and I have honestly never seen such hostility towards people who buy and sell games for profit. The fact that I don’t even do it makes it even more ridiculous that I’m the target of it.
You seem to have a more reasonable approach to selling though. Being angry at people for nothing more than making a profit when selling games just seems incredibly petty and jelous.
Benjamin Stevens wrote:
Hebbe_84 wrote:
… Judging me by my first two posts alone may result in me being a “video game profiteer” …
Actually, assessing you by all of your posts now definitely proves that you are a profiteer. If that is what you want to be, then own up to it, and don’t get so defensive when one instantly recognizes who you are.
You have probably come to this conclusion yourself by now, but your opinion of me is not something that concerns me. I honestly couldn’t care less how you label me.
I did not buy any game I own or have owned with the intent of profiting from it. If I did I would have no problem admitting to it, because I don’t see the problem with people who do. As long as the buyer and seller are both honest straightforward people, I couldn’t care less about either person’s intent for selling or buying.
When selling games I would rather make a profit than not, If that makes me a profiteer in your eyes then so be it, I’m a profiteer.
You don’t have to worry too much about it though. Since I wouldn’t sell you anything for twice the asking price, you’re not going to be affected 🙂
Thank you for the post on the values though. I would rather sell a little cheaper with no hazzle than having auctions out for months though. I never ask a price on the high end of the spectrum, partly because of that.
I missed this on my first readthrough, but you’re suggesting that people care about what I originally paid for the games. I can assure you that collectors in general, or any other people, don’t care what the seller paid. People aren’t that petty and jelous. What is interesting when buying is the asking price compared to the current market price, nothing else.
- This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Hebbe_84.
Benjamin Stevens wrote:
Hebbe_84 wrote:
Benjamin Stevens wrote:
Hebbe_84 wrote:
@Benjamin Stevens:Well since I’m thinking about selling and explicitly say that the collecting have been on ice for the past few years it would indicate that my collecting days are most likely over. Not that it matters, but when I bought the games I never expected to sell them ever. The same goes for my SNES collection which was once one of the biggest in Sweden. And even if that wouldn’t have been the case, I would prefer you would refrain from judging who is and who isn’t a “true collector”. I don’t see how that kind of comment has any place in this kind of thread at all.
Well, in your first two posts, you revealed that you have known about and collected for the Virtual Boy for over 8 years, and yet in all that time, you never made an attempt to post on this site or get to know the community at all, which has been around since the year 2000. Then, when you finally decided to make your appearance to us, it was solely for the purpose of seeing how much money you might be able to get from somebody for two of your games, to see if it would even be “worth the hassle” to you, which strongly indicates that there is no financial burden in your life right now that is forcing you into this decision to sell your games. Not only that, but this strongly indicates that after having these two gems in your collection for over 8 years and after all the joy that you may have received from playing them and/or cherishing the fact that they were yours for all this time, you now feel some sort of entitlement to receive a profit from them, so you will not only have enjoyed that collection time for free but at the expense of someone else. Thus, you may have well just introduced yourself by saying, “Hey everyone, I’ve been holding onto these Virtual Boy games for 8 years now and never in that time wanted to get to know any one of you folks until now, since I now want to sell these games to someone or ones of you but only if I can make a nice profit in the end, in order for it to be worth my time.”
This wasn’t exactly the best approach to take.
Actually I have made an attempt in the past to join the site, I tried to register a couple of years ago, but I never received the activation mail. I tried a couple of times and then gave up. But even if I hadn’t, so what? Are you more of a collector than anybody who isn’t a member of this site?
No there’s no financial burden in my life right now, which was pretty obvious from my phrasing and yes it actually is a hazzle to sell games in my opinion. I know because I have sold several hundred in the past.
There’s no entitlement, I just don’t feel it’s worth selling if I don’t get enough money, then I’ll just keep them. Simple as that.
The last little rant I don’t really understand at all. The same could be said about anyone selling anything pretty much anywhere.
I’m not that easily offended but I would think that a lot of people are disheartened if this is the way you treat new members. While browsing the forum the other day I happened upon another thread where a newcomer asked if there were roms on the site and people basically called him an idiot. I was polite and so was he, so there’s really no reason for people like you to come into to thread, not actually trying to contribute to the thread, but basically to spread an aura of elitism. Maybe you should take a good look at yourself instead of berating me.
I imagine that you already understand the importance of making a good first impression, and if you analyze your first two posts again, you should understand why they gave the impression that you were a video game profiteer, as your first two posts were all that anyone had to look at concerning you. If you are not a video game profiteer, then that is very good and I have no beef with you. You should also understand why just about nobody who is into video game collecting likes video game profiteers. All of my comments were directed at video game profiteers in general.
Judging me by my first two posts alone may result in me being a “video game profiteer”, yes, not that I understand the need for judging people at all. I have never been into collecting for profit. I don’t mind making a profit once I’ve decided to sell something, but that has never been the goal. But if it had been, I would still not see the problem. Are people that buy and sell games for profit morally bankrupt? Can the same thing be said about people who deal in collectible cars? I really don’t understand the hostility towards so called “video game profiteers”. They’re not forcing anyone to buy, it’s entirely up to you whether you want to deal with them or not. If the market didn’t approve of them, they clearly wouldn’t exist. It just seems like a complete non-issue and a case of ‘none of my buisness’.
bigmak wrote:
I think that’s being a bit harsh (my opinion). He asked for a value..we gave our opinion..he was a bit disappointed. Totally understandable *shrugs*.Hopefully things will work out..he’ll either keep collecting, stand pat, or sell for what he can get :). If he keeps collecting, I’ll give him the advice I give every new person to the site: get the flashboy and enjoy all the new stuff that has come out in the last few years…bound high, fishbone, space squash, faceball….this might be the first time he can actually play gundam :) pinball..vb racing..hunter..hyper fighter…the list goes on and on.
Maybe he has info he can contribute to the site. That long ago, things were being sold and never seen again…(no..i’m not suggesting he has dragon hopper :P).
With the new releases and upcoming releases..we might get a bunch of old guys coming back..or new members. I just want to make sure we’re keeping a positive tone and opening up to have a bigger and better community.
I actually wasn’t even disappointed, it was more of a surprise. I have pretty much already decided to let go of, at least, the more expensive games. When I was still collecting for both VB and SNES, I never played the more expensive games, I just liked owning them. And since I don’t get the same feeling collecting anymore, there’s no loss really. I’ve been thinking about getting a flashboy for years, I just haven’t gotten around to it. I just have to fix a broken eye in my VB unit first 😛
I don’t think I know enough about VB to contribute anything not already known, but I’d be happy to help if I can of course.
Benjamin Stevens wrote:
Hebbe_84 wrote:
@Benjamin Stevens:Well since I’m thinking about selling and explicitly say that the collecting have been on ice for the past few years it would indicate that my collecting days are most likely over. Not that it matters, but when I bought the games I never expected to sell them ever. The same goes for my SNES collection which was once one of the biggest in Sweden. And even if that wouldn’t have been the case, I would prefer you would refrain from judging who is and who isn’t a “true collector”. I don’t see how that kind of comment has any place in this kind of thread at all.
Well, in your first two posts, you revealed that you have known about and collected for the Virtual Boy for over 8 years, and yet in all that time, you never made an attempt to post on this site or get to know the community at all, which has been around since the year 2000. Then, when you finally decided to make your appearance to us, it was solely for the purpose of seeing how much money you might be able to get from somebody for two of your games, to see if it would even be “worth the hassle” to you, which strongly indicates that there is no financial burden in your life right now that is forcing you into this decision to sell your games. Not only that, but this strongly indicates that after having these two gems in your collection for over 8 years and after all the joy that you may have received from playing them and/or cherishing the fact that they were yours for all this time, you now feel some sort of entitlement to receive a profit from them, so you will not only have enjoyed that collection time for free but at the expense of someone else. Thus, you may have well just introduced yourself by saying, “Hey everyone, I’ve been holding onto these Virtual Boy games for 8 years now and never in that time wanted to get to know any one of you folks until now, since I now want to sell these games to someone or ones of you but only if I can make a nice profit in the end, in order for it to be worth my time.”
This wasn’t exactly the best approach to take.
Actually I have made an attempt in the past to join the site, I tried to register a couple of years ago, but I never received the activation mail. I tried a couple of times and then gave up. But even if I hadn’t, so what? Are you more of a collector than anybody who isn’t a member of this site?
No there’s no financial burden in my life right now, which was pretty obvious from my phrasing and yes it actually is a hazzle to sell games in my opinion. I know because I have sold several hundred in the past.
There’s no entitlement, I just don’t feel it’s worth selling if I don’t get enough money, then I’ll just keep them. Simple as that.
The last little rant I don’t really understand at all. The same could be said about anyone selling anything pretty much anywhere.
I’m not that easily offended but I would think that a lot of people are disheartened if this is the way you treat new members. While browsing the forum the other day I happened upon another thread where a newcomer asked if there were roms on the site and people basically called him an idiot. I was polite and so was he, so there’s really no reason for people like you to come into to thread, not actually trying to contribute to the thread, but basically to spread an aura of elitism. Maybe you should take a good look at yourself instead of berating me.
@Benjamin Stevens:
Well since I’m thinking about selling and explicitly say that the collecting have been on ice for the past few years it would indicate that my collecting days are most likely over. Not that it matters, but when I bought the games I never expected to sell them ever. The same goes for my SNES collection which was once one of the biggest in Sweden. And even if that wouldn’t have been the case, I would prefer you would refrain from judging who is and who isn’t a “true collector”. I don’t see how that kind of comment has any place in this kind of thread at all.
Yeah, as I said above, my goal collecting was never to make a profit and it was never the expectation either since I didn’t really reflect on it at all at the time. I was just surprised that the price of Space Invaders hadn’t gone up since I bought it. I have way more experience with PAL SNES games than VB and the rarer games there have gone up somewhere between 200% and 1000% in the last 10 years. So that’s probably why I expected VB games to have appreciated somewhat in value as well. But I guess the market simply isn’t big enough for VB.
I didn’t spend that much on Virtual lab back then, the reason it wouldn’t be a big profit is mainly the conversion rate between the swedish currency and the US dollar. I think I spent $470 on Virtual lab and somewhere north of $350 on Space invaders, both of which were kind of expensive back then. But yeah, break even was a slight exaggeration. I would probably stand to make like a $100 profit in the end.
Only $300 for Space Invaders in near mint condition? Wow, that seems incredibly low 😮
After about 8 years of owning them, I would pretty much break even if selling them at least haha 🙂