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@him76Registered September 6, 2007Active 17 years ago
7 Replies made

Not yet, he is going to return soon due to complications of his health, so i’ll talk to him when he gets in.

i wouldn’t mind at all, and yeah he is as curious as i when it comes to garage sales, he found a bracelet with a few nice red stones and it was an antique of some sort, it turned out the bracelet was worth 8.5 million, those red stones were red diamonds, he also bought a 200 year old throne from some european country, we all thought it was just a badass chair till he did research on it after getting it apraised

holy sweetness this is almost orgasmic

No I can’t get ahold of him, well I can but he wont be home till next month, and I can’t personally go to his place as he lives in las vegas, nevada and I live in the east of texas.
yeah, some anyway, I dunno if its a full game or not I didn’t play it all the way through, my cousin introduced me to carmageddon(or however you spell it) and as I was young and foolish I didn’t think much of it till recently when i started collecting rare video game consoles and games, I have 22(american) consoles and hundreds of games. I’ll try to ask him about it and get more info, I know its special as he has the cartridge in a sefety deposite box most of the time, but he has a brain tumor and should be dead soon(yeah it sounds harsh) and I know he’s leaving it to me, so i’ll get it within the year either before or after I visit. he’s also leaving me his oil company and 8 million when he dies since i’m the only one “worthy of” his fortune, he can’t trust his kids as his son is a deadbeat who blows his money on booze and women, and cars, and his daughter is in a cult and is likely to give everything to it. and when I receive this inheritance I am to open a videogame museum. which i hope everyone will come see it ^_^

never mind i fixed both of them and now have 2 functioning VB units ^_^

neither of my VB units function properly expecially the one with the serial number
The left eye doesn’t come on at all and the right eye is very dim

This one i’ve had for about 6 months and I beleive the left eye is beginning to go out on me, this unit usually freaks out and the image is reduced to lines or moves to the top of the screen

both of these i got on ebay so i don’t know where they came from, if someone could shine some light on why these are malfunctioning like this please let me know.

How do I order one and how much are they?