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@homenaceRegistered January 2, 2014Active 2 years, 8 months ago
144 Replies made

Thank you to everyone who showed interest but the collection left my home today 🙁 . The local collector ended up coming by and fell in love with the collection lol. From the sound of it, he will end up being a new member here as he was very interested in the homebrews. Once he makes an account, I will make a post in the serial number thread whith his name so all of my systems numbers can be updated.

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who commented and messaged me with their kind words. It is greatly appreciated!

So the PM’s have been rolling in and so far there is one interest from here in the entire collection as well as a local collector that has put in a considerable offer. At the moment I have to consider the people who are willing to take the whole lot before those that are interested in individual items. I will still keep the PM’s and reply to them in order in which they came if both of these offers do not pan out. In the mean time, here are some over view shots of everything. More detailed photos and pricing will follow if everything gets parted out. Thank you to everyone who has shown interest so far!

VirtualChris wrote:
I have a question. There’s like a half-dozen US Jack Bros. on eBay right now. They’re all over $200 except one that’s $199.99. Why is this? It can’t be because of rarity, since they keep popping up on eBay. Why aren’t the other games released at the same time $200 as well?

Its because of popularity and it is an Atlus game. They’re games usually hold a good value as they produce quality titles.

A good example of another ridiculously high priced game is Smash Bros Melee. There were millions upon millions released and yet it still goes for $50+ just because of popularity and great gameplay.

VirtualChris wrote:
Hello, I am getting close to completing Insecticide, so if you would kindly download the game and play it on real hardware if you have a FlashBoy and tell me of anything weird or wrong, that would be really great. You can download the game here:

Thanks for your contributions Chris! I will put it through it’s paces on Sunday 🙂

If you are just looking for the foam visor, japan game stock has them brand new for about $30.


if you also need the plastic insert, I believe the user Minestorm on here 3D prints and sells them.

This was nice

Benjamin Stevens wrote:

Seriously… sellers need to let bidders bid up rare items, if they have no idea of what those in the market are willing to pay for such.

Shhhhhhhhhhh! Thats how I got my 3D Specs 😉

foil_lone_wolf wrote:
I would be happy to return some to you. In fact, I’d start breaking it up if it meant you were getting it. That in turn would help out everyone else.


Please keep us informed if this happens! That is assuming that Eric doesn’t take all the good stuff 😛

I highly doubt a community purchase will happen but I would go in for about $4000 worth of stuff 🙂

Can I ask that the 2 VN9 units be placed at the bottom of the list as they were proven to be restickered later production systems? I only ask this because I am facing having to sell the lowest serial # system and I am worried that those 2 units being at the top might reflect badly to a potential buyer. Thanks.

Its your game, design and shape it to your liking. I commend anyone that has the talent and spends their personal time developing games. Thanks for the hard work and don’t be too hard on your self.

This is very interesting! I just checked my 2 Nintendo employee bundles and both of the taps were US mosiac taps. These are both very low serial number units. Makes me wonder if these originally came in the white box setup. Do you by chance know the story behind your white box US system? Mine came in completely unlabeled hardshell cases and were used by Nintendo employees as “salesman samples” to try to get shop owners to order them. One of the cases has a sticker on it that reads: Property of NMI, 4820-150thAvenue N.E., Redmond, WA 98052 USA.

Ben, yes both of these US mosiac taps use the snes 002 power adapter.

Great job Thunder! While this normally isn’t my style of game, it has grown on me. Ive never played snatcher before, is this how the whole game plays or is there more action of sorts to come? I can really appreciate all the hard work and the heart touching back story that has gone into this game.

The only issues that Ive encountered is low sound and audio track transitioning. Other then that, it plays great!

Thanks again and I’m looking forward to the next installment!

Just did a play through of Red Zone for the Sega Genesis. This is a very interesting game and has some awesome 3D depth effects that would work amazingly well on the VB. It even has cutscenes in red and black!

johnme wrote:
My SN# is VN900006102 purchased at a New Orleans area Sears in early 1997.

This just confuses me even more lol. So we know they cant be the first off the production line as they purchased it in 1997. I feel confident in this because the earliest units were for Nintendo employees as both of mine were Nintendo sales peoples systems that were used to demo to retail owners. More over, it would be hard even for the Virtual Boy to have its initial production systems to sit on the shelves for 2 years. This shoots down the idea that they were refurbished systems which after looking into it made a lot of sense because they do indeed do this. These systems really are a curiosity.

Just had another thought. Has anyone ever sent in a console for repair directly to nintendo? Perhaps the service center relabled them after repairs were made? It would be interesting if thats the case and you open it up to find out its been soldered.

vuefinder83 wrote:
Well here it is, next to a normal serial #.here are the differences i could find between them.
1) the barcode,letters and the numbers are bigger in size
2) the sticker itself is a bit more rounded on the corners
3) its hard to see in the pics but there is old sticker residue
In the corners not fully covered by the rounded sticker,
indicating there was once a different serial# at one point.
4) out of all my other vb units with ac adapters made in jpn
this one came with an ac adapter made in china with different
textured plastic.

Very interesting find. If the tap its self is different but an official Nintendo product then I would go along with this serial number being official. I doubt as well that it is a fake but possibly one that wore off or was unreadable so a shop owner might have made their own to scan for inventory? Only problem I see with that is why use an official-ish style serial number?.

Lmao >_< priceless!

vuefinder83 wrote:
here are mine

VN10001267[5] usa white box demo unit
VN90000057[5] ext w/rectangle usa retail??? Under investigation

Is the white box demo unit like the one pictured in this thread?http://www.planetvb.com/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=4678&viewmode=flat&order=ASC&type=&mode=0&start=150

Please do share pics of the VN90000057[5] unit.