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@imaspidermanRegistered August 5, 2012Active 6 years, 9 months ago
107 Replies made

My two cents is I agree. Makes no sense. Also I’ve been compiling one of my projects with -O so I tried it with -O2 and it stops working. No errors just no output from the same code that works fine with -O. I haven’t dug into it at all but the -O2 optimizations clearly break what I’m working on. Doesn’t really explain anything but might be some evidence that there is a bug there.

bigmak wrote:
Thunder doesn’t program a game..he programs a program to make a game.


Ha. I couldn’t help it…

Just played through a little. This looks GREAT!. I love the practice range. Runs great on mednafen. Nice work Thunderstruck!!!!

Not being a hardware guy but a software one. If I saw the issue while coding id guess there was something wrong with character or bgmap memory areas.

Welcome aboard!

Welcome to the site. You’ve found a great community here. Don’t apologize for your English, there are a lot of people on this site in which English is not their first language. English is my first language and I could not write in any other so I’m always impressed by anybody who can speak more than one language. I recently read (most) of One Punch Man manga online. Where I read it from didn’t have the complete series but I enjoyed what I was able to read.

Without a doubt if your looking for VB information this will probably be your one stop shop.

Just wanted say using the script blitter attached to this post I was finally able to get a native compile on linux. Also a pleasant surprise was that the -O option to optimise the gcc compile actually works so I don’t have to keep compiling with the 2.95 version to get my optimised code.
Thanks blitter!
Just an Fyi if somebody else tries it. Make sure your using textinfo (makeinfo) version less than 5.0. You’ll get errors when building the doc files otherwise.

I have an idea for a game. This was inspired from the old missle command game. (You remember the lines streaking down from the top of the screen and your defending cities on the ground). So very similiar idea but with a VB twist. My idea is a game called Meteor Defender VB (Just in case Meteor Defender is already taken:)). You operate a lateral moving turret in first person view. In front of you are cities that need to be defended. Falling from the sky are meteors and by moving your turret left and right and moving the cross hairs of the gun up and down it’s your job to protect all the cites. It would be very arcade like in style in that it would get progressively more difficult to defend as you advance through the levels. Perhaps even a survival mode for highscore compitetions that would just increase in difficulty until it’s basically impossible to go any further. All with wireframe graphics, perhaps some simple animations (like cities on fire, exploding meteors, etc..), high score screens after each level keeping track of accuracy giving bonuses for each city that survived the onslaught. But something that is fun to play, relatively easy to make and shows off a little of what the virtual boy can do.

If I was really ambitious I’d even attach a screen shot of that game from mednafen if it was a work in progress 🙂


Happy new year! Any year starting off with me not being called in to work has got to be a good year!

Whoohoo. Merry Christmas to me. It only took about 50 tries but I finally beat it. I couldn’t figure out how to take a screen shot from my phone before getting off the win screen but I did take the high score shot.

Pondering #3. Personally I like games that give you “all of the above”. So for example, having optional power-ups right before a difficult section but giving bonus points/incentives to NOT use them. So if it’s too difficult use the power ups but take a hit on your high score or something like that. That way people with real skill at the game can set higher scores by completing it without using the power-ups but people just wanting to complete the game can do it as well by using them. Also it’d be pretty nice to have the game keep track of what you used / didn’t use as part of the scoring so that makes for a good high score contest. Just my two cents.

Android 4.1.2 Samsung Galaxy S2. I like to ride that line between practical and cheapskate 🙂

As for the performance hit it only really affected me because I was writing code for wireframe graphics and therefore did not utilize the VIP at all. I was craming a lot more instructions into a game frame than would be done for a regular game using the VIP and sprites. So I was processing every pixel with the CPU without any help from the VIP. I still code and compile everything in VBDE first and then just recompile when I’m about finished with the 2.95 version to get the performance boost. There are some syntax/structural differences that you need to account for between the GCC versions to do that but I usually keep my code pretty simple so it was easy to adjust for those.

Im pretty sure blitter was referring to the “precompiled version” that DaVince mentioned which is 2.95. But he can correct me if I am wrong. However I would like to note that the version with VBDE as I and blitter have pointed out in other posts doesn’t compile with the most optimal code for whatever reasons. Whether its the patches or something inherant in gccvb 4 is probably still an outstanding question. I setup a windows vm and installed cygwin just to compile with the 2.95 version because the compiled code was roughly 5 times faster than with the newer version. Things like using “inline” on a function which should cause the compiler to inject the function inline still produce normal function jump and return code in VBDE. Of course I don’t know enough about gcc to even guess at where to look for that kind of stuff.

The simplest way to get started on Linux is to install wine and download vbde. You can extract vbde right in the drive_c folder of .wine and startup the programmers notepad under the editors folder. Im writing this from memory so folder names might not be exact. There is an item or two more to setup but I dont remember it being difficult to do.

I will chime in as one of the coders. I have no issues giving access to this cart to the community. Its not something I paid for or was even expecting so I am thrilled that I got anything at all. I wrote my entry fully expecting it to be open source and used by the community however they see fit. Just my 2 cents.

I have developed everything on Linux however I’ve been lazy and cheated a bit. I just use wine with VBDE and it basically runs without any issues however as I noted in other posts for whatever reason I can’t get the optimization parameters for gcc to work on the version packaged with VBDE. I setup the older version on a windows virtual machine running on virtual box and installed cygwin and it runs just fine as well. I tried compiling natively once but ended up with errors I just couldn’t figure out and since I have it working using work arounds I wasn’t going to delve into it any further.

Got mine about a week ago. It is a fantastic piece of work. Great job to everyone involved.

Maybe I’m being too simplistic but if just need to count down ticks and it needs to be able to grow dynamically why not use a linked list of “timer counters”. Add nodes to the list when you start the “event” being timed, subract 1 tick from each counter in the list, when you hit 0 remove the node and handle the event. There will probably still be a limit of some sort for max timers 50, 100 and just use that max for an array of available counters. Im writing from my phone so I won’t be sending any code examples and I’ve never tried it so its just an idea/theory