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@imaspidermanRegistered August 5, 2012Active 6 years, 8 months ago
107 Replies made

Since this is still a work in progress I’ve made some updates. Fixed camera bug when rotating camera. I also coded the line algorithm in assembly and got about 400% better performance out of it so it should now be able to handle more complex models and still get decent frame rates.

I am hoping to have something for the contest as well. My time is pretty limited though so I doubt I’ll be in the running for a finalist

Soo maybe not so easy… But still possible I think.

I have written a few simple android apps and my first thought would be it is probably possible. Just about all android programs are written in java. I’ve never used a flash boy but assuming it uses a standard usb storage device interface I doubt it would be very difficult to create a simple app.

sw201444 wrote:
Who’s Benjamin?

An avid Virtual Boy collector(to put it mildly). He’s well known here.[/quote]

He’s also my little brother. Hence the idiot comment 🙂

I bet Benjamin Stevens will offer you a lot of money for that one.

I bet he would too. I know his whole family. They’re all a bunch of idiots.

For cool visuals and effects you can do just about anything with a little knowledge of javascript and css. As for a forum if you want to do it yourself you’ll need some database skills and some sort of server side language like php, asp or jsp. I’m pretty sure you can signup for hosted forums and have someone else do the work for you but I’ve never looked into if any are free or how much they would cost.
Another big question is do you host your own site on your own server or is someone else hosting it. If someone else is hosting it chances are you’ll only be able to use the tools they are willing to provide.
I write web applications for a living and use ASP.NET running on the .NET framework using Microsoft IIS as the web server and using Oracle or SQL Server as the databases.
At home I use Linux running Apache as a web server and using PHP for the server side code and MySQL databases.
It’s really a matter of preference (if your in charge of all your web hardware).

Beyond that if your looking for examples or specific things I could go into more depth but without know what your options are I can’t really get too specific without boring everyone who would read this. 🙂

I’m also curious about the HOWTO structure. If the src and dst mask are just for the address part of instruction it makes sense. But if the masks are for the full instruction I would think that the mask should be 0xffffffff. The 9bit mask doesn’t match just 9 bits so I’m scratching my head over this as well.

Here is the linker script I’ve been using. I pulled it from one of the threads on this site but don’t remember which one. I would try it out and see if you still have the odd addresses showing up. Since making a change to it corrected some of the issues I would think at least part of the problem is the linker script. You might have more than one issue though.

Good to hear. Hopefully that clears everything up for ya.

Seems really odd that the linker would come up with a jump of around 4M for a rom that’s only 128k in size… I found the first odd jump at 700005ee. If I understand how the linker should work I would think the linker pointer would never calculate an address larger than the total rom size. Can you post your linker script the vb.ld?

Like RunnerPack I don’t know much about the behind the scenes stuff but I’m always up for learning something new. Any chance you can post some source code or the rom so I can have something to reproduce the error? I don’t have anything that produces this error (yet). I wouldn’t mind poking around in my free time.

BTW, I forgot to mention that I included the eclipse project source code for the OBJ Parser inside the JAR file as well. It’s pretty simple to parse an OBJ file but if you want to see my source you can just extract it out of the JAR.

Nice work. I never found a way to skip forward when I did the initial translation. I always made Ben test everything :). He never seems to get bored with playing the Virtual Boy so you could probably delegate some of the testing.

Awesome. I hope you get it. It would be a shame to leave it unfinished. I’m also glad you enjoy it. I thought it was fun as well to hack the roms. I haven’t been able to any VB coding for a couple of months now. I’m hoping to start back up soon but only time will tell.
Best of luck.

I will be back home on Wednesday and have a couple of free days. I will start looking into this then. Maybe I can come up with a fix. If Greg has some time he could write me what the problem is.

If I remember correctly the problem was two fold. Not only was the data stored compressed but there was also a routine that copied sections of the compressed data to other places on the screen. So to give a simple example if my name “GREGORY” were part of screen routine all the letters would be stored compressed but the G and R would only exist once inside of the compressed data. So the compressed data would look more like “GREOY” and there would be routine that would duplicate and place the G and R on the screen correctly. So when you try to replace existing data with new data you not only have to change the old characters to new characters but then you’ll have to modify the routine that is placing the sections of compressed data on the screen. It can probably be done, but just wasn’t something I had the time to try and figure out.

thunderstruck wrote:
Holy shit, this looks great in 3D.

Yea I thought it would look pretty good. Like I said earlier my line function is able to plot parallax on a pixel by pixel bases so the 3d effect is about as good as I think I can make it. The trick is just finding the limits that don’t give everybody a headache while trying to look at it.

morintari wrote:
The Force is with you Greg… Always.

Just wondering Greg, not criticisim. But since your dealing w equasions in direct draw could you draw circles for the cockpits instead of diamonds. A circle would only get smaller and larger. it seems that a circle would be easier to calculate and render I’m no programmer just an artist here so I really don’t know what I’m talking about. But hey Greg am I even close.

The answer is yes it is possible. But currently all my objects are arrays of x,y,z coordinates. So my draw function simply draws lines between all the points just like a big connect the dots. However it would be possible to add equations for other types of processing it would just require a storage format capable of “storing” the equations or more specifically the values of the equation and which equation to use and then putting them all back together as a game entity along with the “connect the dots” format. On the upside I have written a wavefront OBJ file parser so I can create objects in something like blender or 3D Studio and export to an OBJ file and generate VB code for my functions. The downside is that the VB is not capable of rendering very many lines in a single frame so the polygon/line count has to be really really low.

Ahh Java… Excellent…..
Well I know what I’ll be up to the next time I get some free time. Thanks for the links.

Could you publish your midi so that I can compare results?

Here it is
