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@ironhellRegistered December 5, 2010Active 9 years, 9 months ago
3 Replies made

KR155E wrote:
From now on I will ebay all FlashBoys.
(just kidding)

yikes! I sure hope not, I couldn’t win this one if I had half a grand on it. 🙁

Yeah, Im the guy who went to extreme lengths to buy this, but someone seems to have even deeper pockets than me for this.

However, Ive since given up the fight, so it should stay where it is, it was just me and some other guy.

Im sure another flashboy will come around that doesn’t cost nearly 5 times the retail.

I hope whoever it is has the $450 to pony up, if not, Id still be willing to bid on it again.:)

VirtualJockey wrote:
Any chance there are some unclaimed FlashBoy PLUS units for sale at MSRP? 😯

I second this. I held that auction for 2 days until it went too high.

I check out that preoder page but it says sold out. Is that for the last batch (aug) or is the next batch already sold out?