Ok so, I had to make an account for this alone, but, I rediscovered an email I received from this site almost a year ago, thinking I didn’t get a response. I came across it looking for any reproduction carts of Bound High to add to my collection. Although I will say the English here is a little bit off and somewhat concerning, and keeps me completely split on whether or not this is indeed true. Then again this would be a pretty elaborate hoax to put up listings of repros of Dragon Hopper and alike super early like this, but who knows. Here’s an exact copy paste of the email I recieved in April of last year;
“Hi Sir,
We have been contacted by a pretty smart person who claimed to have these prototypes, we sent him a whole pile of free stuff, and he was impressed to show us some details. It looks like the real deal.
He asked we make preliminary listings, fix a price, and get more FB+ ready. Then he plans to give us the files for release later. His big goal is affordable release to those who appreciate them. He is very particular that he’ll decide when.
One update is he may hold off a Mario Land VB, but others on track. Me and team pushing to get everything ready.
I think many know about this, but they don’t see much. Many strong options for VB reproductions. We normally would never put up a listing like that unless it looks really true or possible.
We put you on the waiting list, and you’ll get access to the first batch. The timeline looking late this year or next year. Again the contact will decide.”
The last paragraph below is from an earlier email reply from October of 2023. One I also somehow thought I didn’t recieve an answer to;
“We have a contact who claims to have worked for Nintendo and also claims to have these files and more. We sent him some free stuff and he showed us in a virtual meeting that he appears to have these prototype games. He asked we make a preliminary listing, have a black shell available, and a few more things. If all goes well easily next year we may have screenshots and items ready on our website to purchase. No concrete proof now, but he looks promising. We also will pre-program our FlashBoy+ with any prototype upon purchase/request when the time comes.”
So yeah. Something about a guy claiming to work for Nintendo reminds me of those kids in the old Xbox Live days claiming their dad works for Microsoft or something like that, lol. I agree with Kazin here for us to remain cautiously optimistic. But for me I’m mostly cautious as of now. I will say that at least, the few who have talked about Vintex64 online don’t seem to have any issues with their repros from what I could tell, but don’t quote me on that. Fingers crossed tight.