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@jasonbarRegistered January 30, 2013Active 2 years, 5 months ago
27 Replies made

I’ve got Panic Bomber JP CIB for sale. Your post says you’re looking for Bomberman, but I’m assuming you meant Panic Bomber?




The last few items of my near-complete (and now, nearly completely sold) Virtual Boy collection are listed on eBay as honest-to-goodness auctions with no reserve or BIN, all starting at $9.99.

Kemco Baseball ’95 [JP]
Panic Bomber [JP]
T & E Tournament Golf [JP]
Teleroboxer [JP]
Vertical Force [JP]
Virtual Fishing [JP]

Have at ’em!



Thanks for your interest, but the system has been sold, shipped, & received by a happy Canadian.

Please see the Google Docs spreadsheet for the latest availability prices:



23 items remaining. Put on eBay with BIN OBO listings ( http://www.ebay.com/sch/jasonbar/m.html ) but still available for direct purchase here if not yet sold on eBay (prices here lower than eBay!).

Current games/info/forum-only prices: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0As7-6oT7oyHudExwNzRrX2ltY1diNnNSN1RxSU1kVWc&usp=drive_web#gid=14

Gallery: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ai89280z02j5ana/dIgcQW5GAr


Summary as of this nanosecond:

Blox Planet VB US $91
Faceball-Prototype Edition Planet VB US $91
Jack Bros Atlus JP $50
Kemco Baseball ’95 Kemco JP $12
Mario Clash Nintendo US $40
Mario Clash Nintendo JP $42
SD Gundam War Bandai JP $675
Space Invaders: Virtual Collection Taito JP $425
Space Pinball Intelligent Systems Co, Ltd US $155
Space Squash Coconuts Japan JP $72
Teleroboxer Nintendo US $21
Teleroboxer Nintendo JP $20
T&E Virtual Golf Nintendo JP $20
Virtual Fishing Nintendo JP $70
Vertical Force Hudson Soft JP $17
Virtual League Baseball sealed Kemco US $14
Wario Land box, manual Nintendo US $60

Virtual Boy System displays solder-fixed+Tennis+Tennis manual Nintendo US $150
Controller Nintendo US incl w/ system
AC Adapter Nintendo US incl w/ system
Headphones, new box Nintendo JP $30
Hard Case foam & latches intact Blockbuster US $110
Soft Case a few spots/stains Performance US $60
Waterworld Poster Nintendo US $7
Nintendo Power magazine Vol 75 Virtual Boy on cover Nintendo US $30
Mario’s Tennis Card Nintendo Power US inc w/ magazine
Red Alarm Card Nintendo Power US inc w/ magazine
Teleroboxer Card Nintendo Power US inc w/ magazine
Virtual Boy Card Nintendo Power US inc w/ magazine

I have a Blockbuster hard case in very good condition (and a soft case…and more…): http://www.planetvb.com/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=5376&viewmode=flat&order=ASC&type=&mode=0&start=10

I also have 2 extra cart dust covers (which I was lumping in w/ my system for sale, but I can pull them out if you’re interested).

Please PM me.


Bump! Many items sold & shipped.

Please see the Google Docs spreadsheet for the latest availability, descriptions, & prices: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0As7-6oT7oyHudExwNzRrX2ltY1diNnNSN1RxSU1kVWc&usp=drive_web#gid=14

Please see the Dropbox gallery for pics of all items: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ai89280z02j5ana/dIgcQW5GAr

Feel free to make offers–preference given to those who want more stuff. Not looking for too much trade-wise these days, unless you’ve got rare Vectrex items or interesting NEC/Atari controllers, but feel free to offer up anything else that you wish.

For your convenience, I’ll paste the current (as of 2013/12/10) list as of below, but please refer to the spreadsheet link–I won’t update this post with changes.


Blox Planet VB US $91
Faceball-Prototype Edition Planet VB US $91
Galactic Pinball Intelligent Systems Co, Ltd US $25
Golf T&E Soft US $20
Jack Bros Atlus JP $50
Kemco Baseball ’95 Kemco JP $12
Mario Clash Nintendo US $40
Mario Clash Nintendo JP $42
Panic Bomber Hudson Soft US $40
Panic Bomber Hudson Soft JP $16
Red Alarm T&E Soft US $20
SD Gundam War Bandai JP $675
Space Invaders: Virtual Collection Taito JP $425
Space Pinball Intelligent Systems Co, Ltd US $155
Teleroboxer Nintendo US $21
Teleroboxer Nintendo JP $20
T&E Virtual Golf Nintendo JP $20
Virtual Fishing Nintendo JP $70
Vertical Force Hudson Soft JP $17
Virtual League Baseball sealed Kemco US $14
V-Tetris Bullet-Proof JP $18
Wario Land Nintendo US $60
Waterworld Ocean US $130

Virtual Boy System displays solder-fixed+Tennis+Tennis manual Nintendo US $150
Controller Nintendo US incl w/ system
AC Adapter Nintendo US incl w/ system
Headphones, new box Nintendo JP $30
Hard Case foam & latches intact Blockbuster US $110
Soft Case a few spots/stains Performance US $60
Waterworld Poster Nintendo US $7
Nintendo Power magazine Vol 75 Virtual Boy on cover Nintendo US $30
Mario’s Tennis Card Nintendo Power US inc w/ magazine
Red Alarm Card Nintendo Power US inc w/ magazine
Teleroboxer Card Nintendo Power US inc w/ magazine
Virtual Boy Card Nintendo Power US inc w/ magazine

PS–working on uploading a detailed photo gallery of all items. A good chunk are done so far. Trying to prioritize on the pricier items & those that are generating interest.


A family medical emergency popped up. I promise to get to your many PMs when I am able.
Thanks for your patience.

Getting tons of PMs & offers. Started a thread in the Marketplace to cover the actual sale(s).


Lester Knight wrote:
you should keep your vb, ac adapter, and flashboy. everything you collected can be enjoyed with those things. the vb is such an interesting system that i feel it should be enjoyed and not collected and shelved.

You make a splendid point, Lester! Are the recent homebrews available as ROM downloads?

Any news or forecast on whether a multi-flash cart will ever come out for the VB? I guess I’m spoiled by having a console’s complete library on one flashcart for all of my other cart-based systems. :]


Count me in for 1, assuming the price is at or near the $40 target price mentioned above.



As much as that is a silly listing, I think those are pretty darn cool. *blush* They’d probably make for a good Halloween costume or cosplay prop or something: ST:TNG Geordi or maybe X-Men Cyclops? They look to be child-sized.

Thanks for sharing.


Got my Blox & Faceball games in the mail today–such a professional pair of products–thanks for your efforts!

22 Vectrex eBay listings started last night, all with $9.99 opening bids. 19 games, 3 accessories. More coming later.



Prices dropped on all remaining items! :]



ID Name Price Cart/Overlay/Manual/Box/Plastic Tray Notes
1 Armor…Attack $41 COMBP
2 Armor…Attack $36 CO_BP
3 Armor…Attack $4 C Cart has Scramble label
4 Bedlam $11 _OMBP
5 Bedlam $32 COMPB
6 Bedlam $3 __M__
7 Berzerk $3 __M__
8 Berzerk $36 COMBP
9 Blitz Action Football $26 COMBP
10 Blitz Action Football $22 CO_BP
11 Clean Sweep $31 COMBP SOLD
12 Clean Sweep $28 COMBP
13 Clean Sweep $22 C_MBP
14 Clean Sweep $3 __M__
15 Cosmic Chasm $32 COMBP
16 Cosmic Chasm $32 COMBP
17 Cosmic Chasm $5 __M__
18 Fortress of Narzod $55 COMBP
19 Heads Up Action Soccer $33 COMBP
20 Heads Up Action Soccer $33 COMBP
21 Hyper Chase Auto Race $25 COMBP
22 Hyper Chase Auto Race $25 COMBP
23 Rip Off $32 COMBP
24 Rip Off $32 COMBP
25 Scramble $32 COMBP
26 Scramble $32 COMBP
27 Scramble $6 __MB_
28 Solar Quest $31 COMBP Manual has scores written on Score Record page
29 Solar Quest $27 CO_BP
30 Space Wars $34 COMBP
31 Space Wars $34 COMBP
32 Spike $34 COMBP SOLD
33 Spike $28 COMB_
34 Spin Ball $36 COMBP
35 Spin Ball $36 COMBP
36 Spin Ball $18 C__B_
37 Star Trek $32 COMBP
38 Star Trek $32 COMBP
39 Star Trek $32 COMBP
40 Starhawk $36 COMBP
41 Starhawk $31 CO_BP
42 Starhawk $14 C__B_
43 Web Wars $36 C_MBP
44 Web Wars $36 C_MBP
45 3D Imager $340 N/A 3D MS & CC carts, slight forehead foam degradation. NOT SURE IF SELLING–CONTACT ME.
46 Passport Catalog $6 N/A SOLD

[In addition to my eBay auctions, I’m selling lots of games–I’m hitting up the forums for these before going to eBay.]


I’ve got the following Vectrex items for sale. I’m using a Google Drive spreadsheet to track everything so that I don’t have to maintain multiple posts in multiple forums. I’ll copy & paste the original list in this post (tab formatting be darned…), but please refer to my spreadsheet for an updated sale list.


Payment via PayPal, I ship at least once per week, minimum $20 purchase.


ID Name Price Cart/Overlay/Manual/Box/Plastic Tray Notes
1 Armor…Attack $45 COMBP
2 Armor…Attack $40 CO_BP
3 Armor…Attack $5 C Cart has Scramble label
4 Bedlam $13 _OMBP
5 Bedlam $35 COMPB
6 Bedlam $4 __M__
7 Berzerk $4 __M__
8 Berzerk $40 COMBP
9 Blitz Action Football $29 COMBP
10 Blitz Action Football $24 CO_BP
11 Clean Sweep $31 COMBP SOLD
12 Clean Sweep $31 COMBP
13 Clean Sweep $25 C_MBP
14 Clean Sweep $4 __M__
15 Cosmic Chasm $35 COMBP
16 Cosmic Chasm $35 COMBP
17 Cosmic Chasm $5 __M__
18 Fortress of Narzod $60 COMBP
19 Heads Up Action Soccer $36 COMBP
20 Heads Up Action Soccer $36 COMBP
21 Hyper Chase Auto Race $28 COMBP
22 Hyper Chase Auto Race $28 COMBP
23 Rip Off $35 COMBP
24 Rip Off $35 COMBP
25 Scramble $35 COMBP
26 Scramble $35 COMBP
27 Scramble $7 __MB_
28 Solar Quest $34 COMBP
29 Solar Quest $30 CO_BP
30 Space Wars $38 COMBP
31 Space Wars $38 COMBP
32 Spike $34 COMBP SOLD
33 Spike $31 COMB_
34 Spin Ball $40 COMBP
35 Spin Ball $40 COMBP
36 Spin Ball $20 C__B_
37 Star Trek $35 COMBP
38 Star Trek $35 COMBP
39 Star Trek $35 COMBP
40 Starhawk $40 COMBP
41 Starhawk $34 CO_BP
42 Starhawk $16 C__B_
43 Web Wars $40 C_MBP
44 Web Wars $40 C_MBP
45 3D Imager $340 N/A 3D MS & CC carts, slight forehead foam degradation. NOT SURE IF SELLING–CONTACT ME.
46 Passport Catalog $6 N/A SOLD


I’ve done a quick search & haven’t found an answer yet–sorry if my search is weak. :]

I’ve ordered the Faceball packaging from Uncle Tusk & want to get the Faceball cart. I understand that a limited run has been made & has all been spoken for.

What’s the future for getting Faceball? Is there a waiting list for another run, perhaps?

Thank you,

Reproduction overlays are already covered! :]



Put another pause-modded Vectrex on eBay, this time w/ a box & Minestorm overlay & documents:


YouTube video of the pause button: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lkocL7oaz8

And a controller in great condition:



Is it just box & manual, or is the cartridge included?

It’s a bit unclear to me from Google’s Japanese-to-English translation:

“Box, with instruction manual, is the Virtual Boy Nintendo Virtual Lab software VIRTUAL LAB. There is no software on the NES. Unused. Behavior, such as a battery backup check is not done. Is a product of many years ago.”
