Yea sorry been having some issues of late with the site as well as lots of life obstacles 😛
Current obstacle is grrr… well.. I don’t know if it’s really them just yet..
Weird Issues. and it only effect Safari users.
I’ve been working on the site, applying a new iweb theme to it and changing a few items here and there. When I get a few moments I gotta take some pictures and add them to my site and replace all them… “borrowed” images i “borrowed” online.
But I sure am still fixing Virtual Boys, shoot me off a email at and I’ll do my best to get back to you, I’ve been loosing emails lately so it may take a try or two.
I came up with a pretty nice way, I’ll post a picture later.
I found a wooden box at a craft store, nice and small with clear sides, fits a decent amount of games in it (will get the bigger version soon as my library expands)
Fits about 20ish games right now with dust caps.
The slightly bigger one will hold much more and have a better view of the games when closed from the clear sides.
(I have what game boxes I have tucked away in storage so not to get damaged/faded)
Quick question, If I made a cart with re-flash-able chips, and also created the setup you have with the virtual boy cart reader that attaches to a eprom reader to create dumps, would it be possible to not only read from the carts but write to a reprogrammable cart that way as well?
Sorry about that, had the count down set for about 10 minutes after I would get home from work, enough time to pop it in, see what it was, and post. BUT. When I got home the Fiancée wanted to go shopping for groceries and by the time I got back I had forgotten/passed out asleep 😛 BUT! It’s up now! (don’t be too hopeful :/)
Too bad I had it mailed to me at work, where I have no Virtual Boys to try it on. BUT! I do have it in my hands, and on my lunch or when I leave for the day. I’ll find out what it is!
I’m hoping to get it any day now. For $10 I really can’t complain what it is, even if Mario or Baseball, them on eBay alone are about $3 and you always pay the over charged shipping of $7ish 😛 so $10 with free shipping… I’m not to worried.
but if it is a dead cart (which I’ve never seen any cart go bad from any of my systems like NES SNES N64 and such.) $10 is a lil… much for a dust cap 😛
I think its US Mario tennis as well, and my reasoning is IF it was a prototype, the original owner be it the antique dealer or the fellow before him, would KNOW what he has and know its value.
So Mario Tennis Can’t wait to have a 4th one of you woo!!