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@johnnyphantomRegistered September 14, 2009Active 3 years, 4 months ago
84 Replies made

I’m gonna make a post. About Trader Reviews, I think it would be great to have a “Safe List” to see who’s a good investment in trades.

Would you mind sharing with us some of the trustworthy folk you traded with?


The First Attempt, no tracking
The Second Attempt, there was. And I called the post office several times and my postal carrier. And it seems that all the box had was the return address and Just my city and state. (there’s alot more details to this entire case that just may be to much and too confusing to write it all down)

The 3rd attempt was to be the fedex… but never happened.


I’m gonna give the seller a few more days to contact me.
before I go public with his name, profile name here, and his myspace page I found. (hasn’t been on this site ore on myspace in months :/ ) he has two buddies on myspace, both claim to not have heard from him in a while… sooo… idunno if he’s legit not around, or cover up.

I have a spare eye shade and holder if needed.

Let me know



do you know any place where I can get a great scan of the carts?

What games do you need?

I don’t have Jack Bros. yet 🙁 looking for ANY place to buy it with a good label, there’s one on ebay now but label is destroyed!

Unless someone can reprint it for me 😛

I would LOVE to create a Virtual Boy game, but I’m a TOTAL programmer virgin, I have very lil Basic programming knowledge (safer to say none) and none of C.

What’s the best way for me to get on with creating a game?



Think I forgot about that quick lil blurb at the end. It was months ago since I last saw it, and all I remembered was him playing 13 and saying i’m holding all the games from North America.

Oh well.

I’ll have all 14 soon enough 😛 then I’ll make a review

I didn’t mind the AVGN review, I love the Virtual Boy and all of its games, and he was just being honest.

But What bothers me is he reviews 13 games, says that’s all of them, an Leaves out Jack Bros.

I really did like Vertical force, I have the Japan import one, I don’t think there is any difference at all with the game vs the US one.

I wanna think that Jack Bros. Would be my number 1 fav, once I get a copy 😛

I almost was tempted to put Water World on my top 5 list as a joke 😛

Awesome, I’ll get the specs tonight after work and some pics.

Are the games in boxes or loose carts?


Here’s my Official Rules/Trade Worth 😛

I will Trade this Macbook, (Specs and Pics will but up later tonight)

For any of the Following Bundles 😛

Bundle A:
Jack Bro. (U) Complete with Box, Manual, and Dust cap and 3D Tetris (U) Loose Cart

Bundle B:
Jack Bros. (U) Loose Cart with a FlashBoy

Bundle C:
Space Invaders (J) Loose Cart

Bundle D:
Virtual Lab (J) Loose Cart

Bundle E:
Virtual Bowling (J) Loose Cart

Bundle F:
Space Squash (J) Loose Cart and Insmouse no Yakata (J) Loose Cart

Make an Offer 😛

yea, the machine is out of warranty, apple won’t cover it. I work at a Apple Service center. The machine has been cleaned and tested. Works Great! just a few dead pixels

Based Upon the Games I’ve Own/Played

Number 1: Teleroboxer (U)
Number 2: Galatic Pinball (U)
Number 3: Wario Land (U)
Number 4: Panic Bomber (U)
Number 5: Virtual Fishing (J)

but then again I have a few more games coming in the mail I haven’t played:
Golf (U), Water World (U), Vertical Force (U)

Games I have but yet to play:
Virtual Tetris (J), Nesters Funky Bowling (U), and Baseball (U),

And Games I want to play but have not gotten a hold of 🙁
Jack Bros (U), Space Invaders (J), Virtual Bowling (J), Gundam GD (J), Virtual Lab (J), Space Squash (J)

So I may Edit my list as these factors Changed 😛

(Games I have but didn’t make the cut)
Mario Clash (U), Vertical Force (J), T&E Golf (J)

Mine was from a user here,
but wasn’t done via this site kinda.

He had a post here for Jack Brothers, I offered to buy it, he accepted.

Then I found out he had more games I needed from a site called Chase the Chuck Waggon (a video game auction site)

We made a deal (outside of both sites) for:
2 dust caps
3D Tetris
Galactic pinball
Jack Bros
Mario Clash
Nesters Funky Bowling
Vertical Force
Virtual League Baseball
Water world
Flash boy

And he had a used Virtual boy head unit he was also going to throw in.
all for $230!
Figured SCORE!

so a week goes by, and we kept in constant email contact. After a week he investigates why i haven’t gotten the package. a week goes by it turns up at his post office. He said that the problem was my address got torn from the package, but his was still on it so he was able to claim it. So he got the package, re packaged it, and threw in a copy of Insmouse no Yakata free! for the wait, and he would put packing tape covering the entire label so it would not get torn this time.

And this time had a tracking number!

So it gets to my city and state via USPS. But the day it said it would arrive, it didn’t. Was a problem with the package address again, and only after did it come all the way to my post office did it go back to the sender in Ohio. He gets the package back again, and says looks like water got on it and the ink ran. (weird that water got onto a label that was sealed with tape. And said he will send it fed ex with another bonus game (wario) now on friday.

Friday came, and i got a email saying couldn’t send it today but will on the next day Saturday. Saturday came and went (a month ago now) and still nothing, no more word from the seller, nothing.

What’s weird is the seller was always freindly, and responded to any email within a few hours to a day of time. He has not been on this site since October 8th was his last log in and the package was supposed to be sent around October 17th I think.

And October 14th-ish was also the 60 days to claim cut off from paypal.

So I’m not sure if either I was scammed and was just delayed till 60 days for the paypal. Or if something happened to the seller. Not sure. What is you guys opinion?

Right now My Bank is working on recovering the money.

Woo! My First review (The post right above me)

and here!



(In case people are following along, still waiting for my mega Virtual boy package to arrive… Lousy USPS)


Thanks for all the comments.

I did heat the solution itself, and placed it into a hot/warm toaster oven that was off, no dice.

I tried Drano Kitchen Crystals and Roto 100% LYE crystals from Ace Hardware no luck.
Will try the sandpaper idea on my test eye. If that doesn’t work I will then just order the Roebic stuff from online.

I had no problems with the heat gun/oven method in the past so far no problems came back (knock on wood) but if I wanna start repairing these systems for good ol’ paying customers, I cant skimp on the repair with a method that may or may not possibly fail. So Solder method is the only option I feel right in doing for customers.

I also can’t wait till Wednesday/Thursday-ish I have a lot of cool Virtual Boy stuff coming in for my own collection. ^-^

I’d also rather do the repairs myself than to do a kit for now. If I were to offer kits I would need a lot more repaired eye units than I do now.
In the future this may not be a bad idea, but for now I’ll keep it the way it is now. Where it is a mail in, plus I have a lot more spare parts for the system so I can also replace things like plastics, eye lenses, and speakers. That I can offer the customer if they like when I test the unit and see a failing or part in need of replacement.

almost like a total refurb place all at once 😛
But I don’t replace anything with out the customers permission of course.

Only problem is there’s no way to get brandy new parts for the systems 🙁 so the parts do come from used machines and scratches are not uncommon.

But may be good in a situation to replace a cracked plastic part.

I’ll continue to build upon my site and services for the good of the Virtual Boys ^-^

(Also the iPhone/iPod Touch App is in the works, I’m no programmer soo can’t promise a time of release or if it will happen but I’ll do my best)


Not sure if this helps anyone on this topic, but I do repair systems

just trying to help 😛

I used to do the oven method/heat gun but I just don’t like it as much anymore, was fine for friends or family since I could easily re-do it if the problems returned.

Now I only do the solder method.

Its a much more solid and reliable method.


The sites still in the works so bear with me 😛

I repair glitchy eye problems for $20 (plus shipping both ways)

and if you only have 1 eye giving you “guff” I don’t just repair the problematic eye, but also the other eye incase any future issues occur.

Hey All,
After a few repairs I think I’d rather just do the Solder method for ALL repairs, only because it’s a more stable/secure solution.

I’ve been having trouble removing the laminate from the cable.
I’ve Tried Drano crystals that contained Sodium Hydroxide, but , doesn’t seem strong enough to melt it. I’ve used a sharp knife in the past but take a lot of time and makes me a lil nervous (not so much as cutting myself as it is to ruin the cable)

Just looking for recommendations, sadly no store near me (unless I’ve missed it) carries Roebic brand Drain Opener. (May just special Order it online)

any other Suggestions you would like to see for your unit’s repair process?

suggestions on brand/type of solder iron?

What I intend to do to make repairs EVEN FASTER! Like Same day done

Is fix a batch of the eye LED transmitters with the solder method, test them, and when a unit comes in just swap them out. Then units shipped back same day.

This all sound good to you guys?
I’ll make each eye repair job only $20! (plus shipping both ways)
Won’t matter if just 1 eye is bad I’ll replace both for the one cost


Just fixed The first (and hopefully, of many :P) Virtual Boys!

Check it out on my site!


Coming Soon Features to the site!
– A Phone Number
– Pictures
– My Collection
– General Updates
– Suggestions?
– Possible iPhone Repair Tracker App?

Thanks Everyone!



So Far I’ve been having great luck with the heat gun, Mine has a temp adjust that goes from low (about 100 degrees to high around 600 degrees) as well as a tip/nozzle that helps it focus on a smaller area. So far I’ve had great luck, but you gotta keep it moving 😛

So far the ones I fixed in the last year (varying from 3-12 months) are still working great. I have seen a few problematic ones that needed solder.

Curious, what did you used to charge for repairs? just curious.


I’m gonna revamp my site pretty soon and add a Price guide and more info later tonight, shoot me a email tonight and I’ll get back to you on the repair. I’ll set up a record and add your repair to the status blog 😛

Typically I would charge $30 for the labor to fix the glitchy eyes, but since you’d be my first customer, I’ll discount it to $20 and see if you can determine what speaker, I can replace it with a good one for $15?

So you’re looking at about $35 (and 2 shipping labels both ways) as long as no other parts are needed than the 1 Speaker. You can use any shipping method you like, I recommend tracking and insurance, and I’ll repackage the system exactly the same way you ship it to me and slap on the shipping label and ship it back when done.

Thanks Everyone!