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@jojobeanRegistered January 17, 2008Active 13 years ago
235 Replies made

it definitely seems like a good group here. tons of resourceful people with a love for virtual boy! it is kind of sad that i’ll never get to play some of the rare games, but i’m trying to win a virtual lab thats on ebay right now and i may have something a little more rare coming my way.

*crosses fingers*

well, the thing that really changed my mind was talking to my friend that has a few really rare SNES prototype games. he’s the one that might be giving me the virtual boy one, but it depends on a few things. anyway, he was telling me what his collection meant to him and i could tell that it wasn’t just being spiteful to other people, it actually was important to him.

and i didn’t mean to offend by using the word ‘selfish’. i was just saying that i may feel a little bit selfish about it, but its not a big deal cause thats kind of what collecting is. you want something that is rare and nobody else has. its like my collection of stop motion movie figures. most of those are very very rare and nobody in the world has them but me. its kind of cool.

so sorry, i didnt mean to offend. also, i’ve been playing blox alot lately on the emulator.

I think that the games being bad isn’t very good reasoning. It seems to only further support the idea that their value wouldn’t go down since people want to collect the actual hard copy of the game for its rarity, not its playability. That being said, I can somewhat understand where some of these people are coming from. I may be coming into some source code for a game prototype and the first thing that came into my head was, “wow! this is so rare! nobody else will have it!”. Its kind of selfish, but whatever, I think thats the whole point of collecting anyway. It seems people are all for releasing the games until they actually get them, then they start to understand how important the small numbers can be. lol.

anyone tried it?

i think i saw something on ebay for that just the othe rday.

You’re right about that world championships cart. The value of these games isnt really affects because at this level of collecting a ROM is nowhere near the same thing as the actual physical copy of the game. And what about prototypes and such? It is almost impossible for somebody to just go out and buy a copy of those, not matter how much they really want it. I wish I could go out and buy some of those rare games but I make little money, am a full time student, and spent 8 hours in the hospital yesterday alone. Medical conflicts dont make life very easy… : sad:

I do keep an eye on the rare carts all the time, though. Really wish I could just buy it for a month and sell it again, but I cant even afford to do that. I actually had to sell most of my somewhat valuable games just to pay rent a year ago. It sucked so bad. >:( >:(

I think the 4 main rare japanese VB games are going to be highly collectible in their physical form, regardless of any roms that exist. Most people that have all these roms probably have the legit version in their homes. I also think that at this point the VB community has shrunk to a rather small number and the community as a whole would respect the Virtual Boy “entity” well enough to not distribute the games to people they didn’t know well enough. Also, dumping the rom image would help preserve the art form long past the eventual decay of the physical media it is on. I think it would be a safe bet to give the dumps to people that order the FlashBoy since they are obviously dedicated individuals. You could also just dump it onto a VB cart and not release the rom on the internet. Sure, its not the same as the real collectible, but the people that have the rom or bootleg version would understand that and full respect would still be given to those who have the physical copy. It just seems like a waste for these rare games to never be experienced by a large audience due to their large prices. If we really were to preserve the Virtual Boy community we would want the community as a whole to experience every aspect of the Virtual Boy.

i would do that. virtual lab is on ebay right now, too. if i knew how to dump stuff i would just buy it, dump it, and resell it right away. i think someone could make like $50 selling copies of dumps for those rare games. i’d pay it.

you should start up a preorder list and email us when its ready. i would hate to miss out on it again.

Are more going to be released? I would buy one for sure.

I dont know, but can I ask what you’re doing to your VB?

oh yeah, i thought i should give some more perspective into my VB love. I had a few demo carts and display items from the stores, and almost all of the games, but times got tough and I had to sell most of it. I plan on buying all of that back again in the future. Also, I have always loved VB but I cant even see in 3D because i’m blind in one eye. Now that is love.

blox is fun. i only have played it on an emulator though. you should remake dragon hopper or finish that silent hill game.

im sure the games arent that great but it would be cool to play some ‘new’ ones. and like you said, humans love that rare stuff.

someone should buy this and rom it up:

virtual lab

i bet gundam is pretty fun since its a strategy game. and prototypes would be so perfect.

in the grand scheme of things its not, but its kind of hard for the time being. i’ll search around some sites but most of them are nothing but dead links. i did find most the games i needed, though.

on a related note. are there roms out of virtual lab or sd gundam? i doubt it but would like to dream.