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@jzagalRegistered December 7, 2009Active 8 months, 1 week ago
111 Replies made

Probably for some sort of geek cred.

“Hey, I’m in with the tech crowd ’cause I have a VB”

Wait, what? The stand is set up wrong?

Funny thing is that I just googled for VB images and there are quite a few out there with the stand on backwards! Wow… I think mine is probably set up wrong as well… 😕

Definitely a display issue. Try leaving it on for a while and see if it gets better. I have a VB that, for some reason, needs to “warm up”, and the display sometimes gets better after 10 minutes or so… go figure.

Awwww…c’mon….let us dream!

Hell, if it goes for less than $5 (free shipping), it’s probably worth it, even if it is Mario’s Tennis.

I’ll be happy to write something up as well. Just need to download the ROM and try out the Flashboy!

Whoever owns the ROM could set up a page on Kickstarter and then people could pledge their money. Set a price, and if the money is pledged by the deadline, BINGO, release the rom!

I don’t see how someone could lose…heck, you could even make a TON of money if enough people are excited about getting the rom released!


Hmm..ok. And you’d have to have a pair of 3D shutter glasses to get it to work? Or anaglyph (red/blue) glasses?



There’s mine….

Hey, I have the game but haven’t played it yet (Red Alarm). Of the avatars available it’s the one I liked the most. 😎


Please add me to the pre-order list. Not sure if I need to do anything else or not.



Hmm… good question. I haven’t played all the games yet but of the ones I’ve tried I must I’ve enjoyed:

1. Galactic Pinball
2. Wario Land
3. 3D Tetris
4. Vertical Force
5. Mario Clash (ok, not that much…)
