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@kidgamervbRegistered November 9, 2012Active 1 year, 1 month ago
126 Replies made

Pretty cool mate!

Looks pretty damn cool! Good work 🙂

He also worked with the elusive Video Boy output:


これは、私が使っていたもの。 よく覚えていないが、モニタ出力した場合、この紙製のメガネ(赤色と緑色のセロファンが貼ってある)をかけてみると立体に見える? この紙製メガネは使っていないので、おそらくそういうことだったと思う。 開発時には、ゴーグルのバーチャルボーイで動作確認していたように記憶する。



Here’s the info where Virtual Double Yakuman is alluded:


他のところで、【スーパーファミコンの開発機】について書いたときに、家の中で昔の資料を探していると、なんと押入れの奥で、【バーチャルボーイ(VIRTUAL BOY)】というゲーム機の開発用マシンである【ビデオボーイ(VIDEO-BOY)】 (写真はここをクリック)を見つけた。

「捨てずに保管してたのか…」 と驚いてしまった。



見える画面はオレンジ色というか 赤っぽい画面で、”なんとなく” 立体に見える。




商売としては、ひどく失敗したわけだが…。 私はキャラクタ・デザインとサウンド担当だったので、ゲーム用のドット絵は作ってデータ化したが、ほとんど仕様を読んだ記憶がなく、どのようにプログラミングしたら(画像データの処理をしたら)立体に見えるのかなど何も覚えていない。







ただ、 「変わったゲーム機だったなあ」 という強烈な印象だけは、今も残っている”

thunderstruck wrote:
Hey Everyone,

if you read the planetvb discord you already know about this. Some time ago I tried to run an vectrex emulator on the VirtualBoy. I simply took vecx, removed everything os specific. combined it with the core of Gregs wireframe library and reduced memory usage.

The result is minestorm being emulated very slowly. I did some performance optimization myself and used an optimized version of vecx. However, some basic measurements showed that the emulator would need to be 10 to 20 times faster. I checked and Gregs library is very fast. It’s the actual emulation that is slow.

There are many things missing like sound, controls and loading games. Minestorm stops at the select screen right now. It used to start all the way but I think the newer version of vecx is waiting for inputs.

However, I’m not the one who will go ahead and optimize the emulator because that sounds very boring. If someone else wants to, you can find the sources here: https://github.com/thunderstruckProjects/virtualtrex

Attached is the Minestorm ROM and some screenshots. It looks allot better on hardware.

This is pretty damn awesome 😀

Here it is, the very last VB-related material shown by CN AFAIK. Sorry for the marker remnants, as i was a very stupid child back then XD

Almost done with this thread. All that’s left is one remaining issue now…

FUCK!!!!!! YEAH!!!!! AT LONG LAST!!!!!! :thumpup: 😀 :thumpup:

This one is from Club Nintendo (Issue 47 – Year #5/No. 7)

  • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by KGRAMR.

I’ve found my stack of Club Nintendo magazines and i’ve found that there’s one issue missing that covered both Bound High and Dragon Hopper at E3 1996. I’ll post it as soon as i can!

Dreammary wrote:
That would be a lot of programming, I think that’s why he chose a small roster. That’s still a really neat idea though, don’t get me wrong.

If the roster is the same size as Super Smash Land then i would still be happy 🙂

Gaming_Comics wrote:
Yes you saw that right! a Virtual Boy based Super Smash Brothers Fan Game! I am currently working on this project but I need some help. I need the following



The project will be done in Gamemaker 8.1 as I don’t own a Virtual Boy to play it on, however if everything goes smoothly we might be able to recreate it in the correct program. Please if you are good with any of the things listed above please leave a reply below telling me which role you would like to fill and a link to your discord so we can chat!

Now onto what we have so far, I currently have a few sprites developed for the main menu and whatnot. Below is a list of all the characters I plan to include in the game. Thank you for your time and I hope we can make this dream a reality





This sounds bloody amazing! As a fan of the Smash Bros. series, the sole idea of having a Virtual Boy Smash Bros sound really great! Well, since you listed characters that represent the Virtual Boy era (which is really cool BTW) here’s IMO the full list of what VB characters would appear in the title:

– Mario (Mario Clash)
– Wario (Virtual Boy: Wario Land)
– Samus (Galactic Pinball)
– Nester (Nester’s Funky Bowling) + her sister Hester as a posible sprite swap with the same moves
– Bomberman (Panic Bomber)
– RX-78-2 Gundam (SD Gundam Dimension War)
– Harry (Teleroboxer)
– Chalvo (Bound High!)
– Dorin (Dragon Hopper)
– James Bond (GoldenEye)

My next post should probably be ideas for stages 🙂

HOLY!!! I want to see this dumped online or a least gameplay footage! This is gold 😀

I hope he gets well soon!

Vague Rant wrote:
Hi all. New user here, been reading a while but wanted to register to ask the experts whether they knew of any leftover development stuff in Virtual Boy games. I’m an editor over at The Cutting Room Floor, an open wiki which documents all the fun stuff like debug modes, unused graphics, etc.–basically anything the end user wasn’t really meant to see. We already cover a lot of the things that have been discovered here over the years, like the debug modes in Red Alarm and Vertical Force (you can see our complete list of Virtual Boy games if you’re interested to look at what else is on there).

I don’t own a Virtual Boy myself, so my experience is limited and sometimes it’s hard to say whether something is unused or just not something I’ve seen yet, e.g. these lines beginning at 0xDE472 in SD Gundam:


(“SCNARIO” typos in original.) This looks like it might have been a debug level select to me, but maybe it’s just a normal menu you can’t see until you’re further into the game than I’ve gotten, etc. So I figured you folk would be the most knowledgeable on the subject. Many thanks for anything you’d like to share.

TCRF, i love that website 😀 Keep the great work guys! Do you guys plan to disect more Atari Jaguar games? as there’s a lot of stuff uncovered there yet 😉

Looking foward to it 🙂

Benjamin Stevens wrote:

KGRAMR schrieb:
Hey Benjamin! Could you help me out in translating this :D?

Gosh… it would take me way too long to figure that out, especially to make out some of the characters. If you can’t find someone fluent in English and Japanese on here, I would recommend trying the translation forum section of Assembler Games.

OK! But can you try to see if there’s stuff about the Jag in Famitsu? Also, have you thought of putting your collection of magazines at RetroMags 😀 ? I forgot to put this here before as well XD