Is this a dev-cart?
and what the hell is that video?
Hope someone can help me :o)
Do you guys think its cheap/worth to get virtual fishing for less than 30 Dollars/Euros? Post Edited (12-31-04 12:01)
Any idea why this item is so expensive:
höhö, lustig. Hab mir damals die selbe frage gestellt. Aber wie Krisse schon sagte, wird alles bei
beantwortet 🙂
There are new infos about the new nintendo-project on
It has 2 3″ TFT-Displays and is now as a project-name called “Nintendo DS” (DS=Doublescreen)
the link is:
The “Ninntenndo” error was to find in the game Virtual Lab.
Waoh sonic in 3d… sounds good.
This Games would have been great:
1. Star Fox (like the SNES-Version) 2. Secret of Evermore 3. R-Type
Yesterday my VB arrived and it doesn´t worked with my NES/SNES AC-Adapter 🙁
@Dr. Aetzn: Do you have the Ac-Adapter with the model number “NES-002”?
Hey don´t you think this was really cheap?
hmm, nothing is humming… Perhaps the batteries are not powerful enough… I hope so 🙁
hmm here is my collection:
Virtual Boy (2x US) Red Alarm (US) Galactic Pinball (US) Wario Land (US)
I know its a small one, but i´m looking to expand it. Is there a game i should never miss?
Hmmm, macht mir jetzt keine Angst… 😉 Naja, hoffe mal das es bei mir klappen wird wenn in ein paar tagen alles per post kommt *froi*