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@krebaloRegistered January 14, 2009Active 13 years, 10 months ago
2 Replies made

I just got my VB and some games and I have to admit how impressed I am! VB is totally unique home gaming experience and not so bad for eyes as people like to say. Despite of its red n’ black tech graphics give impressive 3D Paper Mario effect in Wario Land. I also love the overall design of the system. It is cool.

Actually I bought VB just because its so called ugly look and legendary market failure made me curious and I wanted to experience the system myself. So I bought it from eBay for my 30th birthday. I was lucky, the system is in mint condition and Blockbuster hard case is just a cherry on the cake. I am sure it helped to survive my VB traveling overseas.

To the poll VB or GB 🙂

Although my new love is VB it is really hard to say. And my collection of GB’s from original to GBASP (GB Light included) do not help either. I am crazy for original GB games (I own 250 of those old original gray carts) so if I have to go to lonely island for years I’ll definitely pick my GB collection with all games (and power generator) and miss VB with sorrow.

So GB wins

VN10013240-3 from US eBay with Blockbuster hard case