…But that involves actually writing the interrupt into a ROM. I think he just wanted to know if its possible to reset the VB via a cart pin, which it isn’t (unless you count shorting VCC/GND :razz:).
Make it as versatile as possible. It’s no use just adding something you can only search for values with (like RD), or can’t edit cheats after you make them (like another emu I’ve forgotten).
The best options for a cheat system are:
* ability to search in 8/16/24(?)/32 bit, using hex or dec.
* >/>=/<=/==/!= support for specified value or previous RAM values
* ability to add cheat results into the cheat list
* ability to add, EDIT and delete cheat list entries
* ability to enable/disable selected/all cheats
* ability to save cheats to custom filenames (and load them)
Thats all I can think of. Look at VirtuaNES for an excellent example of what a cheat system should be like.
...And as for debugging, of course this would be handy. We are going to be using this for development after all. 😉
Features like tracing, jumping, editing RAM/ROM/CPU values are also good, however a feature I’d like to see more is to be able to log (and halt) on reading/writing from specific (or specified ranges of) addresses, ROM RAM or otherwise.
That kind of feature would help me out a lot with finding the BS Zelda map data… …Know of any modded Z/SNES/9x that support it?
EDIT: It would also be nice to use the debugger in either normal or realtime.
A feature I also find nice in VirtuaNES is the ability to edit RAM realtime. It’s a quicker way of finding where some stuff is located. 🙂
Oh, and auto-IPS patch support would be nice too.
Post Edited (04-28-05 06:44)
The keymaps and gamepad are good ideas. Here’s what I’d also like to see:
* One of the reasons I liked Nesticle was it had features noone else had (back then). I found the OSD sound waveform good, as well as the ability to turn off different sound channels. I also liked the ability to increase/decrease the frameskip, and view/edit the chars/palettes all while viewing the results realtime.
* Like jcrouse said, gamepad support would be sweet. If you use the now (reasonably) standard SNESpad interface, it would mean you could add support for real NES/SNES/VB controllers.
* If you are including multi-console support (more than one VB being emulated at once), include the ability to emulate the link port, and multiple SNESpad support.
* And finally, the ability to test link cable support by mapping the link port to any remaining LPT port IO pins.
IIRC DogP had something like this going a while back. I tihnk you just have to connect the display cables from the second unit into the first one, and you can both view the display simultaneously.
Instead of that bulky GAMES/FORUM text, you should make a font based on the VB logo text, and use that instead. (I’m assuming that the text is an image, since its transparent.)
And you should keep the top-right navigation menu as well.
…And, maybe you could keep the spinning globe, just shrink it and move it to the right hand side.
….Or, if you keep the navigation, you could leave the languages where they are, and leave the globe where it is.
…How long have you had that globe anyway? Maybe you could even replace it with an animated VB, maybe a spinning 3D one, or even that VB mascot from the Jap manuals looking around or something.
Yeah, but the problem is rewiring it to work on VB, not to mention its way too big to fit in the VB. You’d have to have it hanging out, and my luck the wires would break as soon as I moved it…
It is a screen written into some games for the purpose of manually aligning the screens. AFAIK they appear at the title screen using the key combo. The only other possible screen is the IPD/focus adjustment screen that reappears on some games after booting (you somehow access it from the pause menu, can’t remember how).
Nothing is hardcoded into the VB. It’s all written into and stored in the ROMs.