I remember there was some talk about getting a company to produce VB carts a while ago.
But due to the lack of funds, as well as the patent issues, it didn’t get far.
Does anybody know if Nintendo actually got the carts patented?
This news can be found on vg dev sites like Dextrose.
Its been confirmed that they used some sort of N64 emu on the GC.
…And I’m slowly working my way through the N64 ROM file, altering it to what it should have been – a N64 game.
I’ll change all the ‘L’ trigger references back to ‘Z’, change the button colours back, and if I’m lucky, add the N64 boot logo back in.
…At the rate I work expect it some time this decade. 😉
Well, I haven’t started Mario yet. I’ve only got as far as doing the Pause menu & Overworld map in Zelda.
So far my Mario will just be a bad cardboard cut-out look using the original NES version.
I’m planning to do Zelda, SMB and Metroid in similar fashions.