I’ll do it for the same prices, just in Australian currency. 😛
Mine’s been in my mind for a few years now, but has only gotten as far as a VB cart connector in Protel.
…Problem is, I need a flash cart to test my flash cart. 😐
…That, and at least 30 mini (1.5mm?) jumpers to make a VB cart socket for a programmer, hence my idea of in-console programming. 😉
…That method sounds uncannily like the method I was considering, except I was hoping to make my programmer patch each ROM with a basic bootloader the would communicate with the PC on boot to download the progger/dumper to the VB RAM, allowing you to flash or dump carts and SRAM.
As of now, the only homebrew games are simple ones like Blox. They can be downloaded from PVB. If you mean buy as in already on carts, none of us have gotten that far yet.
Some of us have started more advanced games and cart designs, but like most pastimes, work/study have killed our progress. 🙁
I remember posting a while ago about making some carts, but unfortunately I haven’t progressed much since then, and still have no idea how much they would cost to produce.
I use the arrows as the left pad, Enter/R-Shift as Start/Select, W/A/S/D as the right pad, Q/E as L/R and L-Shift/L-Ctrl as A/B.
…But then again, I don’t do much emu playing. 😐
…And JoyToKey was the one i was thinking of, I couldn’t remember the name of it though. :vbsmile:
…But will it work with the emus? A while ago I remember trying to write something to emulate keystrokes, but Allegro (the engine used to run the emus) wouldn’t accept them.
You may want to contact Andy B. You can get his email address from the main forum.
He recently posted about having a VB with one bad display. If its just the LEDs themselves you need, he might be willing to sell you the ones from it.
This is the first time I’ve heard of it being anything other than the cables. Thus ends the limit of my experience.
(And I missed the part about already swapping the cables in your previous post)
It may be something loose and/or broken inside the array, but I haven’t looked at one in ages, so I can’t help you there.
The only thing I could suggest is finding a cheap, heavily ‘pre-loved’ VB on eBay and using it for parts. That way you have extras if anything else happens in future…
AFAIK, pretty much all the cases of bad displays can be attributed to loose cables. After a decade, you have to expect some problems with consoles.
Since I have yet to find a bit deep enough to reach the bottom screws, you need to make your own.
Basically, all you really need is a flathead screwdriver and a file. A Dremel or something may be easier, but not everyone has access to those kinds of tools.
Project: VB has an information about converting a screwdriver on the Disecting the VB page.
The following information comes from The Unofficial Nintendo Virtual Boy Home Page:
“As a final thought to open a VB it is necessary to notch a flathead screwdriver to fit over the security screws on the VB. There are two sizes (one on the VB and one on the cartridge) so two screw drivers will be necessary.”
It’s also suggested that once you have the VB open, you replace the screws with normal ones.
Just found something gimmicky you could add to the new forums.
I noticed you have sections for Yahoo, AIM, ICQ and MSN in the profiles, along with a couple of status icons.
If you go to http://www.onlinestatus.org/, you can add status icons for all of these, as well as IRC.
…Using custom icons! 🙂
Like other Nintendo consoles/consoles in general, the link port was intended to be used for multiplayer games. It’s unsure if it could’ve been used for four player, like the GB/GBA, but it could at least handle 2.
It also contains a 5V(?) wire, possibly meaning that had the VB taken off, we may have eventually seen some VB peripherals (VB Printer, anyone? ;-)).