Tekebo wrote:
I would really like to purchase one of these! Please contact me!Thank you in advance.
if you read through some of the posts on this site you’ll come to the understanding that the small run of these that was produced has sold out. those involved did mention an interest in making more, at some point in the future. i guess it will all depend on demand and available parts. i think that future projects (new homebrew/releases) will take priority over re-releasing this game? if you MUST own one: currently your only real chance is to buy it second hand. you should post in the trading forum, i think that may be the best place.
it is a quality “homebrew”, that much is for sure. it isn’t perfect. as far as best VB game? i’d still have to go with wario land. mostly because a fighter can’t hold my interest for more than a short while.
You may find specific answers to your questions on http://nintendoage.com/forum/
I wish the footage showed what that first guy was playing. =)
I went with what I saw and not what I read and for a second hoped this was a new VB homebrew.
Man, I got excited. LOL.
This is pretty cool tho, I’ll have to read more about this game. It looks very enjoyable.
The last one I played was SFII. It has been a while since I set up my VB. I would never put it away if I had a way to play it while in my easy chair. I should look into getting a cheap mic stand or symbol mount and make an adjustable stand.
gladders wrote:
Thanks for your post Speedle. Turns out it does work after all! I was using my FlashBoyPlus, and a padded Mario’s Tennis didn’t work, but an unpadded VB Wario Land worked fine! So I guess it’s just the ROMs.
ROMs need to be padded to 16MBit to flash and load. Are you sure you aren’t using pre-padded ROMs? Perhaps your Mario Tennis ROM was corrupted or did not flash correctly?
i am also really curious about the strength. personally, i wouldn’t mind a clear one backlit by a red LED.
Dreammary wrote:
I still wonder why Mr.Anon only chose certain people to contact. What was the criteria? This has always bothered me.
Mr. Anon never contacted me. I have never spoken to this person in regards to this game or purchasing it. Perhaps he should be removed from conspiracy theories?
I have two copies and had hoped to try the 2 player mode. After waiting on the link cable I have lost the 1 person interested in playing it with me. I no longer have access to a 2nd (working) VB. At this point I’ve lost interest and one of these less than lazy days I will probably try to sell one copy. I never intended to, but it seems pointless to hold onto two copies of something when one of them will just collect dust. Based on the response around this “release”, I’m sure someone else would get much more use out of it than my storage area currently is.
I am not arguing a sale that starts off at a extremely gouged price or one that does not explain the origins of such a game. so please refrain from continuing that argument.
I find the eBay (auction site) concern ridiculous. If you choose to honestly represent your property and someone else chooses to buy it, what is the problem? If someone lists a copy on eBay at the price they paid (or cheaper), and the auction goes for much more, why is that taken personally by others? That sale would clearly be a demonstration of demand. A demand for a game made in a limited run, like ALL homebrew releases. As a seller, I would be more upset that a community was so enraged by this listing that they would go out of their way to stop it. In fact, it would have nothing to do with anyone but the two involved in the sale.
This moral high ground for Virtual Boy reproduction/homebrew game sales has become a concern for me.
I couldn’t find a post where Hedgetrimmer said he was no longer making/selling them. You should PM him directly and wait for a response.
coupe_sherm wrote:
Hey everyone. I have not had a chance to get this done but im hoping I will have some free time to mess around with it soon. I know for certain I can make it, its just a matter of having the time.I can say for 100% certain this will get done though.
it was said that this would get done (see quote). coupe_sherm probably is just as busy as most people and this project just isn’t a top priority. you continually asking about it really won’t make it happen any sooner. after reading this thread it is rather obvious to me that coupe_sherm is well aware that there is interest in such a project. if you have a need for a headstrap solution tomorrow, why not design your own?
Here is that example with the “Xoops Code” check box enabled.
Have you tried the URL code? It may take a few more steps but you’ll be able to accomplish a nice result.
Example: eBay
when i have mine set up i’ll play it for hours at a time and i’ve never had a problem. what i found works best is a height adjustable chair (like a computer desk chair) and to angle the VB downwards, towards the desk.
welcome to the addiction.
check this out: http://www.planetvb.com/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=6055
the game being produced would have to be pretty amazing. something that pushed the VB to the next level. a generation-3 type game. it would need to be top-notch professional, lengthy, and extremely fun. you would need a few team members who have made and released a game for profit. you would also want a crowdfunding campaign manager who has completed a few successful campaigns. having an Indy-friendly publisher involved (Team 17, etc), wouldn’t hurt either. i’m saying all this, not to be a deterrent, but while bringing up the point that this would be a “flag ship campaign.” if it failed, no one would try another VB game release this way.
in my opinion, i can’t see a VB game commanding those pledge levels. $50 for a digital copy (maybe)? $200 for a CIB (never)? even if resellers got in on the action, not many gamers are going to shell out $300 (or whatever markup they put) for a new VB game in the box. not when new NES, SNES, GENs, etc, comparable releases are going for $40-100 CIB. Some of those have to offer bonus collectibles to reach that price point. These games are usually also only released in limited runs, and just for the hardcore retro fans. they don’t command a reason to have a more commercial sized release (1,000+ CIB? – just doesn’t really happen).
i still think the best course of action is to wait for VR to hit the market and see where it goes. if VB EMUs get ported to VR headsets then there will be a bigger market for a game released in a digital format.
i’m basing my opinions on years of video game crowdfunding support and on the fact that no one has stepped up to announce any type of new release. lets say a zelda-like game similar to the SNES LTTP was announced in a 75% complete form. or a cavestory-like (metroidvania) game of similar scope and originality was announced? or something that just makes the most of the VB like a FPS similar to the likes of XIII (PS2)? I would get pretty excited and my opinions would shift, especially if there was a demo to try.
the ability to put a large game on cart is do-able. i recall reading that the FB+ board (used for all the recent CIB releases) could accommodate a game up to 32mb. the only thing that has been holding us back is the connector. currently they are taken from old stock (usually virtual baseball — correct?). i think the best course of action would be a $100-150 tier for an amazing game released CIB (with some extras). one major reason for asking this price would be to clearly state that a 3rd party connector design is being used so that no VB games will be sacrificed in the process. this isn’t so much to appease collectors and preservationists, but to let all interested gamers know that the campaign can indeed meet the demand!
even if a crowdfunding campaign never happens, it is an interesting idea. one that has sparked this thread and some great conversation.

we are jumping the gun a bit because there is still no hard proof that the game exists in private hands. let’s assume it does and it could come up for public auction. i would assume it would go for a lot of money, probably more than others might assume. if the active members here tossed $200 each at the auction, we wouldn’t raise enough to come near what I think it would sell for. then it becomes a question of how much are you willing to pledge towards something knowing the only pay off is a CIB copy? at that point i feel that most people would back off, let those with deeper pockets make the effort, and then wait to buy a CIB release copy for around $80. i guess the difference would be getting preservationists and collectors involved. personally, i am neither, i’m a gamer. i enjoy playing prototypes and unreleased games, but i don’t seek them out or have any sort of craving to do so. by this i mean that experiencing DH would be really fun, but i’m not about to take a loan out to get it.
hopefully never. LOL. that “rad” design wasn’t even cool in the mid-90s.
now a PVB shirt…. that i would wear.
i’m assuming the programmers tossed in the english alphabet in the hopes of a possible future north american release?