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@lesterknightRegistered March 10, 2011Active 4 months, 4 weeks ago
883 Replies made

these are cool. now you just need shells and labels. =)

do you have any interest in making reproductions for the community?

this is pretty cool. thanks for sharing!

this is super cool. i can’t wait to read this later! thank you for all of your efforts!

that link was an interesting read about something i wasn’t aware of. thank you for that. i think that solves the mystery of the eBay “reproduction” carts, at least for me.

music trackers really are fun. i used to play with Nitro Tracker on the DS for hours, that and Korg DS.

this was really cool to see. thanks for posting.

here is a great reference site: http://www.handheldmuseum.com/

good luck, these get expensive very quickly.

it is running a port of retroarch. i’ve not done much research into it, but i would suggest you do before buying. retroarch hasn’t ported that well to all things.

it is always nice to see objective VB opinions brought to the public eye (ears). for what it was the VB was (is) an amazing system. about the only thing i feel it is lacking is a larger homebrew scene. i dream of a day where the VB has more completed homebrew projects than actual retail carts, sorta like what happened with the vectrex.


typical modern day reporting… interpreting articles (WIKI and other) to report personal conclusions. i can not recall reading anything that relates eye strain to the automatic “pause” feature this article incorrectly called an “automatic shutoff mechanism”. as fans know, there was more to the red LED decision than cost alone.

did windows 8 and 10 make their list? =x

cool. thanks!

This seems like a unique collectible. I hope it fulfills its purpose and finds its way into an accepting new owner’s VB. Good luck with your thread.

all of the released carts were sold with a box and manual. what you have sounds like one of the “unofficial” carts. from what i have read no one has gotten to the bottom of who is making them or how. i would love to see photos of the PCB.

here is info on the official release: http://www.planetvb.com/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?post_id=25308#forumpost25308

make sure that you padded the rom to 2mb before flashing it. you can find the padding program here: http://www.planetvb.com/modules/tech/index.php?sec=utils&pid=padder

both mario tennis and teleroboxer have audio before the title screen. so booting one of those should give you an indication if your system is working but the displays are not.

unpadded mario tennis crc: 7CE7460D
unpadded teleroboxer crc: 36103000

please make sure you have new batteries or a correct AC adapter to power the VB.

that is definitely an odd rarity.

not nearly as much as it’s prototype it would seem: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Virtual-League-Baseball-Nintendo-Virtual-Boy-sample-test-development-prototype-/262898065088?hash=item3d35f21ec0:g:2u4AAOSw4GVYRv1t

on my way there i did see a boxed copy for $20 buy-it-now.

if it had all 4 games i would have been tempted.

to be honest i’d rather have an Atari Cosmos.

this was one of my favorite trackers from the ds golden age of homebrew. http://nitrotracker.tobw.net/

it should run in iDeaS if you patch it with the R4 dldi.
