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@litephiterRegistered April 14, 2007Active 2 years, 3 months ago
46 Replies made

Good advice, but I’m wondering if anyone has any insight into what’s causing the underlying issue.

Even when I compile code that was written by other people (who actually know what they’re doing), it still looks glitchy on my VB.

Is it possible VBDE isn’t configured correctly?

I’d be interested in a how-to.

You’re a font of knowledge.

Hmm… I’m no longer so eager to try this, but I may see if I can get some of these things printed locally anyhow.

So, RunnerPack: messing with the big screws on the mounting plates definitely causes misalignment? Do you think there would be any way to apply one of these clips safely, in that case?

For example, would you be able to keep making small adjustments to the tightness of that one screw until everything was aligned again?

From Ben:

Oh right. That hook doesn’t print well unless you use support material.

So I printed it solid and used a Dremel to carve a niche into it for the PCB.


I noticed that, but I figured it was just the crappy freebie STL-viewer software I was using. If you’re seeing it too, it must be an issue with the file.

I’ve sent another email to Ben, so we’ll see if he gets back to me.

Agreed that it’s too soon to say whether this is a replacement for the oven method. I have a dead stock VB in my game cabinet that I’ll experiment on, if I can get access to some of these clips.