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@maruluRegistered March 16, 2011Active 11 years, 12 months ago
11 Replies made

I created a little forum 3 weeks ago for classic gaming

its not working because i don´t have a email programm on my pc i answer emails via browser can you post the adress here ?

Lester Knight wrote:
keep me posted on the availability of a sticker for the cart. i asked if i could get “a couple” because i want to give 1 or 2 as gifts. i understand if you want to only make 1 per person.

Marulu wrote:
great to hear sign me up pls

btw i don´t know waht is a donor card ( im new here)
i can pay i you want

it just means that the shell of an actual game will be used, so you are “donating” a cart. try to pick two games you don’t care about, like don’t send jack bros. =)

thanks for the information
ok sign me up i want on of those please!

great to hear sign me up pls

btw i don´t know waht is a donor card ( im new here)
i can pay i you want

nice video keep the good work up


Wow nice to hear that :_:

did you heard yu suzuki want to creat a new shenmue (not shenmue city i mean a real sequel) ?

It would be awesome shenmue 3 on a new sega console all waht were are going to need would be a VMU reader so we still can play whit our old save state 😀 *dreaming*


i don´t think he has any informations about it is a running gag at talking classics one time there apear a dream cast added to a sega cd and he writen on top of it DC2 another time he get one from some girls its just a running gag but i still hope and belive sega is going to make a new dreamcast and maby shenmue 3 (i <3 Shenmue)


At wich date the whole video will show up on Game Trailers or Youtube ?

DaVince schrieb:
The interesting thing here is, the audience (who is mostly ignorant about the VB; no offense intended) can interpret it as “haha, the VB sucks”, but no such opinion is actually ever portrayed in the video itself. Heck, it may even spark a bunch of peoples’ interests, or at least get more people familiar with the thing if they have never heard of it.

yeah it´s kinda like the same witch happend to me but i already know the VB and AVGN said it sucks then i don´t bought it but after i heard nathan like the vb he need to tell the true because he said shenmue is epic it is and the dream cast (i already had a dreamcast & shenmue before i know about nathan) and mutch other things kinda like ico since i know every thing waht he says is kinda like my opinion i buyd a VB blind and look were are i`m im now writing at a VB forum because the Virtual Boy is EPIC:D


PS sorry for my bad english i`m from germany

Nice video Nathan it was epic 😀

BTW you are the reason why i bought a virtual boy you are the oneless (Famous) guy wich like the virtual boy and you are 100% right keep up the good work


PS Sorry for my bad english i´m from germany