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@matthewdfisherRegistered September 3, 2009Active 4 years, 6 months ago
5 Replies made

Well, that special GameBoy Advance (story dated April 1, 2004, of course) never came out, but it is possible (if not likely) that Nintendo is paying homage to the VB with the red/black 3DS XL coming out in a couple of months:


No word on whether all games will play only in red…

Oh, can’t help much with the original question, but it seems likely that you’d be talking about some pretty serious hacking to get something like that to work. Just out of curiosity, why would you want to do this?

Off topic for a second:

Don’t know if anyone else noticed, but this is topic number 1000 in the main forum. That seems worth noting, to me at least. I mostly lurk, so I’ll have to pick it up so we can get to 2000…

2. It’s an homage to the Virtual Boy, being their
first 3D experiment…

Well, not really the first…



That said, I’ll go with #2 as well.

And how is Red Alarm? I’m kinda thinking about getting that as my next game along with Jack Bros.

Score on the army of VBs! When you fix them, you should definitely try out making a link cable. 😀

I dig it. It may be my favorite VB game, although I haven’t really spent much time playing it, or any of the other games, for that matter. Don’t have the free time I used to. I’m a vector game fanatic, so the wireframe look of it appeals to me. If only someone would make a version for the Vectrex for use with the 3D Imager… (sigh)

Got my first and three games at the Target on Keystone Avenue in Indianapolis in 1996. Paid $30 and still have the VB, games, boxes, paper, etc. The people I was with thought I was nuts. I recall that they had probably had about fifty VBs in a big stack. If only I knew then what I know now… 🙁

Got my second complete VB in a Blockbuster case w/ demo Red Alarm and AC tap about two years ago.

I’ve also picked up about 4 other head units and controllers loose over the years, all with glitchy displays. At least I know how to fix them now.