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@mawaRegistered November 4, 2008Active 5 days, 9 hours ago
378 Replies made

Virtual Bowling for sale on ebay start price 99 dollar 🙂 compleet boxed with manual


My list off game systems:

Virtual boy: 1X jpn boxed
Virtual boy: 1X jpn boxed demo version
Virtual boy: 1X usa boxed
Virtual boy: 1X usa no box
nintendo family computer jpn
nintendo 8 bit
nintendo 16 bit
nintendo 64 bit n64 boxed
4 X Gamecube boxed
Panasonic Q boxed
GBA boxed
GBA micro boxed
Nintendo ds boxed
Nintendo ds lite boxed
Nintendo WII boxed

3X mastersystem
6X megadrive version 1 (2 boxed)
3X megadrive version 2
Dreamcast pal
Dreamcast jpn
Dreamcast karaoke expansion boxed
Dreamcast R7 boxed JPN

Neo Geo AES
3x Vectrex
Playstation 2
Playstation 3 60 gig boxed
psp 3000 boxed
Xbox360 boxed

and just have ad some nice systeems to my collection from my trip to japan:
Nintendo 64 boxed japan
Nintendo gamecube orange boxed japan
Nintendo gameboy micro final fantasy editie boxed japan
Nintendo gameboy micro famicon editie boxed japan
Sega dreamcast sakura wars boxed japan
Sega Gamegear virtua fighter mini edite boxed japan

also allot off games neo geo aes and dreamcast
and the best i have buy whas
Virtual bowling boxed in good condition and a space squash brand new 🙂

Then you cann better buy mine space invaders its for sale for 349 dollar 😉

wow 999 dollar damn.

thats expansief i have just buy that game boxed in perfect condition for 250euro (so now i think i have get it cheap lol )

I own one in perfect and compleet condition and have pay 200 euro for it.
Also i have buy the origineel japan shop stand from nintendo only for 30 euro 🙂
(the worth will be between 200 and 400 euro for the demo unit i think but in good condition).

This one for sale is in bad shape also no insert and a bad looking box

hello there,,

300$ is not a to bad price for space invaders i think.
dont understand me wrong its still allot off money for a game bud i think its worth.

do you have see this game at play-asia? i know the have one for sale.

i just have buy the mario tennis japan demo compleet boxed on yahoo dont know how rare it is and what the worth is but i have pay 7800 yen for it included the virtual boy and 5 other games.

And here a poster off virtual bowling


i know this ones are for sale for a long time its not about the games but from the virtual boy.


My list off game systems:

Virtual boy: 1X jpn boxed
Virtual boy: 1X jpn boxed demo version
Virtual boy: 1X usa boxed
Virtual boy: 1X usa no box
nintendo family computer jpn
nintendo 8 bit
nintendo 16 bit
nintendo 64 bit n64 boxed
4 X Gamecube boxed
Panasonic Q boxed
GBA boxed
GBA micro boxed
Nintendo ds boxed
Nintendo WII boxed

3X mastersystem
6X megadrive version 1 (2 boxed)
3X megadrive version 2
Dreamcast pal
Dreamcast jpn
Dreamcast karaoke expansion boxed
Dreamcast R7 boxed JPN

Neo Geo AES
3x Vectrex
Playstation 2
Playstation 3 60 gig boxed
psp 3000 boxed
Xbox360 boxed

and probely have forgot allot lol

  • This reply was modified 16 years ago by mawa.
  • This reply was modified 15 years, 12 months ago by mawa.

hera are my Virtual Boy Serial :

VN10520748[9] (is a virtual boy only no box) USA or version

V10005369 (compleet boxed) Japan version buy by RKLOK ebay

VN10403595[3] (comleet boxed ) USA Version

V10034923 (compleet boxed) Japan demo version buy by RKLOK ebay

that are mine virtual boys serial


I thinking about to buy this but i think its to expansief what are you all tinking about it.

He is selling sd gundam / virtual lab and a demo version warioland + more in 1 sell all is boxed

Here is also a virtual fishing. Its a pretty rare game to find but not impossible.


This seller have more virtual games like wario land / mario clash usa
And vertical force / teleroboxer compleet for 15 $ thats pretty cheap i think.

Real nice collection but really to expansief its not worth 2.999,00 euro 😉

I also not so happy with this dump of roms.

Beacouse i want all origeneel but what is this doining with the worth off this top 4 rare virtual boy games.

Evrybody can play them now for free so the rare is off this games.

people that release this games have not think before they have done this they only have think how can whe play it cheap.

I have buy at for 300 euro in combing with a dreamcast r7 boxt but is this to much or not

i know the seller he is living in my place so i can walk to him 🙂