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@maxlefouRegistered August 31, 2003Active 19 years, 7 months ago
45 Replies made

Test by my part also…

Cool, I can’t wait to see it! 🙂

Id buy it in a second. Of course it wound’t be the same thing as the original. But hey… At least it would spawn some new interest for the VB system.

Gota love red. It’s the colour of love, blood, and the VB… 3 of the most important things in life. 🙂

Hi everyone,

After 5 monts of firewall at work, I finally got a way to post messages without interrupting their ‘high tech’ systems. (TA DAM!!). And it works hehehe.

By the way, firewall really sucks sometimes, espacially when your not a network administrator. 🙂

So how you guys been? I’ve been playing lots o game these past monts. Hope everyone had a good spring time also. Now here it’s summer and it’s about 30c. It’s hot as h*ll, espacially to someone who is used to -30c.

Well, better get going. Again thanks for the great site guys! Keep it up.

Test 14

Secret of Evermore! Cool! Someone who played the game and likes it! So I ain’t the only one after all. hehe 🙂 nice choice.

Thanks guys! The above info was really helpfull for my ‘next buy’.

vb Special value pin? hummmm… 😀

It’s always fun to check up here. Even if I read some articles, I like reading them again… Not like school work, this is actually interresting.

Cool, I guess I’ll try to find it. 😀

Cool, thanks. I’ll keep that in mind. I’m pretty sure I’ll like it… If the price is good. 🙂

I just receved my 4 games from ebay:

Vertical Force
virtual league baseball
panic bomber (I think that the name)
V tetris

Now I’m looking for Insmouse No Yakata also. Tell me if it good or not. 🙂

Hey guys! Just finished Lament of innocence (the Castlevania on PS2). The game is pretty cool, but the storyline needs some MAJOR work.

I should get my hands on Day of tentacle, I often hear about it, but never tried it.

I try to visit as often as possible. The people are great here and the site kicks major b*tt!

Plus I can talk to people about the VB and the guys and gals actually understand what I’m saying about the system. 🙂

Well, I can’t really ‘influence’ you in buying it… Cause I tested it so much that I’m getting really tired of seeing it. So my oppignon does not count. 🙂

But Classic games are always a blast to play. And I always take on a classic game then a new one if I have the choice. Gota love the good old days.

Hey guys! long time no talk! Xmas vacantion is up, so no more Prince for me! YAHOO!!! Anyways, I’ll talk to you more often from now on.

Yeah! It’s so cool seeing this. For once the big N didn’t pass the chance to made the console know to everyone. For a while, even Nintendo Power didn’t even want to mention it. Which is sad.

Remember never to mix ‘used’ batteries with new ones. I had a bad experience once. If you think it’s the batteries, you should buy 6 new ones.

I hope everything works out alright.

I have one too. It sooooo much better than the older version. But BEWARE! There are no headphone jack to plug your headphones directly in the GBA SP. You have to buy an adapter if you wich to listen to the sound without using the small speaker. It’s not a major setback, but it is worth saying.

And if you plan on getting one, I suggest to order the special the konami of japan Bundle pack featuring the game Boktai\GBA SP\and a cool ‘coffin’ like case. Very nice. 🙂