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@maxlefouRegistered August 31, 2003Active 19 years, 7 months ago
45 Replies made

Relax? Break? – what’s that? 😀

Ouch! You’re gona kill the guy!

MDR (mort de rire)

Oups… made a mistake there for the ‘shumps’. I read ‘smurfs’… don’t know why… Everything is red here, why was I thinking about the little blue guys? ah well. Too much work I guess.

Amen to that! Long live virtualboy.net!

LOL! Some fun? Oh your gona laugh alright. 🙂

shumps? Did they do a game with the license? Very nice.

I’ll keep you informed about the package also.

Cool! I’ll send you by NTSC tapes then since it will be a little more easy for me to copy…. But take my word for it, they are not only in french… But in french canadian. (wich is almost the weirdess accent there is :D)

But we had some fun times. If it would still be on-air, I would have certainly talked about this web site. Too cool.

Anyhow, Were are you in Viewtifull Joe? I didn’t get very far, I’m playing a little too much with Capcom VS SNK 2. I got some challenges from 2 very good gamers at work that are huge fans of Street Fighter and we battle it out at lunch time. They can really kick some major… uh, you get the idea. Plus I got my new GCN/SNES controller from lik-sang. With this baby you can do combos like it was nothing! Too cool. Finally! I have some partners to play SF/KOF games! I’m a happy SOB right now. 🙂 say, that’s not a bad question to ask at the forum. hehe.

see ya on the flip side!

I second that… oh, and we’ll give you a Bonus gift if you come back with lots of goodies… Do you except cash?

Rygar? A shooter? hummm… Rygar is an action/adventure title here in north america. It was kinda like a beat-em-up in the arcades back in 1986. But in 1987 it made it’s introduction in the console world as a ‘grand scale’ adventure (well, not really but you had to know were to go).

What is wizball draetzn? I have a commodor but I didn’t play this game.

I don’t have a car… And I don’t want one. The public transportation here in montreal is ok, and it saves me a ton of money (to buy more games of course 😉

But if I would have to pick a car it would be this one:


Very cool. 😀

Hi guys,

Well first off, I’m very honored to be here plus among great people like yourselves.

For the TV show, I have all of them taped on VHS. But the first season we did was sooooooo lame that I’M even afraid to let my friends watch. 😀 But the last season is better… I was, after all, only 16 when it started. lol. I was lucky, I got to speak directly to the Producer/general manager of the station… And this guy was one of the coolest person I ever met.

For the VB video game development proposal: I don’t know what to say, except that I would LOVE to do it… but I don’t have any programming skills what-so-ever, sorry. :(((( I know a few people here who are very good in the ‘programming department’. What I do mostly here is designing camera angles for some situations and also the video editor on the project I’m working on. I’m also the GameCube quality assurance specialist. Every GCN title that is in development in my company has to pass by me and my team to make sure everything’s in top shape (even is some game are boring). Darn, I think I never wanted to be a programmer as much as now. Nuts…

Holly cow,

You have so much stuff on this site that I didn’t even see this picture before. Thanks KR! But I doubt we had the budget to have this kind of equipment in the show… I was really LOW budget.

For your questions: A couple of friends and I had our own half-hour TV show about video games in 1995/1996/1997. It was the first French Video Game show in North America. The problem was that we were on a low ratted cable channel. But we still manage pretty well (the producer was and still is super cool).

We didn’t have much, but the information was true and people could depend on what we were saying. It never got very popular… even dough sometimes I still get noticed by a fellow gamer on the streets… which is kinda cool, since we had so much fun making it.

FOr the reviews. I did one on the console to make sure that everyone would at least try it. I also did one on Mario’s tennis and Teleroboxer I think. I would have love doing more stuff for VB, but we couldn’t get any video images of the games.

Ah well, the good old days… how I miss them…

hummm… Rygar on NES. yeah, that’s probably it. I never get board when I’m playing it. Even after all these years… I still get shivers when the doors of peace open up at the end.

I think it’s great that you guys have all classic games for your favorite. That just means that you really know your stuff.

For RE0. It’s a cool game but, like you said, it does not offer really anything new. But the gameplay is still intact and there nothing really ‘wrong’ with it… I like it alot, but I still perfer the ‘rebirth’ version of the 1st.

What’s ‘day of the tentacle’? when did it came out? I also enjoy point and click adventures (well I enjoy any type of games), the last one I got into even if it was a little too easy was Dracula resurection on PC. It’s a fun little game with lots of great photorealistic backgrounds.

Woh, Mario Kart and Resident evil for VB… good choices. That would be killer games.

Lets Hope so… No, not hope… It will happen! And then everyone will see red (in a good way I mean)

I personnaly don’t have many bands in wich I’m interrested. But that does not mean I don’t cranck up de stereo with Steve Vai, Joe Satriani and other great artist.

BUt I do have (speeking of japanese) are video game soundtracks. Since I always listen to the music when playing, I developped a passion for video game music.

My favorite is of course the soundtrack of Castlevania (espacialy the ‘prefect selection: Dracula Battle 1 and 2’), Dragon Warrior (or ‘quest’ in jap), King of Fighters, Street Fighters etc…

Maybe I should listen to some dudoos I never heard of them.

I’m playing F-zero GX right now and some Street Fighter Third Strike on DC… Oh, and Resident Evil 0.

Like the old saying: ‘Gota beat them all’

Thanks! It’s good to be here.

LOL, I’m pushing a bit eh? Can’t get enough of a good thing. 😀

It’s not just the money, but also the time. 😀

Unfortunatly I work about 15 hour days, it’s not that bad, but I can’t even play all the games I have at home. Spare time is difficult to find. 🙂