I wanted to post some pics here as most of the information on my HyperFlash32 project has been on the PlanetVB Discord. Just in case people circle back here in the future, prototypes are now being shipped and the first production unit is half assembled on my desk now. Here’s a few pictures of carts that have already shipped to people.
Great. I just sent you a PM with my email as well on another topic. We can discuss via email and I can contact HedgeTrimmer and see what he thinks. He has the latest files.
That was the original plan as well (VB as a stretch goal). I didn’t learn that until after I had been donating and it came up in a conversation with the developer.
Gookanheimer wrote:
Oh, are e-mails preferred over PMs?
Anything is fine but emails are instant to my phone. PM’s I have to login and check. 🙂 However, I also check PlanetVB, Twitter, YouTube, and Reddit. Discord on I’m on all the time. I try to be available.
Cooljerk wrote:
Registered for this site just for this topic. I have a furrtek-installed virtual tap in my VB and have been looking for a flashcart solution for ages.
how can I get on this mailing list? Have orders already been taken?
I more and more think eBay is a place to put stuff up for a ridiculous price to try to convince the market that items have more value than they are worth. Then eBay can suggest you price higher when you go to sell and the behavior feeds itself.
I had one guy tell me once that he posts items at really high prices because occasionally someone buys it. It?s worth it to them to wait for that one crazy high priced purchase than to sell more at a lower price. I think that item was on eBay over 5 years.
Greg2600 wrote:
This is looking pretty cool now. I thought I was on the mailing list, but haven’t gotten anything in ages so I guess not. I didn’t preorder as the description at the time sounded like the cart had to be plugged into a PC via USB just to load games (aka 1 at a time). Clearly Kevin has progressed beyond that. The other bit of confusion (still is) is whether this will be sold as a completely assembled product, or that we have to provide a shell or something like that?
I took some orders with people providing shells at the beginning. It didn’t really work. So now I provide the complete cart.
I emailed everyone I thought I had on the list. I may have missed you. You can always reach out to me over PM or even email. My info is all over PlanetVB and I’m on the PlanetVB Discord. You can also reach me through my site.
The on-screen interface will be the primary interface for everyone, with PC as secondary meant mainly for developers.
RetroRGB wrote:
The original one I got from you is 5 feet long. It’s mostly a perfect fit, but when using two VB’s, a Virtual tap and arcade sticks as controllers, it’s cutting it a bit close. I think 6 feet would be perfect.