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@minestormRegistered July 28, 2007Active 1 year, 8 months ago
321 Replies made

Do you want a PCB ?

I have loads and will send you one free of charge.

It’s a 100nF unpolarized capacitor going between GND and 5V. It’s standard practice to connect them close to chips, but it will still work if you leave it out.

You need a 16Bit EPROM. The 27C4001 is 8Bit.

It will work if you use 2 x 27C4001 and split the code. Bit messy though.

Here’s how the 27C322 is wired.


Per the pinout, a 27C322 should be able to be soldered straight to the corresponding pins on the connector, correct?

Yes, but it’s not very easy to get it to fit a cart case.

I recently built some for a 32MBit project.


I’ll just add. The donors will be from brand new old stock and the labels will be much nicer than the one’s I did (on my laser printer).

It’ll be just like you bought it in a shop.

Chill out. We do this for fun, right ?

I do know what you mean about board revisions. Waiting for them is excruciating (because the fast turn-a-round service is SO expensive).

I recently dumped a box full. God knows what all that lot cost 🙁

I was talking to Eric (bigmac). He says Sean managed to dupe his buyer because folks outside of this forum had no idea BH carts were being made on a continual basis.

His suggestion, is to make them in larger batches, and let all the retro sites know about it.

I’m open to this idea because they’ll be 3 of us involved this time –

Me – making the boards
UncleTusker – the boxes
Eric – assembling the carts / distribution

I really do think it would be a great shame if folk were denied a chance to play one of the best VB games.

I didn’t think Richard was building any more?

I’m still making FlashBoy+’s and homebrew carts, just not repros of commercial / un-released games.

thunderstruck, I’m ready to make you a cart of GameHero. Is the ‘polishing’ finished yet ?, and did you do a label design ?

Ben, can you send me the patched ROM please ?


No problem !

Glad it got there OK.

Looking forward to playing it 🙂

Let me know if you want any carts making.

Wow, he made a mess cutting the USB hole. Looks like a rat’s chewed it out !

I hope you’ll be doing a Dragon Hopper template someday.

Nice video (like all the one’s you make).

BTW you could do what Me and Chris did with the first FlashBoy boxes.

I printed the template onto A4 self-adhesive paper and Chris applied them to Mario Tennis boxes (we used them as donor carts).

I once made a paper Vectrex using Pepakura


I have one of these. They work really good and are MUCH stronger than the original.