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@minestormRegistered July 28, 2007Active 1 year, 9 months ago
321 Replies made

Question for everyone. Is it worth me building another batch of FlashBoy+ carts ?, or would you prefer to wait for Vaughanabe13’s cart (which is more advanced) ?

I don’t really have to “childproof” the cartridge.

It’s beyond this groups finances to get a mould made. Having them milled is too slow / expensive / poor finish. And un-cased is just crap :thumpdown:

There must be an ‘off the shelf case’ somewhere which can be hacked to fit.

On the Vectrex, we used adapted Intellivision cart cases (before Sean Kelly dropped the 20K to get them moulded).

  • This reply was modified 14 years, 6 months ago by MineStorm.

What are you using to case the cart (if you’re not using a donor cart) ?

Sounds amazing !

I’ve had fun making the FlashBoy carts, but with this cart on the horizon it is pointless for me to develop it any further or manufacture more of the current design.

I look forward very much to using an SD card based cart on the VB :thumpup:

The page is password protected 🙁

We should write to Nintendo saying we wish to produce a new VB game on cartridge. I bet anything they are sat on thousands of cases and connectors.

Perhaps we could look into getting the connectors made (I’ve not seen them anywhere). As for making more FlashBoy’s, it’s getting very close to not being able to get donor carts anymore. There really needs to be a solution, especially for when Vaughanabe13 releases his cart.

The old/clunky/expensive chips will still have to be used for ROM

How much does a 16MByte x 16 5V SRAM cost ?

Do they exist ?

I just tried it on a FlashBoy, and it works up until you try to start the game. It then keeps stopping and displaying the ‘read instructions’ screen. Press start again, bit of movement, then back to the screen again.

There are formatting utilities available that will format the MicroSD to be a simple FAT memory system

You can format to FAT through Window’s. The option automatically comes up if the card is 2GB or smaller.

Makes me mad >:( when someone comes along and buys FlashBoy’s in bulk with the intention of selling them for profit. It’s sticking up the middle finger to Chris and me.

I hope to get a new Flashboy , the last one that I bought doesn’t work

I’ll send you a new PCB to put in your cart shell. Do you have the screwdriver to open it ?

PM me.

A bit of good news. I’ve now secured a large batch of the chips, enough to make FlashBoy’s for a long, long time.

I should be back in production by the end of this month.

I have the Sean Kelly multicart for Vectrex and I believe it’s newly produced.

It is. Cost Sean about $20K to have the mold made IIRC

Nice work :thumpup:

Anyway, it seems like it’s possible to make a 32 slot multi-cart with dip-switches.

So that’s 32 x 2MByte games ?

I guess you could also mount some chips upsidedown on the bottom of the board

The chips usually come in a reverse pinout version for this use.

I almost feel like trying the 7 x 64 Mbit solution just to see if it can be pulled off on two layers.

Go for it :thumpup:

if I don’t have the game, tough shit, I’ll buy it.

What if it’s a homebrew game ?

And I personally don’t condone using carts for donors, but if you do that’s your business just leave me out of it.

I’m not having a go at you, I’m just stating fact. The VB is unlike any other system in that it’s cart doesn’t connect via a PCB edge.

I may even buy lots just to stop people from doing it.

That’s a bit extreme isn’t it.

the problem is that bound high rom is not playable on the flashboy

There’s 2 versions around. The one I have plays glitchy on the FlashBoy, but it’s the ROM image not the hardware.

Don’t harm carts by making them donors

I don’t like destroying carts to make FlashBoys 🙁 , but there is NO other way to get the connectors.

“I just got my GoSub cart in the mail today”

I made it (using a FlashBoy PCB minus the USB).

Talking of labels, we use a Polaroid zinc printer for the FlashBoy. Water / fade proof and an adhesive backing built-in

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