Question for everyone. Is it worth me building another batch of FlashBoy+ carts ?, or would you prefer to wait for Vaughanabe13’s cart (which is more advanced) ?
I’ve had fun making the FlashBoy carts, but with this cart on the horizon it is pointless for me to develop it any further or manufacture more of the current design.
I look forward very much to using an SD card based cart on the VB :thumpup:
Perhaps we could look into getting the connectors made (I’ve not seen them anywhere). As for making more FlashBoy’s, it’s getting very close to not being able to get donor carts anymore. There really needs to be a solution, especially for when Vaughanabe13 releases his cart.
I just tried it on a FlashBoy, and it works up until you try to start the game. It then keeps stopping and displaying the ‘read instructions’ screen. Press start again, bit of movement, then back to the screen again.
Makes me mad >:( when someone comes along and buys FlashBoy’s in bulk with the intention of selling them for profit. It’s sticking up the middle finger to Chris and me.