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@minestormRegistered July 28, 2007Active 1 year, 9 months ago
321 Replies made

Uses M27C160 (16Mbit) or M27C320 (32Mbit) EPROM

The capacitor is 100nF

(red is top layer, blue is bottom)


If I make any more repros, I will ship them directly from me to the customer. I can’t lose the time and money having them keep getting stolen.

Yes 🙁

Does Uncle Tusker want to comment ?

I made those, but how the hell did he end up with 5.

These were supposed to be sold with the box / label etc and one per customer (as they are in demand).

I’m looking forward to trying out the ROM.

AAMOI how’s Snatcher going ?

You’re also a programming magician, what, with the fighter engine and Gameboy emulator.

That’s MK.

I just make the FlashBoy+ cart and the repro game boards.

(which wouldn’t have been possible if it wasn’t for bigmak securing the BNIB donor carts)

Are these available for purchase?

Soon. I’m experimenting 3D printing it in soft plastic. It should do away with the need of a rubber surround (expensive).

I won’t be charging money for these. Just a swap for a donor cart (that’s any VB game) which we use to make repro’s / flashcarts.

Can you open it up and take a picture of the loose part ?

I was sent here from another VG Dev site. I’m curious if this can be used to rip the sound files from games and create a multitrack cart of all known VB sound files. Perhaps same for graphics library. Then we code it into a VB info cart with info on the games, BG’s, graphical assets, histories, etc.

Yes, that would make a great cart. If someone does the hacking, I’ll definitely build them.

The only problem I have is that some where allowed to buy more than one copy. It’s obvious what they intended to do from the start. Plus, it denied others getting the game.

If you have no luck getting a medallion, I’ll 3D print one for you.

Here’s Al’s new design with the rubber strip he sent me.

The comfort level is now very good.

Maybe you could use some flexible material like Ninjaflex to make it more comfortable…

Yes, that might be worth trying. I think there’s even soft PLA now.

we use a rubber seal strip here at work which could well do the trick

That could work. It should stick well to the ABS with something like super glue.

I’m also curious about internal reflections.

I don’t notice any. I used some ABS which is pretty matt.

How comfortable is it to use?

Not very. It digs into my face pretty bad.

To be comfortable, each print would have to be custom-shaped to an individual’s face shape.

My Nephew came to my house with his new 3DS ‘running’ Wario Land in 3D. Turned out to be a 3D YouTube clip 🙁

It printed pretty good


I’ll do it for you.

PM me

I think it’s possible to print the case for the link-plug in nylon. I’ve already tried PLA and ABS, but the clips which connect the two halves were a bit delicate.

They’ll be no more runs of previous carts (BoundHigh, FishBone etc). The end of our donor cart supply is in sight and we want to move forward with new homebrew releases.

It retains the save even after you flash a new game into it ?

Yes, as long as that game doesn’t over write the save space.