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@mips5000Registered February 5, 2017Active 2 years, 8 months ago
50 Replies made

Thanks STEREOBOY and KR155E.

I haven’t spent as much time with VBDE as I would have liked, so prob have no business asking more questions; but if either of you care to inform me – or point to a resource; My current interest is in how a sprite or image is defined inside the VBDE;

There is the binary (written as hexadecimal) code.


So there are 8 digits after the 0x.
I’m going to make a big assumption and say this represents one pixel, which is made up of four “components”.

In RGB displays, aren’t there two digits dedicated to each color (so 6 total digits to represent one RGB pixel), and that 00 through FF represent the intensity of that color?

If virtual boy has just 4 shades of red – I would think each pair of digits would be either 00 or FF. Obviously I’m mistaken.

I’m impressed that you can make these modifications.

I may not be worthy to ask this question; but in layman’s terms – What are the steps between having a rom file, and having a code in front of you where you would actually be able to tweak certain things before re-compiling it into a rom file?

Is there a certain software used for this?
Does it look like crazy machine code when the rom is un-archived?

Hey! I recently got a hold of a BB case myself. Mine has the foam – If you can’t find good pictures of it, let me know and I can take some. I would think you can somehow get a solid block of foam, and cut it out similar enough to the same shape as the original.

Do you mind if I ask where you found the deal? If I ever look at craigslist in my area, all I see are lots of ads for people wanting to BUY your video game related stuff.

I wanted everything video game related in 95, but didn’t feel compelled to blow my birthday/xmas load on it – so ebay when I had some disposable income.

I wish I got mine at a yard sale or flea market before the days of “seller+smartphone+ebay = no deals to be had” and retro game stores buying all stock and driving the prices way up.

I think it’s awesome, and I’m “here supporting you 100% from the sidelines”.

Can you reveal what tools you’re looking to accomplish this with?
I’ve been messing around with the VBDE supplied here on this site.

Nevermind about questions above – I used STEREO BOY’s post to find the output.vb file.

So far I’ve been able to mess around with the music and the main character’s graphics. You can expect Wario Land 2 to be out in about a year.

Thanks for the help.
Placing vdbe folder in the root of the C drive lets me compile “vuengine-platformer-demo” now.

When I try to “RUN” or “compile and run” however, the resulting “SDL_app” window opens, but stops responding. I’m guessing this is the point where an emulator would normally pop up and run the compiled code?

Is it true that the community as a whole hasn’t gotten their hands on, or been able to decipher any of the source code for the official games yet? Would that be a matter of reverting the V810 code back into assembly?

Also – maybe these errors upon start-up are trying to tell me something.. If only I knew what a “Git” and a “VCS root mapping” were.

I see my next problem probably being that I don’t have my Reality Boy emulator in the right folder.


I’m interested here – would even be willing to pay up front (as long as the price is not outrageous!)

When you say Hyper Fighting is not a port – I don’t understand.

I imagine the code of the game was not reconstructed from scratch.
There must have been heavy configuration needed, for the 3d effect, maybe down-scaling of the graphics. I don’t know the definition of a “port”.

I get that it’s all a big secret, but does anyone have an idea of the time it took for one person (as skilled as they may be), and money paid to create Hyper Fighting?

Would be cool if that same creator took a shot at what I personally consider a better SNES game, like Super Metroid.

Wow, do you have any idea how much one of those display cases went for back then? I don’t, I’d like to know… especially the “environment” one lol.

And there was a job at this time where 150 people were servicing all the display stuff in the US? Imagine that job, driving all over, staying at hotels, and just talking to people about Nintendo merch at stores.. fixing and re-boxing stuff.. I wonder how much they got paid for that. Those days are over. I don’t see merchandise displayed like this anymore.

I remember walking into SEARS or what have you and seeing cases like this and being excited and wanting it all. Just waiting all year for Christmas, hoping to get one or two games. What a victim of marketing I was. That’s probably why I keep a small collection; to remember the excitement which is not present in adult life anymore.

I have heard stories of a few people finding old Nintendo displays at flea-markets, on craigslist, etc… someday maybe I’ll make my own repro display to keep all my treasures, I mean @!#% in it.

Only thing I can think of is buying a “for parts” VB. I think they can go for ~$60-$80 sometimes on ebay? That would be just the head only – usually no visor or stand.

Thanks, but really I have no soldering skills either. If I did this, probably anybody can with enough patience. It looks terrible, but I played for another hour+ last night and no problems (Wario land).. I’m hoping this is it.

It took a lot of trial and error because sooo many times it would be glitching, and I’d take all the wires off and re-attach them.. then it would be good for 5 seconds, then glitch again.. or one eye would work, etc. If it was possible to easily short out the circuit or burn it, I def would have done it 10 times over.

I wish I knew the wire specs – I found a little spool of this stuff at my last job (french benefits!!), but really we would have never used it. It looks like the wire size is 0.5mm diameter, and it’s a silver metal. The first wire I tried was too big, and way too hard to attach to the board.

I had to rip off the top connector part where the “cardboard square” of the ribbon cable used to go in. The exposed pins were a lot easier to solder than onto the chip itself.

The soldering iron is a $10 radio shak. Apparently it works at 800 degrees – so prob why I burned up the original ribbon cable so badly.

Force – I’ll PM you now about your services.


One off Ebay, one off Amazon with orig box

My VB that I decimated is finally fixed.

This is my first VB that I botched the surgery on, gave up, then came back tonight and found a short in the wires using a fluke multi-meter. It must have been a very small piece of metal, too hard for me to see. I scraped it out using an 18G piercing needle. I just played for about 10 mins and graphics are like new.

The red circles I put just to show how !@#%$ed this thing was in those spots.

My second VB was “fixed” by an ebay seller who claimed permanent repair. Well he used some trade secret of his, probably a heat method, and now I have scan lines again after a year. Take it from me – get it soldered.
Force, idk if you’re still active, so I asked HPlovetrash if he is interested in doing it… I did this Frankenstein job, but I’m smart enough to realize you guys are the real masters.

Hey welcome to the site.

I did the same thing as you with my first VB… Oven didn’t work for me. Then I soldered and it looked good, but was still messed up. Then more attempts to fix it messed it up beyond repair. I tried to replace the ribbon cables completely with wires and got weird results, like one eye would work, then I’d solder the next and both would be screwed up.

The #2 VB I had repaired by someone on ebay, with a questionable method (trade secret). It’s still working good a year later, but if I could go back I would def send it to someone on this site who performs the soldering service.

Are you collecting all Pokemon games CIB?

I only have my original Blue with the box, no manual.
I’m a little bit of a collector myself, but only for what I find personally nostalgic. Like I wouldn’t care at all about owning a copy of “Stadium events”, just the games & systems I grew up playing.

What do the different endings mean? The character turned into a monster in mine…

It wouldn’t have killed them to add a few screens of text to give context to the story of the game.

I realized toward the end the monsters start looking more oceanic.. Then I read how in one of his books, the people in Insmouse turn into ocean dwelling creatures…

I beat it for the first time yesterday. Got ending C. My first few levels – I didn’t like the game, but by the time I was done I really liked it. It would be awesome to see the Halloween mod…

What sucks is the guy that bought it might be placing it right up on ebay for 200. If you look on Craigslist in any location there are about 100 people trying to buy retro video games.

Hey TheForce81, thanks a lot for that offer. I would still pay you for your time of course. I finally have a working VB and I almost beat Wario Land for the first time last weekend. One level left.

I’ll play a few more games while its working, when I get a break with it, I’ll send you a PM and ask about your services. Thanks again for the generosity.