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@mkRegistered August 31, 2008Active 6 years, 1 month ago
35 Replies made

Lester Knight wrote:
i’m sure everyone is going to point out the verses option. will this game have planned support of the soon-to-be-released vb link cable?

Yes. The game supports (and requires) the link cable for the VS mode.

blitter schrieb:
Hi Mr. Anon, just have one question: what Hz are the sound effects sampled at?

He used 4-bit audio sampled at 8000 Hz.

tomaitheous schrieb:

Dasi is right, the graphics are from the arcade version, and only the music is from the PC Engine version.
By the way, with the tools provided by MK, it wasn’t that hard to create this mod.
So if you like this game and want to support this and MK’s other projects, I would suggest making a donation to him.

Link to MK’s site?

Threre is no website.

If someone wants to make a donation (send me a PM), I would appreciate it.
As a bonus all donators will get a thanks in the game credits and in the future they will also get beta versions of my vb games/projects long before I release them.

Protoman85 schrieb:
Provide the .vb for that? Please?

Sorry, but I won’t release it before it’s finished.

Here’s something you might be interested in:

VB Racing is NOT public domain!
So please remove it from your public domain archive.

Thanks for testing.
The compiler seems not to generate PC-relative function calls. When I have time, I will try to fix it.

I wanted to release one of my old unreleased demos by the end of this year, but my EPROM programmer doesn’t work anymore, so I’m not able to test anything on real hardware and I don’t want to release untested software.
So don’t expect to see a demo anytime soon.

madmax wrote:
I pretty sure the the classic Splash Wave from Outrun is available as midi 🙂

Yes, its available as midi 🙂
Because of copyright reasons I probably won’t release the game with this music, but I could write a tool with which you could replace music data.

bigmak wrote:
… isn’t a raycasting engine the same type used in wolfenstein 3D ? Do you think your engine would do well in that application ?

The engine of VB Racing is not really useable for a fps like wolf3d, but I have already begun to write a new raycasting engine for first person shooters.[/quote]

Do you plan to use DanB’s midi player to control the music


Have you done any other projects or demo’s for the vboy ? Or was this your first entry into vboy programming ?

This was my first vb game, but I have a few other projects running.


There is no stage selection screen. You have to reach the finish line in the given time to get to the next stage.

Thanks for the compliments.
There are only 3 stages, but I want to add more stages and new game modes.

Here are a few infos about the game:
– fast raycasting engine
– self-drawn stereoscopic graphics
– 3 stages
– ai players become angry when you hit them

BTW, here’s a link to an ingame video: http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=twiB61177XM

Wow! It looks really great, but there are a few things i noticed:
– the 3d effect of the player/kart looks a little bit strange
– the ground seems to be sometimes quite choppy. maybe because of too low accuracy in fixedpoint calculations and/or low precision LUTs??
– it looks like there is a bug in your parallax (MP) calculations for the ground. there is a hardly visible bent where MP becomes zero. If you increase the paralax value, it should become more visible. (its only visible on the vb, not in rboy)

RunnerPack wrote:
I’m curious: what are you writing to save RAM? (RBoy made a ram file when I ran it…)

I don’t use SRAM. Maybe its a bug.

DogP wrote:
Cool… but who are you? 😉

A mysterious VB fan 😉

DogP wrote:
And it seems to work fine in RB .83 except the car is split in half.

Thats because you are running it in normal display mode.

I noticed the following bugs in rboy 0.83 (0822alpha):
– the road affine map has a bend, because rboy can’t handle the MP paralax value correctly
– there are graphical glitches when affine maps with a height < 8 are displayed - the game runs with doubled speed. it seems that there is a bug in the vip register emulation - because of the MP bug there are no trees in the left screen and wrong car graphics For those without a flashcart, I compiled a special version for rboy with corrected road and speed. Run it in "Over under" or "Side" 3D Mode. In the left/top screen there are still bugs, but on the bottom/right screen it seems to be playable. DON'T RUN THIS VERSION ON THE VB WITH A FLASHCART!
