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@modeltfordmanRegistered May 26, 2014Active 2 years, 1 month ago
47 Replies made

I think this is video editing as well. This footage looks too much like the nes version and sounds too much like it.This is totally fake. Until I see a rom or demo it will be hard to believe this.

I just saw this after making a topic for it.I think there need to be a update to the listing. It is very misleading.

Cosmoliner wrote:
Someone interested at some repros?
A member of VB sell his 5 repros…….


LOL, $200 for Faceball Remastered? You can still get it for $80 in Tusks shop. He could have been a bit more specific in the item descriptions.[/quote]

Never mind this topic. I see others are talking about it in the Note Worthy Auctions thread.

Motorola Atrix 4G 2.3.6

vbsteffel wrote:
Are you able to purchase on ebay?

Yes, but I try to stay away from there. Sometimes the prices people ask are outrageous! eBay is a last resort for me.

Thank you very much. It is the us version. I had been looking for a while and just could’t pass up the opportunity to buy it. Now I can’t wait to play. My vb library is slowly growing.

I consider the Virtual Boy like my game boy. It is portable in some ways. That is why I would consider it like the game boy.

I have one of these also. Mine came with an extra controller. However; when I tried to use it I quickly found out why it was so cheap. The previous owner had wrapped the cord around the ac plug part and snapped the wires in half. It was broken where the cord went into the adapter. I cut the wire protector off and soldered the connections back together. My ac adapter may not look the greatest, but if works flawlessly and is safe to use again.

Welcome to the community! Runnerpack here will be able to help you. He has fixed many of my displays. It is not really that difficult to take the VB apart imho, but nonetheless runnerpack will still be able to help. Congrats on joining the vr/vb world and enjoy.

I love the power glove.It’s so bad. Sorry I couldn’t resist. Lol. It would have been interresting to see how the power glove could have changed perspective of gaming if it had been successful.

clonecman PM’d. Let me know if you want it. I have an extra copy in hand brand new.

Yes RunnerPack is great! I highly recommend him. He is very knowledgeable and keeps you informed of the repair process. He has fixed the displays out of one of my vb’s and I have sent him a second set to fix too.

Welcome to the community! RunnerPack has fixed one of my virtual boy’s displays, and that was an extremely good deal on the vb. I wish I was that lucky. So far I only have three games for mine, but I have had so much fun with the vb!

My game boy collection:


DMG Gameboy (2)
Game boy color

GBA SP (2) one is onyx and the other silver.(Need to replace screens)

DS lite
3dsXL Zelda edition

Welcome and let me say as a new virtual boy owner as well; these guys really are nice and very helpful!

There is nothing better than playing on actual hardware.
I personally never had a virtual boy growing up and decided to pick one up and I love it. It was a working system and still is partially, and I would not trade it for anything. In fact it is being sent out for repair as I type (hurry back little guy).

VN100322545 USA. My newest back up unit.

RunnerPack PM answered.Thanks!

I thought about that. I’m not scared to take it apart, I thought about trying the heat gun trick first before getting too excited. I know the DMG game boys are easily fixed with with a solder iron or heat gun. I have had success fixing two with dead pixels. So I’ll give it a try later this week. I’ll keep you all updated. Thanks again.