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@molinasonRegistered January 7, 2012Active 11 years, 10 months ago
8 Replies made

I will donate what I can as soon as possible with the hope of getting a full cartridge.
Donation will be made through a friend’s paypal account, as I don’t have any.

Hi everyone!

I just want to show my support to Eric (Bigmac) and chiefly thank him for what many wouldn’t have done, sacrifice all his Virtual Boy collection to get Faceball’s prototype and then give it to the community………….FOR FREE!!!!

There’s nothing bad in trying to recover so much money spent, and as a change “give a copy of Faceball” to those who want to help you. What is wrong in that?

Those who want to boycott Faceball’s output as a complete cartridge (box and instructions) mind your business and leave us alone…..


HI everybody

Just to say (as a rememberance) that I’m at your disposal to donate VB carts to get a Faceball’s limited edition.
If possible take this post into account to contact me when you decide to promote the proyect.

Ben, please remember me for this proyect

Thanks and regards

Woooooww Ben!!!!!!

What a great colection, I hope to get one like yours some day….. On purpose, those prototypes that you have unmounted ,which games are they? Are them Faceballs?

I want a complete one and Richard told me that complete games are distributed by Uncletusker and can’t contact on him……

Do you know who could help me?

I also want to say that I’m very interested in buying games, so if you can offer something…..


It’s great that you decided to release Faceball’s ROM and greater by making cartridges and its boxes with instructions.

I’m interested in one of this numbered and limited editions with box and instructions. ¿How can I get it?

I have some repeated carts which can be at your disposal to donate, if possible, please send me your address and I will send them inmediately.

Planet Virtual Boy need people like you!!!

If you want to contact me please let me know your private email address and we talk about this.

Virtual Boy guys, now for Dragon Hoopper!!!!!!!!!

I love the idea of the game you are making, I can’t help you with it as I have no knowledge about it, but when you are finished I’d like to buy a couple of cartridges with the box and instructions.

I wish we all Virtual Boy lovers could play Faceball’s ROM, if Mr. G were so kind and understood all of us who have been looking for this for so many years.

I’d like any proposal from you to play it…


I´m new here and I couldn’t resist to post here. I can’t belive it. I think it is fantastic that someone can show this game we have been waiting for so long.
Is there any possibility to play? If donations are needed to buy the rom I’m at your disposal.
Tonight I won’t sleep!