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@morintariRegistered July 3, 2011Active 21 hours, 10 minutes ago
447 Replies made

Ok so now we have HorvatM for programming I assume. and VirtualChris for music. And me when I finish my current VB game that I’m working on. Any other takers?



1.Morintari (once I finish current game)

akumie wrote:but people like us who do not make games should really not complain

I actually am working on a game but you wouldn’t know it for the snails pace that I’m working at. Hence the old asian proverb “many hands make for light work”.

I’m just saying that we have enough people to start a small company. Why not utilize the talent? The Rom does’nt have to be paid for as much as how the whole VB community would benefit from the games. Can you Imagine what PVB would look like in 5 years with 5 homebrew licencee quality games.
There is a reason why Revival Studios is producing a quality VB game. If we had more quality games more companies would start to see the VB as a platform worth supporting and if that happened maybe we would see the release of the second Virtual Boy. Maybe I’m dreaming but then again maybe not. We don’t know if we don’t try.
I would love to head up this project believe me but I have too many irons in the fire so to speak. But please somebody lead this project out.

This was a Great idea 🙂 what better way to tell the public that the VB is alive and kickin than to show them what you all have done. I may be a uber noob for suggesting this but we have alot of good talent here it’s a shame that all of the good programmers can’t get together with the good artists and create a game that would be like the ones released by the licencees. you know produce a game the quality of EFX It’s just an Idea if you don’t like it please be gentle.

  • This reply was modified 13 years, 1 month ago by Morintari.

The problem with those shows is they have been going on for entirely too long and they have simply run out of material. It’s kind of like, they can do either things that may not be funny (or stupid jokes that people won’t really get) or they can do the same old same old…Just my two cents.

Virtual Chris, the background scrolling is nice and it will open up possibilities for your game. However I would like to see the far background pulled further back in space, to utilize the VB hardware to dramatically display a stereoscopic image. I would also like to see your marquee in 3d as well. That’s just my two cents take it for what it’s worth.

Ok I’m reluctant to post this, but here it goes I did see it on E-bay once. But unfortuanately it was before I knew what Planet Virtual Boy was and at the time low on cash :p . Yes it exists and it is definately out there.:)

Finnally, someone understands what I’m talking about. 🙂 Now that we got that taken care of could someone (please) who is good at VIDE program in these Psydo colors so I can start drawing. If not I guess I’ll have to do it the old fashoned way.

  • This reply was modified 13 years, 4 months ago by Morintari.

First of all I want to say that is a sweet image you have done some nice color optimization. Second Id like to say I understand dithering and that isnt what I am suggesting. Dithering is where you take a unlimited # of colors and break it down to x amount of colors with patterned blends making the extra colors. What I am suggesting is smart dithering if you will. Taking the 10 colors that cannot appear on the Virtual Boy and substituting them for colors that can and will appear on the Virtual Boy. It’s kind of like dithering only without any unwanted artifacts. like a pre-dithering instead of post-dithering. It’s taking a limited color pallete and substituting it for patterned colors that can be viewed on the Virtual Boy. Basically taking 10 colors and assigning a value on each color and in the final image when a color comes up that the Virtual Boy can’t display it substitutes it for a patterned color that’s all. The result may look like dithering but what I am suggesting is more powerful for the artist. Basically no one may incorporate this feature into vide but if they did Id love to start drawing with 10 colors instead of just 4!

nibiru8722 When I mean lenses facing up, I am talking about the view finder, the clear plastic that you look through to see the screen. With the dark red plastic hard cover what reads VIRTUAL BOY facing down I hope this helps. good luck on your storage and congrats on your find!

nibiru8722 wrote:
but is there anything else I should be aware of??

I store my VB with eye lenses facing up.It has all but corrected the blow it suffered from being dropped (accident of course!)

Ok I don’t want to state the obvious but it seems to me that your 10 color problem has a simple solution it is as follows. Have the artist pick between 10 solid colors. When those colors are programmed in Vide they then become 10 patterned colors the ones on KR155E’s table on his Multi-color demo (actually 4 solids and 6 patterned colors) . It doesn’t use refresh rates or anything like that just a mere recognition of colors and substitution of patterned colors. It doesn’t even use dithering just substitution ,this color that’s not on the palette for that color that is made of patterned colors on the palette. I know this whole thing could be done with color optimization and dithering but that will leave unwanted artifacts wouldn’t it be better to just substitute the colors for patterned colors? Here’s what I’m talking about.

Please keep the chat. KR155E It’s one of my favorite features.

IMO I think that the earlier Insecticide screen was better. however if I was going to make it multi shades of red I would draw a gradient through it, starting at low red and moving on to high red. Or maybe one color and a shadow behind it of another color it’s just what I think.

It really depends on your goals. for gaming alone of course nothings going to beat a supported system. But the Virtual Boy is more than that it’s the peoples system it’s hacked to the point of creating your own software for it It’s gonna take a long time for that to happen to 3DS. So if you want a system that may be alittle behind the times but at the same time will provide you with free games of your own device, than you cannot beat the Virtual Boy. If you want games and lots of them but you don’t care about creating your own. Then you better buy a new supported system. That’s just my two cents.

Guy’s let’s think about this. This could be a good thing anyhow. Let’s look at the facts. V.B. tech has been in dormant for over 16 years and only Nintendo has the patent of true 3d RTI graphics. Suddenly 16+ years later Sony makes their own head mounted display. Profits soar we hope. Nintendo then sees potential, and a market that wasn’t there suddenly is. And once again Nintendo brings back the tech that we all know and love keep your fingers crossed. I just hope that if Nintendo does their own HMD it will involve oscillating mirrors and an IPD setting if you get my drift.

If Virtual Boy would of succeeded we’d have full color Virtual Boys by now and that would be beyond sweet. 🙂 In stead of having to settle for a 3d full color system where zelch flys off of the screen. Is that really 3d yes and no? You don’t go to a 3d movie to see depth, but to see things fly in your lap now that’s the wow factor that only the V.B. could offer!

Never a head ache or any nausea, but I did burst an eye vessel beating Vertical Force once.

VBSAM wrote:

Ummm, tell that to DanB. He handled polygonal graphics just fine in his Hunter homebrew.

That’s all fine and dandy, Hunter is an excellent example of polygon graphics but it was DanB that told me polygon graphics were not the way to go. Especially the high level of polygons I would need to create the graphics I want to achieve.

Anyway thanks for this tutorial as I have more questions ill be sure to post.

I’ve tried this but I’m afraid that with all of that pressure on the visor that it could rip. So I went back to the old faithful position of crouched down playing. Could that pressure rip the visor?

DanB wrote:

3D images on VB can be done in two ways, both invloving showing slightly different screens to each eye.

The “cheapest” (and most common) way is to show the exact same sprite to both eyes, but with a few pixels horizontal displacement. This gives the illusion of cardboard cut-out flat objects at different depth in the screen.

The better result, with actual 3D objects, is done by pre-rendering your models at two different angles, putting both of them in a background map, and showing each model to a separate eye.

As far as 3d models I was’nt talking about renders that were from differant angles like 3d movies. I was talking about objects that are modeled in 3d modeling programs like Max and Maya that were placed in the Virtual Boy’s Virtual space. I guess there is no way to do that. Are their programmers that are working on polygon engines that are good enough for games and would consider working on making a displacement engine for the V.B. as well. I mean think of the possibilities once we had the tools. I’ve seen DanB’s Zelda screenshots and even though very impressive if the buildings and the river actually had depth how much more impressive would that be. The way I see it is we can only go so far with 2d games on a 3d level the next step is displacement, and then polygon generated graphics. But I know I’m not telling you anything that you already don’t know.