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@mr-gRegistered September 12, 2012Active 11 years, 10 months ago
72 Replies made

I turn to left and I look at bottom little room and I look at wall panel that I can break and I shoot wall panel. I shoot BERSERKE fast and he drop speed up special item. BERSERKE in this little room ever drop speed up special item when he die. I no can pick up speed up special item because level is cleared and I no can pick up special item if level is cleared. Now I see screen say STAGE 1 7 CLEARED !! and I get score.

Time clock at level end show 58 seconds. 1 second give me 100 points so I get score 5800. BERSERKE give me 160 points and I kill 4 BERSERKE so I get score 640. Total score at bottom screen say 6440.

I go to STAGE 1-8 and I have shield special item that I pick up on STAGE 1-7.

I shoot BERSERKE 1 time and he die and I move in up direction in hallway and I shoot wall panel that can break and I go in up right room of level that have 2 little rooms. I move to top little room and I look at wall panel that I can break and I shoot wall panel. I shoot BERSERKE fast and he die and he drop shield special item. BERSERKE in this little room ever drop shield special item when he die.

I shoot wall panel that can break on left wall of top room of level and I move in down direction of level map. I shoot wall panel that can break of down midle part of level and I move to down right part of level. I turn to left and I look at wall panel that can break and that have BERSERKE enemy behind. I shoot wall panel and BERSERKE enemy see me and he rush to me.

I move out of start room and I move in up left direction of map screen and I shoot wall panel that can break on left wall of level map. Now I move in up right direction and I shoot wall panel that can break and that is on bottom part of top room of level. Now I see BERSERKE enemy in top room of level. BERSERKE never shoot to me. He try rush to me and punch me with hand. See photograph I make. BERSERKE try puch me with hand. I use shield special item. When I use shield enemy no can give me damage for 5 seconds. BERSERKE try punch me but no can give me damage. I shoot BERSERKE 1 time and he explode.

Let me show you STAGE 1-7 of game.

Level start and I push select button and map appear on screen. I push start button here and game stop and I make photograph. See picture 1.

I also make drawing of map screen. See picture 2.

I start in down left place of level and my happy face character look up screen at level start. See drawing I make of map screen. It show my happy face character start place and start direction and enemys start places also. STAGE 1-7 have 4 enemys. Each enemy name of game is BERSERKE. I think names should be BERSERKER so I spell like this on drawing I make. STAGE 1-7 have wall panels that become light red and become less light red and become light red and become less light red continuous. This type wall panel break if I shoot. See drawing I make of map screen. I make this type wall panel gray color. But see photograph of game screen map. Wall panel that I can break no look diferent on game screen map. I make this type wall panel look diferent on drawing so you can see all wall panels that I can break if shoot. But wall panels that can break no look diferent on game screen map than red wall panels that no can break.

thunderstruck. You are welcome. Sorry. I no now of Virtual Boy community of Japan. I play homebrew games of this site yes. Games is fun. I no now of interest for Japanese translation of games also.

I move to up right INVISIBL and I shoot INVISIBL 2 times and he die also. Up right INVISIBL never drop special item when he die. Now I see screen say STAGE 1 6 CLEARED !! and I get score.

Time clock at level end show 63 seconds. 1 second give me 100 points so I get score 6300. INVISIBL give me 150 points and I kill 2 INVISIBL so I get score 300. Total score at bottom screen say 6600.

I go to STAGE 1-7 and I have shield special item that I pick up on STAGE 1-3.

Wall panel break.

I shoot.

I move in level and I put game map on screen so you can see me. I now look at wall panel that I can break if shoot.

I move in big room to up left place and I shoot wall panels that I can break and I see INVISIBL enemy. INVISIBL apear as litle shadow circle on ground and that all I see. See photograph I make of INVISIBL. INVISIBLE is hard enemy. He shoot to me many times and he move in many directions at same time he shoot. I shoot INVISIBLE 2 times and he die and he drop speed up special item. Up left INVISIBL enemy ever drop speed up special item when he die. I no want speed up so I keep shield.

Let me show you STAGE 1-6 of game.

Level start and I push select button and map appear on screen. I push start button here and game stop and I make photograph. See picture 1.

I also make drawing of map screen. See picture 2.

I start in down left place of big room and my happy face character look up screen at level start. See drawing I make of map screen. It show my happy face character start place and start direction and enemys start places also. STAGE 1-6 have 2 enemys. Enemys names of game is INVISIBL and INVISIBL. I think names should be INVISIBLE so I spell like this on drawing I make. STAGE 1-6 have wall panels that become light red and become less light red and become light red and become less light red continuous. This type wall panel break if I shoot. See drawing I make of map screen. I make this type wall panel gray color. STAGE 1-6 have wall panels that I can see thru but I no can break if I shoot. This type wall panel is like bullet-proof glass. See drawing I make of map screen. I make this type wall panel light blue color. But see photograph of game screen map. Wall panel that I can break and wall panel that I can see thru no look diferent on game screen map. I make this types wall panels look diferent on drawing so you can see all wall panels that I can break if shoot and you can see all wall panels that I can see thru. But wall panels that can break and wall panels that can see thru no look diferent on game screen map than red wall panels that no can break and that no can see thru.

morintari, DrEvil, VBmills, VBrulez, and Benjamin Stevens. You are welcome.

Benjamin Stevens. If player get damage in NikoChan Battle on Virtual Boy player no get health over time period in each level. Each level player have 10 healths so player die by 10 damages. This is default setting. If player go to new level then player get 10 healths on new level start and player die by 10 damages on new level. But if I use secret debug menu I can change times number that I can get damage on 1 level. I can adjust so my happy face character die by 1 damage or 2 damages or 3 damages to 49 damages. I can adjust enemys healths also. So enemy can die by 1 shoot or 2 shoots or 3 shoots to 49 shoots.

I try make photographs of player health and I try make photographs and video of debug menu in future.

I try make Virtual Boy Faceball (NikoChan Battle) Gameplay STAGE 1-1 to STAGE 1-5 video by same camera and video have low resolution like other but you can get idea of game movement and enemy attacks and you can hear more game music and sound also.

I ask family and friends soon if somebody have beter camera that can use for future video and I hope somebody have beter video camera.

See new video here:

I shoot VAMPIRE 2 times and he die also. As I say VAMPIRE in up left place of level never drop special item. Now I see screen say STAGE 1 5 CLEARED !! and I get score.

Time clock at level end show 30 seconds. 1 second give me 100 points so I get score 3000. VAMPIRE give me 140 points and I kill 2 VAMPIRE so I get score 280. Total score at bottom screen say 3280.

I go to STAGE 1-6 and I have shield special item that I pick up on STAGE 1-3.

When I move to VAMPIRE and he appear on screen and I in front of him he move. VAMPIRE never shoot. He move very fast and he move in strait line in direction that his eyes look when I get close and I in front of him. He move like billiard ball hit by stick. If he move into wall panel then he bounce off wall panel like billiard ball bounce off table side. Then he stop like billiard ball also and he no move again. But if I move in front of him again then he move like billiard ball again. If VAMPIRE rush into me I get damage. When he is close I push start button and game stop and I make photograph so you can see him good.

VAMPIRE enemys look down screen at level start and no move if they no see me. I move to up part of level and I break wall panel behind up right VAMPIRE enemy. He no see me because he look down screen and no move and I behind him. I shoot him 1 time and he no move because he no see me and he must not care about that I shoot him ha ha. I shoot him 1 time again and he die and he drop shield special item. I have shield that I pick up on STAGE 1-3 so I no pick up new shield. Up right VAMPIRE enemy of level ever have shield special item. Up left VAMPIRE enemy of level never have special item.

Now I move in level and I shoot all wall panels that I can break. I no need to do this but this is fun. I move to down left part of level and move up level to meet other VAMPIRE enemy. I can kill him like I kill up right VAMPIRE enemy but I do this so I can show you VAMPIRE enemy front.

Let me show you STAGE 1-5 of game.

Level start and I push select button and map appear on screen. I push start button here and game stop and I make photograph. See picture 1.

I also make drawing of map screen. See picture 2.

I start in down center place of room and my happy face character look up screen at level start. See drawing I make of map screen. It show my happy face character start place and start direction and enemys start places also. STAGE 1-5 have 2 enemys. Enemys names is VAMPIRE and VAMPIRE. STAGE 1-5 have wall panels that become light red and become less light red and become light red and become less light red continuous like STAGE 1-3 have. This type wall panel break if I shoot. See drawing I make of map screen. I make this type wall panel gray color. But see photograph of game screen map. This type wall panel of game screen map no look diferent. I make this type wall panel look diferent on drawing so you can see all wall panels that I can break if I shoot. But wall panels that can break no look diferent on game screen map than red wall panels that no can break.

Lester Knight. You are welcome and I keep information coming. I make new video of secret debug menu soon. Secret debug menu have songs that no appear in NORMAL game and no appear in ARENA game. Proof that game is no finish.

VBmills and VBrulez. You are welcome.

Benjamin Stevens. Yes I post more music and more videos of NikoChan Battle game in future.

Dor-Si. You are welcome and yes I keep information coming.

I make Virtual Boy Faceball (NikoChan Battle) Introduction video and put on YouTube. Watch video here:

Sorry. Video quality is no good. Maximum resolution of video camera is 320 by 240 and I use maximum resolution. I no can make beter video by my camera. You can hear music that play at game start good. You can look at early photographs I put on forum topic and see game screens that have beter resolution.

In video I push start button each time and I go to next game screen. After title screen appear I push b button 4 times and I go to game start again. I push start button each time and I go to next game screen again. I try show you menu picture of STAGE 1 and STAGE 2 and STAGE 3 and STAGE 4 of game but video quality is no good. Sorry.