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@mr-gRegistered September 12, 2012Active 11 years, 10 months ago
72 Replies made

DrEvil. You are welcome. I wish more people can play game also. Man that own cart say in past he no want money for game. Maybe his mind change in future?

Hedgetrimmer. You are welcome. I enjoy playing game yes.

KR155E. You are welcome. I try make more like this in future for all level of game.

thunderstruck. You are welcome. I have new camera that record sound and video. I no use before but I have friend teach how.

VBmills. You are welcome. I try give many more detail of game in future.

bigmak. I try make video recording that have sound soon. Maybe I make own YouTube chanel.

I run in room and turn right and shoot him and he die. Now I see screen say STAGE 1 1 CLEARED !! and I get score.

Time clock at level end show 75 second. 1 second give me 100 point so I get score 7500. SHOT ME give me 100 point and I kill 2 SHOT ME so I get score 200. Total score at bottom screen say 7700. NikoChan Battle game only give score on one level. So if I go to STAGE 1-2 I get new STAGE 1-2 score but STAGE 1-1 score I no see again.

I no use my speed up special item in down right screen so I take to STAGE 1-2.

Now I turn left and see other SHOT ME that on radar but no on screen before. He close so SHOT ME apear in up left screen and I see gun sight on him. I push left button on left crosskey and left button on rigt crosskey at same time and he no hit me with ball he shoot to me. He run in room that he start in. I chase him!

I push right triger button and hit SHOT ME and he explode and special item apear. See photograph I make. This give me speed up for small time period if I push a buton. If I no push a button special item stay in down right screen. I can use item later if I push a button. If I get new item item on down right screen change to new item. I can have one item at time only.

Now I move close to enemy in halway. In up left his name SHOT ME. When enemy close and on screen center gun sight apear.

Now I move out of start room. I turn right. I see enemy in halway. I push start button and game stop and I make photograph. See photograph I make.

Up right screen is radar. Enemy in hallway look like black dot on radar. There red dot on radar also. This other enemy in left direction of me. I no can see him on playfield. There wall in midle of me and him. I no can see wall on radar.

Now I push select buton again and map disapear on screen. I move to opening in wall panel on up part of room. See photograph I make.

Let me explain game operation.

If I push up button on left crosskey I move in direction of my front. If I push up button on right crosskey I move in direction of my front also. If I push up button on left crosskey I move distance of 10 wall panel at 6 second. This happen if I push up button on right crosskey also. If I push up button on left crosskey and up button on right crosskey at same time I move twice speed. If I push up button on left crosskey and up button on right crosskey at same time I move distance of 10 wall panel at 3 second in front direction.

If I push down button on left crosskey I move in direction of my behind. If I push down button on right crosskey I move in direction of my behind also. If I push down button on left crosskey I move distance of 10 wall panel at 6 second. This happen if I push down button on right crosskey also. If I push down button on left crosskey and down button on right crosskey at same time I move twice speed. If I push down button on left crosskey and down button on right crosskey at same time I move distance of 10 wall panel at 3 second in behind direction.

If I push left buton on left crosskey I turn left. If I push left button on right crosskey I turn left also. If I push left button on left crosskey I turn left full circle at 2.5 second. This happen if I push left button on right crosskey also. If I push down button on left crosskey and up button on right crosskey at same time I turn left twice speed. If I push down button on left crosskey and up button on right crosskey at same time I turn left full circle at 1.25 second.

If I push right button on left crosskey I turn right. If I push rigt button on right crosskey I turn right also. If I push right button on left crosskey I turn right full circle at 2.5 second. This happen if I push right button on right crosskey also. If I push up button on left crosskey and down button on right crosskey at same time I turn right twice speed. If I push up button on left crosskey and down button on right crosskey at same time I turn right full circle at 1.25 second.

If I push up button on left crosskey and left button on left crosskey at same time I move in direction of my front and turn left at same time. If I push up button on left crosskey and right button on left crosskey at same time I move in direction of my front and turn right at same time. If I push up button on left crosskey and left button on rigt crosskey at same time I move in direction of my front only. I no can turn turn left at same time. If I push up button on left crosskey and right button on right crosskey at same time I move in direction of my front only. I no can turn right at same time.

If I push down button on left crosskey and left button on left crosskey at same time I move in direction of my behind and turn left at same time. If I push down button on left crosskey and right button on left crosskey at same time I move in direction of my behind and turn right at same time. If I push down button on left crosskey and left button on right crosskey at same time I move in direction of my behind only. I no can turn turn left at same time. If I push down button on left crosskey and right button on right crosskey at same time I move in direction of my behind only. I no can turn right at same time.

If I push left button on left crosskey and left button on right crosskey at same time I move strait left and look in direction of my front at same time. If I push right button on left crosskey and right button on right crosskey at same time I move strait right and look in direction of my front at same time. I no can move in direction of my front or direction of my behind if I push left button on left crosskey and left button on right crosskey at same time. I no can move in direction of my front or direction of my behind if I push right button on left crosskey and right button on right crosskey at same time.

If I push left triger button I shoot ball in center screen. If I push right triger button I shoot ball in center of screen also. If I push left triger button and keep button push down I shoot many ball fast. I shoot 4 ball at 1 second. This happen if I push right triger button and keep button push down also.

If I push b button screen become more dark. If I push b button again screen become light again. There only 2 setting here. Light and dark.

If I push a button I use special item if I have item. I tell you about special item later.

Let me show you STAGE 1-1 of game.

Level start and I push select button and map apear on screen. I push start button here and game stop and I make photograph. See picture 1.

I also make drawing of map screen. See picture 2.

All level in game is made of wall panel. All wall panel same length. All level show 99 second time clock.

I start in room 4 wall panel length and 4 wall panel wide. My happy face caracter look up screen at level start. See drawing I make of map screen. It show my happy face caracter start place and start direction and enemy start place also. STAGE 1-1 have 2 enemy. Enemy name is SHOT ME and SHOT ME. All wall panel on STAGE 1-1 is red and no wall panel break if I shoot panel.

L___E___T. I only speak here of NikoChan Battle game. You are welcome.

Dreammary. Sorry. I no tease you.

bigmak. I want to show everybody game. I no can find many information online of NikoChan Battle on Virtual Boy so I put detail of game online for to see. I find video on YouTube that look like game. Here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOc7J3pIxgI
Who this mk0081 that put video online? Does mk0081 make Virtual Boy – 3D Raycasting Demo? The person that make demo very good. NikoChan Battle move like this very close but more fast. I play Game Boy version and Super Nintendo version of game yes. NikoChan Battle on Virtual Boy move more smooth than Game Boy and Super Nintendo version.

VBrulez. Like I say I want show everybody game. Not many detail of game apear online.

KR155E. You are welcome and thank you. I alowed put video of game online. I no put video online in past so may take time.

Benjamin Stevens. I alowed to put music of game online also. But I no can record music now. Maybe in future.

MOLINASON. I wish more people can play game. I have game on cart now but I no own cart. Man that own cart say rom no can be release.

I try make more picture of game on weekend.

Each come out one at time…… ニ … コ … ちゃ … ん … バ … ト … ル ……
Then little happy face character hop on screen and become part of title.

Below title I see


©1995 BPS

I select NORMAL now.
I select STAGE 1.

That all for now. I show more in future.


More fun music play. Diferent this time.

Happy face rush strait left and 3 panel move in front of him.

Happy face rush by opening to right. Uh oh! He stop fast and move back. He turn right and rush to background.

He come to mirror and see himself. Next he turn round then. One more happy face character come from left end of screen and see him.

Then background for title fall down and everything other disappear.

Next come introduction.

I see red wall with smile face on. Ha ha everything red!

Then wall explode and I see small happy face character behind.

He spin round in circle and rush to me and off left end of screen.