I thought I’d update here as well as per tradition 😉 but I’ve already shared the icon and label on discord and they’re on Dropbox, for anyone with a HF32 cart, who wants to download it.
2019 I had the opportunity to acquire a copy of Space Invaders locally for around $300, which I did. The condition was quite nice as well. For me it was worth it as I didn’t own a flash cart for the VB at the time. Still, my main reason for getting the game was to collect it. I only actively collect for the VB. The other games you mention are not worth it for me and I do not plan on buying any of them. I’m content with playing those on my HyperFlash32. Virtual Bowling I understand, beside being crazy expensive, is very hard to find.
About regret. At the time I felt it was a good decision to make. I can’t blame myself for that now, which I why I don’t really regret buying or selling stuff 🙂 (which I do a lot). Would I buy it today at that same price? Perhaps not. Will I sell my copy? Perhaps not.
Is it worth it? I think only you can answer that. Personally I would consider my economic situation and also think about what owning those games will add to my life, as that is a lot of money to spend on games that I most likely will not be playing. Remember, you are free to call your collection complete without those four games. It’s all in our minds 😉 Sorry if I can’t give you any more concrete advice on your eventual purchases.
Here’s my latest label. I’ve done an icon as well for the new long format, and will update the first post with that one tomorrow. I plan on doing more labels and icons in the near future.
Edit: For anyone that has a HF32 cart, they’re both available for download via Kevins Dropbox link.
@duqtito: Hey! You can contact Kevin about the labels and icons pack for the HF32 cart. All my labels and icons are included in that. I have not done labels and icons for every homebrew though (far from), my main focus was making labels and icons for the released games.
I think “TheForce81” does it, but I’m not sure. You can try and send him a message.
http://www.japanspel.se did mine (in Sweden). I’m not sure they are willing to solder fix VB’s sent from abroad, but you never know. You can e-mail them at: info@japanspel.se
So I did two more 🙂 This makes it 28 labels in total counting the “default” label and Space Pinball, which is a modification of the Galactic Pinball label. That’s it for a while (I think).