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@mumphyRegistered July 21, 2019Active 4 weeks, 1 day ago
107 Replies made

Great work @Mirai604!

Thank you guys! I’m happy you like them.

I thought I’d update here as well as per tradition 😉 but I’ve already shared the icon and label on discord and they’re on Dropbox, for anyone with a HF32 cart, who wants to download it.

Cool. I have to check out the Game Boy Emulator and VB Studio.

That Doom label is bad ass!

Great work so far! I really like how clean the colors come out.

This project is awesome! I’ll be following it.


2019 I had the opportunity to acquire a copy of Space Invaders locally for around $300, which I did. The condition was quite nice as well. For me it was worth it as I didn’t own a flash cart for the VB at the time. Still, my main reason for getting the game was to collect it. I only actively collect for the VB. The other games you mention are not worth it for me and I do not plan on buying any of them. I’m content with playing those on my HyperFlash32. Virtual Bowling I understand, beside being crazy expensive, is very hard to find.

About regret. At the time I felt it was a good decision to make. I can’t blame myself for that now, which I why I don’t really regret buying or selling stuff 🙂 (which I do a lot). Would I buy it today at that same price? Perhaps not. Will I sell my copy? Perhaps not.

As for prices. I can only, somewhat, speak for Space Invaders and at the time that I aquired my copy I think it was being listed at around $500-$600 (CIB). Retrogames (UK) has had a copy listed for years for around $680 (CIB): https://www.retrogames.co.uk/037029/Nintendo/Space-Invaders-Virtual-Collection-by-Taito#

Is it worth it? I think only you can answer that. Personally I would consider my economic situation and also think about what owning those games will add to my life, as that is a lot of money to spend on games that I most likely will not be playing. Remember, you are free to call your collection complete without those four games. It’s all in our minds 😉 Sorry if I can’t give you any more concrete advice on your eventual purchases.

Hahaha, I wish 😉

Here’s my latest label. I’ve done an icon as well for the new long format, and will update the first post with that one tomorrow. I plan on doing more labels and icons in the near future.

Edit: For anyone that has a HF32 cart, they’re both available for download via Kevins Dropbox link.

  • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Mumphy.

@duqtito: Hey! You can contact Kevin about the labels and icons pack for the HF32 cart. All my labels and icons are included in that. I have not done labels and icons for every homebrew though (far from), my main focus was making labels and icons for the released games.

Here are the ones I have made so far (I plan on making some more in the future though): https://www.virtual-boy.com/forums/t/hyperflash-32-default-label-set-e-ink-screen/

Awesome update!


I think “TheForce81” does it, but I’m not sure. You can try and send him a message.

http://www.japanspel.se did mine (in Sweden). I’m not sure they are willing to solder fix VB’s sent from abroad, but you never know. You can e-mail them at: info@japanspel.se

Hope this helps.

Great job!

That cart looks beautiful. Good luck!

Awesome! Great job.

Great job with these! I think they’re an awesome addition to the library of labels.

So I did two more 🙂 This makes it 28 labels in total counting the “default” label and Space Pinball, which is a modification of the Galactic Pinball label. That’s it for a while (I think).

Bound High and Faceball labels.