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@nmalinoskiRegistered December 29, 2017Active 4 years, 10 months ago
63 Replies made

samson7point1 wrote:
Somewhere along the line (around page 4 of this topic) I picked up the notion that the HyperFlash 32 was going to have some mechanism for loading new ROMs into the flash slot from the SD card without requiring the use of a PC – just a USB power source. I imagined it would be a button or an input on the touch screen. Is that still the plan?

Yes. My understanding is that the eInk display is feasible, and it has at least two buttons on the unit itself, so the final product will be able to, with just a USB power source, let you cycle through games on the SD card and write the selected game to flash–no requirement for software on a PC.

I, however, do not recommend that replacement stand, because the one I received was not made well. The legs don’t snap into place like an original, and the legs themselves don’t quite have the same shape, which results in a wobbly stand with a bit of a tilt to it.

If the only part of your original stand that’s broken is the medallion, maybe look into getting a reproduction medallion, either 3D-printed or, if you can find one, one of the metal ones.

bbor0422 wrote:
Hi, wondering if I can still get my hands on a Flashboy+? Thanks!

I don’t think so; I’m pretty sure they’re not being made anymore. Instead, mellott124 is working on a similar, more-capable product called the HyperFlash32: https://www.planetvb.com/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=7448&forum=2

Will the HyperFlash use USB C or Micro-B?

If Galactic Pinball has battery-backed saves, I suppose removing the battery would successfully wipe the scores.

Preorders for the HyperFlash went up: http://www.mellottsvrpage.com/index.php/hyperflash32/

This is really cool, and reminds me a lot of the Dreamcast VMUs.

Would there be any protection for the screen, or is it sturdy enough to be gripped when handling the cart?

How, exactly, would this work in practice? I can see utility for this with single-game flash carts, where it gets updated when you flash a new game via PC, so you can easily identify which game is currently on it.

It doesn’t really make sense to me for something like the MultiBoy, where you’re most likely to be leaving it in your VB all the time. Maybe if the MultiBoy had its own battery, and you changed games by pulling the cart out, hitting one or two buttons to cycle games (maybe pressing another to program it, if that’s necessary), then sticking it back in to play that game; but that sounds like it’s more hassle and expense than it’s worth.

speedyink wrote:

speedyink wrote:
That’s funny, my plan tonight is to upgrade the speaker in mine to something less…..piezo electric speaker like.

Turns out, waste of time. The amp itself sucks balls so no matter what speaker you wire in, it still distorts at the high volume. I mean maybe it overall sounds sliiiightly better, but not really noticeable. I suppose it’s an easy project, but I wouldn’t say it’s worth it unless you wire up a new amp system or something. I wasted more time then usual cause I thought it was a rattle, but eventually I used it while still apart to find it was actually distorting. Trying two other speakers also resulted in the same thing. Guess the whole endeavor turned into just for the name of science.

While I’m leaving the new speaker in, I do not recommend this mod.

Sounds like it needs a more comprehensive mod with its own amp or a DAC.

Just going by the photos, the NFR games seem to have a 6 printed in the corners, whereas their retail counterparts have a 1. Does that signify anything?

There’s already a PVB Discord; it’s linked in the footer. Is there something different you’re trying to do with yours?

You could probably toss it in the wash if you put it in something like a mesh bra bag; should give it some outer padding while still getting it properly clean.

There is currently no way to do that. You’d need either two VirtualTaps and something that could take two VGA inputs and composite the two streams together, or you’d need an entirely custom system to replace the VirtualTaps that can do a digital composite and output a 3D stream (be it anaglyph or some dual-frame format).

Either way, I think focusing on compatibility 3D televisions is a dead end, because they’re simply not available anymore. I think it would be a better use of time, especially if we’re talking about a VirtualTap successor with HDMI output, to focus on compatibility with VR headsets. A PSVR can be had for $200 or less and is available new, whereas 3DTVs are fairly difficult to come by.

Wouldn’t the ideal way be to use something like a VirtualTap?

boye wrote:
VN10392617[7] (US (Probably retail))
I got my VB from eBay, so I don’t know if it was a retail unit. It came in a retail box, so I strongly believe it’s a retail unit.

Unless that retail box still had its warranty card with a matching serial number, there’s no way to tell if that unit actually belonged with that box. I picked up a boxed unit on eBay, probably 15 years ago at this point, and the serial on the unit did not match what was on the warranty card attached to the box.

RetroDan wrote:

Fire-WSP wrote:
I am still in need for this Chip/Board to replace the Mirrior Unit. Is somebody out there who can make them?

Looks pretty simple – just an ATtiny25 on a small board. I could probably manage it, no problem.

If you want to do a small run, I’d be in for two.

That looks more like a button-up shirt than a jacket.

I don’t know precisely, but those labels look like they’re applied by hand (especially that first one), so it could simply have been installation error, or orientation really didn’t matter.

retronintendonerd wrote:
They better give us a VB collection for Labo now

Hard pass. It would be like trying to play a VB while you’re also trying to hold it against your face because the stand is broken/missing; and few people are going to want to play laying on their backs with the LaboVR and their $300 Switch balancing on their faces while cardboard gets pressed into their skin–no thanks.

nmalinoski wrote:

Therealponykeg wrote:
So does anyone have a spare Virtualtap to sell? Something went wrong with my order with Furrtek and I ended up with a refund. Really sucks because he was doing the servo emulator for mine too.

I have two spares, one NTSC and one VGA; haven’t even touched them yet. Shoot me a PM.

All my boards have been offered to people. :3 If I somehow end up with a spare again, I’ll put it in the Marketplace forum.

Therealponykeg wrote:
So does anyone have a spare Virtualtap to sell? Something went wrong with my order with Furrtek and I ended up with a refund. Really sucks because he was doing the servo emulator for mine too.

I have two spares, one NTSC and one VGA; haven’t even touched them yet. Shoot me a PM.