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@nortyRegistered May 5, 2010Active 10 months, 2 weeks ago
17 Replies made

just for my information 🙂

is there a public digital release of the finnished game, or has it just been released on physical cart ?

I have just acquired :
VN10473260 9 (US)

thanks for your help TheForce81, I think i start to understand now. I’ll try next week with my european snes AC adapter and my japaneese tap 🙂

by the way, i’ll probably have to contact you in the future as i heard that your the one to contact for “soldering” in europe, am i right ?

ok, i have another question about the voltage.
i just saw a video from our eminent forum member VectrxRoli :


at 4’55, he tell the adapter was design for 110V and that Austria (same for France and Netherlands) is a 230V region.

So, it didn’t fry your VB when you plug it to the 230V in netherlands with a snes european AC adapter and a japaneese adapter tap? or are you using a converter?


i’ve recently created a thread about the same subject, so maybe you’ll find some informations at :


Personnaly, my situation is as follows:

US VB + Jap AC power tab —> French SNES (EU) power supply.

Here is an interesting quote by The Force 81

Using a Japanese Adapter tap you need to use an AC/AC adapter! When using a USA tap, you need an AC/DC adapter!

I just checked and confirmed with a multimeter, the European (S)NES adapter is AC and I can use that one perfectly fine with my Japanese Adapter and the USA tap works fine with a universal DC adapter I have here.

Seems there is some electronics in the Japanese tap that converts the AC to DC and that isn’t present in the USA tap.

After opening up both taps, the electronics are the same for both, so it seems it doesn’t matter if you feed the VB AC or DC.

After measuring the voltage, the DC adapter with the USA tap outputs 8.75 volts on the pins of the tap and the Japanese tap with the AC adapter outputs 4.85 volts. So I am not completely sure what is happening with this on the voltage regulator. It seems that there is some automatic switching going on to account for these differences.

so maybe we can ask further informations to him.
Also if you want to keep me informed how you solve this (without burning your VB), i’ll be interested as i have the same problem 🙂

please be more specific 🙂
what kind of stuff does i need ?

Well, first, thank you Ben for this incredible story, and your dedication to the Virtual Boy scene.

Then, to all the users of the forum, as i’ve read many messages about the opportunity of a Kickstarter to release a full VB game, i would like to talk seriously about it.
I’ve follow this forum for about 5 years, and i’ve been struck by the dedication of some members, and the unity of the community. The completion of Hyper Fighting had proove (thanks to Ben) that it was possible to finalyze a game that might exploit the full potential of the VB system, so maybe it’s time to start this new adventure.

– probably the first thing will be to open a new dedicated thread about this project. First to have a constructive debate about what kind of game we are looking for, and maybe also to edit a list of people that would be “in” when the kickstarter will be launch (a kind of pre-registration to see who is interested)
– maybe having a kind of direction board for this project would be a good idea, with some of the most popular and trustworthy people of this forum (like Krisse, Bigmak, Lester Knight, Benjamin Stevens, thunderstruck, Dog P, Runner Pack, Guy Perfect …), as they are the people who have been the most implicated in the development
– i also did note that some good ideas about financing had been said earlier. As Bigmak said “having the coders get a certain % or dollar amount from the games sold would be an easier way to fund projects” : the idea of a percentage coupled with a Kickstarter funding might be attractive enough to interest some developpers.

(- also in another thread, people start to talk about having Starfox on VB. As Benjamin Stevens said ” if some one […] made the game, they could take absolutely everything from Nintendo’s version, so all ships, characters, enemies, bosses, etc., put it into a full game”. I wonder how would it be difficult to ‘take the things’ from the nintendo version? Would it means taking the elements of the SNES version, and giving it to a developper, and asking him to make them playable on VB?)

Well, that was just a first post to start the movement, and i’ll be happy if we can discuss it all together.


nice sculpture. haven’t seen that on the forum before




Samsung ‘Gear VR’ headset leaked in image, with a Virtual Boy color scheme 🙂



They also released the fighting game “HOLLOSEUM” with this arcade cabinet, and it’s look a little bit more interesting 🙂

One quick question :

will the wiirtualboy system will work on a Wii-mini ? (given that it got no SD cart connection, and only one USB connection)

And will the Gamecube Pad work on the Wii-mini (using wiirtualboy system) ?

ok thanks, so i don’t really know anything about development, but how difficult would it be to port the SNES version on virtual boy ? is that even possible ?

i know i’ts been almost 6 years since that topic was start, but in the link ( http://forum.starmen.net/forum/Community/PKHack/Virtual-Boy-ish-EarthBound-hack )

the guy (Tomato) says that he :
“need to apply the Moonside palette to everything in the game and then just edit that palette to be various reds.

The problem is that I don’t have the time to go through with this, so I was hoping someone who’s skilled might want to pick up where I left off. It’s mostly just a bunch of palette hacks, nothing too much. But there’s a lot of stuff involved, for instance, I wouldn’t know how to edit the palettes for the battle backgrounds or the PSI animations.

So if you’re skilled with hacking EarthBound and this little project sounds interesting to you, let me know”

Is there anyone that is skill enough with the technical “Moonside palette” of the virtual boy, and can try to contact this guy ?

A virtual boy version of Earthbound can be an extremely exciting news 🙂

Any news concerning the development and the release ?

ok, thanks for the answers;
another question : is anyone on the forum have ever been in contact with DRAGON HOPPER creator ? maybe the same way can succed to obtain this game (or the code source i mean) ?