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@nr20Registered January 26, 2004Active 10 months, 1 week ago
75 Replies made

Interesting to see, that the most here have a great collection……freaks 😀

My Collection:



GameBoy Advance
GameBoy Micro
Nintendo DS

Playstation 2

Xbox 360

Sega Mega Drive + Mega CD
Sega Dreamcast
Sega Saturn

Holy Shit, I have to work 2 months for those 2 items 😀

Oh…eh…yes…sorry You know what I mean 😉

Yes, I know that, but I think those who post links like that are stupid, because they are increasing the price on there own, so there chance to get the item, maybe for a lower price, drops directly.

Let’s think only 100 people saw this auction…now because people like you are posting the links everywhere 1000 people saw the auction.

So…how will the price be lower?

Why can’t you wait until an Auction is finished?
So the chance to get something more cheap is gone :p

Purchase Date

VN 101900971

No good idea to post the link here during the auction 😉

Hm, are you the guy with the Bound High Cartridge? 😀
( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzrTfmtlzg0 )

I bought V-Tetris for less than 5€ 😀

If you look at this Picture, you can see how Nintendo self stands the VB


No, because you can see very good that it was often used.

Yes, I just cleared it too!
in 2 hours 10 minuts and 27 seconds.
I’ve only made a B Ranking an collect 3 Items 🙁
What happen when you got them all?

Nice idea to earn money for nothing…

I’m in the second last level

Is that someone from here? 😉

Yeah, I’ve just bought Space Squash for 32€ !!!! Cool, he?? 😀

Kennst du auch einen ungefähren Wert? 😉

Wegen Scan seh ich mal was sich machen lässt 😉

Tjo, hab es jetzt hier, das Spiel ist wohl keine Demo, aber das ist doch n Demo sticker oder? 😉

Jedenfalls ist mir aufgefallen dass das Bild der Demo verpackung hier auf der Seite relativ schlecht aussieht, wenn bedarf besteht kann ich euch n gutes Foto davon machen 😉

actualy….I forgot which whone exactly…but it is to find out 😉

my MSN ID is nummero20@hotmail.com