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@palacios25Registered August 20, 2006Active 2 months, 3 weeks ago
209 Replies made

MineStorm, when (if) you change from Intel to AMD, you could redesign the box label saying something like “Now with AMD inside!”. That way, we who bought Intel Flashboys, would also buy new AMD Flashboys for our collections 😀

Salure, IMO the Gui for the flasher is excellent, since it’s simple and it does what it’s supposed to do: flash the cart. How would you improve it? I mean: why do you want to resize the window?

I expected the cart to go for 1.200 euro and the manual for 150-200 euro. But I guess this is what auctions have, if you really want it, the price goes really high 😛

NR20 wrote:
Yes, I know that, but I think those who post links like that are stupid, because they are increasing the price on there own, so there chance to get the item, maybe for a lower price, drops directly.

Let’s think only 100 people saw this auction…now because people like you are posting the links everywhere 1000 people saw the auction.

So…how will the price be lower?

I didn’t post the links…

NR20, it doesn’t matter the auction is finished or not. Virtual Boy Hunters are always “on duty”, and I’m sure this is not the only forum in which you can find a message regarding these auctions. These two items would be a great addition to any collection (including mine!), but I’m sure their ending prices will be much higher than the current ones. One collector here paid nearly 2,000 US dollars for one Space Pinball demo shown at CES’95 (or something similar.), so imagine how high prices can get regarding virtual boy items…

Perfect. Enjoy it then! 🙂

If the program says “disconnected”, try the following:

1.- Reboot PC, wait for it to boot completely. Plug Flashboy and wait for the computer to recognize it (You won’t see any “disconnect device” icon after being recognized).
2.- Check your USB drivers (What OS are you using? Is your USB 1.1 or 2.0 compliant? What are your computer specs? this would help solve the problem).
3.- Try another USB slot.
4.- Unplug every USB device you have, then plug in Flashboy.
5.-… I don’t know. Post your OS and system specs and I’ll give it a thought while you do so.

jojobean wrote:
i doubt he’ll be able to make any profit off of it. it seems most virtual boy fans already know where to go for those things.

Well, at the moment it’s the standard offer/demand that rules all marketing and sales, and as far as I know, there are no Flashboys available for sale because all the chips available have been used for the current Flashboys we own. Therefore, he might get to sell it for that price. Anyway, as I said, it’s his decission, but I wouldn’t have bought a Flashboy to speculate, he’s going to gain a bad image here for doing so. It’s like if I had requested help to make the Blox cart I made for my collection and a few days later sell it at eBay… 🙁

KR155E wrote:

dasi schrieb:
VB + FlashBoy, BIN £175.


hm, i sold flashboy #021 to someone in that area. but i wonder why the seller uses prototype photos instead of a the actual flashboy.

I knew it could happen, but I really think it’s a pitty that somebody comes here and buys a Flashboy just to speculate 🙁 No comments… 😕 I think he used the proto images because of laziness (i.e.: too lazy to take pics of his own Flashboy…), or maybe because he doesn’t want to be discovered through the Flashboy number (but if I was the maker and seller of all the Flashboys, I’d have records of whom I sold each of them to…)

Unfortunately, that “I think it (vboy version) was developed by Nintendo themselves” means another dead end here. What I don’t understand is why such “obscurity” from Nintendo regarding Virtual Boy. It was a complete disaster, but good companies learn from disasters, don’t try to hide them inside the closet… Anyway, that’s my opinion, of course.

Team17’s UK offices, but don’t bother, they don’t reply (I already tried to exchange that VBoy for a stone… the perfect door stopper!)

I think it’s a custom Nokia browser.IE is not for sure,and it transforms the size of the text to fit it in the screen.It’s more than enough for an occasional access at the airport.I’m using it at this moment and as I said,the biggest problem is typing quickly,but it’s good enough.The only thing that doesn’t seem to work is the music from the frontpage,but I think it has to do with the fact that it’s not Internet Explorer.

Here go the images. I hope they have enough resolution 😛 Enjoy! :thumpup:

I’ll try and take some pics tonight 😉

No problem, don’t worry. As I said, everyone will have to cope with what there is, so it’s a “take it or leave it”. And the Virtual Boy Community here at vr32 is a real good bunch of people who are very helpful, trust me.

You are wrong, but never mind. I was only giving you alternatives to play equivalent to the ultra rare games, but if you really think that is the reason, then do not become one of “us selfish” and release the proto game when you get it…

Please search through the forums. I begun exactly the same discussion a year ago (when I was still missing SD Gundam and Virtual Bowling), you can find the topic in the forums. To be honest, I thought like you all at first, but after all the comments that were written in that topic and all the “I give you my respect, you give me your ROM image”, I really understood why the four rarest games ROMS nor the prototypes aren’t publicly available.

After all the conversations I’ve had with many people in this forum, my conclusions from them are:

1.- It’s pointless to dream on playing prototypes, unless you can contribute to the Virtual Boy scene with something AMAZING which has never been seen before or you have enough money AND good contacts to buy them (I don’t have any, so don’t bother asking, I just gave up to playing prototypes).
1b.- Don’t worry, the known existing prototypes won’t be lost when the cartridge breaks. I firmly believe the “Virtual Boy Gurus” have already dumped them and they are very secure in their hard drive & backups & DVDs & etc.

2.- The ROMS of the four rarest Japanese games won’t be publicly available. Jojobean, as you said, we must respect the Virtual Boy “entity”. As a respect to such entity, it’s normal that people who own these games don’t want to release these ROMS. Imagine if it is difficult to own those ROM images, that I have the games but I don’t have the corresponding ROMS. In fact, I don’t even want to have them, because if someone was to eventually “leak” them, I wouldn’t like that the Virtual Boy Community could even think of me as the responsible for the leakage. I respect their decission of not making those ROMS available.
2b.- Don’t worry about losing these games when the physical media breaks. I know that the “Virtual Boy Gurus” have already dumped them and they are very secure in their hard drive & backups & DVDs & etc.

3.- If you are lucky enough to own a Flash Boy, enjoy playing the ROMS there are, which are more than enough. Think that you have 18 out of 22 is an 81,8% of all the games made, plus:

a.- Virtual Bowling is relatively similar to Nester’s Funky Bowling.
b.- Virtual Lab is a buggy game which is very similar to V-Tetris.
c.- SD Gundam is… well, it just IS, because it exists, nothing else.
d.- Space Invaders would be the only interesting game to get something different from what there already is, but as a bare cartridge it can be available at eBay for about $100, which is equivalent to 2 XBox360 games (1 game if you live in Europe because the euro is very strong now).

I think there’s nothing more I can say. Of course, don’t misunderstand me: I’d love to play the protos in my FlashBoy, and when I didn’t own the four rarest games, I would have loved to have played them in ROM format to see how they were, but as things are now, I understand it’s impossible.

Now we have LOTS+1 discussions about this 😀

Gundam’s boring, to say something cute. It’s just a collector’s game. About the suggestion you make, I can suggest:

1.- You win the Virtual Lab auction 😉
2.- You make one of these: http://www.virtual-boy.org/projectvb/dev/VBDumper.htm and carefully follow the instructions to dump the game.
3.- You share the Virtual Lab ROM in here.

As you said, it’s very simple 😀

P.S.: I’d also love to play prototypes, but let’s be realistic: you must be a Virtual Boy Guru or have millions of dollars AND real good contacts inside Nintendo to get access to one of those. I have neither of those qualities, so… I play Blox 😎

No, no ROMs for those, nor Space Invaders, Virtual Bowling nor any prototypes, sorry. But honestly, IMO, with the games there are it’s more than enough, you aren’t missing much apart from Virtual Bowling and -in less degree- Space Invaders. I believe it’s the “human morbidity” of playing what nobody else can play 😛