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@palacios25Registered August 20, 2006Active 1 month, 1 week ago
209 Replies made

For most of us, the only possibility to play homebrewn games was via an emulator. The people with electronic and soldering knowledge could also follow DogP’s schemes to “cannibalize” a game cart and make themselves a reprogrammable cart using the board of the game and some standard EPROM chips.

And regarding the capacity of the Flashboy, the answer is yes, it only fits 1 game at a time, and you have to fill the remaining space (2MB or 16Mb, as you prefer) with as many duplicated images as possible. But the flashing utility which (I think) DogP developed does this automatically.

Of the undumped games, only Virtual Bowling and Space Invaders are good games to play. The others are crappy. Better play Blox!

I think the question is more like: Which ROMs will work with the FlashBoy? If the question is that, the answer is simple: All available ROMs (homebrewn and “others”). Of course Eric, bear in mind the absence of “backup battery”, so all will work, but you won’t be able to save your game in titles such as Virtual Boy Wario Land. In fact, I think this is the only game which desperately needs the battery, because the others are just for records and such.

Mintor, what car have you got? 🙂

Lovely! Nice news. I will check daily to place the order as soon as it is available.

Well, the more you have, the better. If I were to buy the game again and the person was reliable, I would pay MAX amount for the whole game in perfect conditions, 40% the MAX price if it was just the cart and instructions, and 25% the MAX price if it was just the cart. I believe MAX could be around US $900 (bearing in mind that the $ vs Euro exchange rate is very good now for Europeans to buy from the US), so $350-$400 for the cart + instructions and $225-$250 for the game alone.

Be aware that is my opinion, and I know I would pay more than the average “eBay final price”, but as I said, I would also be paying the “buy from a reliable person” aspect of the transaction. Also, for your records, I recently saw an SD Gundam (cart only) auction in Yahoo Auctions Japan for 150 euro, and nobody bought it, so you might have difficulty selling it now, sorry.

Good luck!

You also need to play with the money exchange rate. It’s not the same selling to a Euro buyer than to a US buyer. Now, the Euro is very strong. It depends on where you are from. I also agree with DogP, extremely rare games are worth a lot of money if they are complete, not cart only. And if you want only the cart to play with them, only Virtual Bowling and Space Invaders might be worth the buy, because Virtual Lab and SD Gundam are rubbish (analized as games, not as collectors’ items, of course).

KR155E, I’ll let you know if I back out or not as soon as I get the reply from DogP 😛

DogP, are you selling that Jap display Virtual Boy?

Thanks for the quick reply, DogP. Now that it’s clear, I’ll try to get the other one, but it’s risky, since you never know which one you will get 😛

I live in Spain and the SNES adaptor is a normal size DC plug too, as in Australia. Maybe the UK version has the ultra-big connector, as in the US.

It will probably help a lot to wake up the homebrewn, since it will allow for testing on real hardware, which until now was very difficult.

Dasi, I have the same kind of sticker on mine. KR155E, unfortunately the proof of purchase can be removed easily, so there are many who don’t have it attached to the box (such as yours, I believe).

Fwirt, maybe there’s a sticker with Nintendo’s phone number. It can give you a clue.

Deadly-D, I’m also excited about Flash Boy, so I understand you 🙂 Enjoy your new Virtual Boy, it’s graphics with “depth” are unique, IMO.

Deadly-D, I believe soldering and building shouldn’t take that long, but I have the impression that until there are 10+ carts made, KR155E and Richard H. won’t begin selling them. My recommendation is to have patience, since I’m sure that sooner or later, it will be available 🙂 Just check the webpage daily.

I choose option “a”. I agree that S&H expenses kills option “b” unless you can get somebody to send in 10+ carts. And I am pathetic at soldering, so option “c” is useless for me 😀

VN 10354782 2 (Palacios25 – USA Retail)

MrSci-Fi, where are you from? It’s to calculate shipping expenses. Those things are quite heavy, as far as I know, and it could be $200 to ship from the U.S. to Europe or viceversa.