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@problemchildRegistered May 7, 2020Active 4 years, 8 months ago
2 Replies made

Benjamin Stevens wrote:

Problem Child wrote:

Some days ago I contacted Jim Wornell…

Neat! Too bad he hasn’t had much to add to the story, but it’s cool that he responded to you about it.

I forgot to add that he told me that both games (Dragon Hopper and Zero Racers) where finished but I guess that was already known?

He didn’t seem to be bothered at all by me asking questions. If someone has something he want’s to ask I could forward the question.

Benjamin Stevens wrote:
For Dragon Hopper, I’d be satisfied if just the whole original story of the game got released. It was probably written all out at some point, and just getting those notes would be great.

Some days ago I contacted Jim Wornell. I found his name in the ‘special thanks’ section of the Galactic Pinball credits. As Dragon Hopper and Galactic Pinball were both developed by Inteligent Systems I figured he might have been involved in both games.

He actually responded quite fast and told me that he was indeed involved in Galactic Pinball, Bound High, Dragon Hopper and Zero Racers. Back then he was responsible for localizing games that came out of their parent company in Japan. Writing screen text, debugging, overseeing the manual/package, getting the ESRB rating, working with legal, marketing, and advertising. Anything that had to do with the US release of a game, he was responsible for. You can actually hear his voice on the title screen of Galactic Pinball.

He assumed that all three games (Bound High, Dragon Hopper and Zero Racer) never got leaked. He was surprised when I’m told him about Bound High and the different ways it got released. He assumed that either all of them or none would find its way to the Internet.

He told me that he actually played all of the games as part of his jobs but that he doesn’t have anything left from those days, not even screenshots or the like. He also told me that those who worked on VB games back then weren’t too sad that it got discontinued. I asked him if he could sum up the story of Dragon Hopper or could tell me someone else to contact about the games but he didn’t respond to that question.