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@propane13Registered October 14, 2008Active 1 year, 9 months ago
11 Replies made

Thanks for the replies!

Actually, the reason I asked if it was on the Games page was to look for reviews. Even though it’s a hack of a prototype, it would be nice to know how it stacks up to the original prototype, or other games for that matter in the community’s eyes. Besides a video or two out there, have folks ranked the game? Just curious.


So…. I’ve been trying to get a copy of Bound High for some time. I missed a lot of the VB game runs that happened awhile back, and now I’m not sure what other options there are for me other than to support high prices. Is there a better answer? I’m not sure if any re-releases are planned. What would you suggest for someone interested in a copy, but who doesn’t want to support price gouging?

Bound High reproduction at a whopping $1200.00

I wish they would make a few more of these. I’ll never be able to afford the item if it’s going at this current rate.

I appreciate everyone’s thoughts on the matter. Thanks for helping me get up to speed. 🙂

Thanks for the info! I’ve definitely fallen behind.

Quick followup question– were the cartridge releases for these games made as limited runs, or are any of these still made-to-order (or, are there re-release plans)? While I do agree that flashboy is the best answer, sometimes it’s nice to have a cart to look at. However, I do understand that a limited release makes sense in most scenarios (i.e. a bulk run to recoup costs made by dedicated fans, possibly at a loss), so I won’t lose any sleep over it if they’re gone forever. But, it never hurts to ask.

Thank you!

I had no idea this even happened– of course, I only check in on VB stuff once or twice per year; I’m more into the Atari scene.

I skimmed a lot of this thread, and here’s what I’ve figured out– I can send 3 donor carts somewhere, and I’ll get a Bound High out of it.

So, how do I find out where to send the carts to? Via PM?

I would very much like to get one of these if I can (and I’m also considering a Flash Boy, too).

Here’s the quick link:

Page 35, item 731.


How can I help in this effort?


Does anyone have a cart dumper (or, are they easy to make)?

I can go through my classic gaming circles, and see if I can find someone with any of these titles that is willing to dump them.

Before I do that, though, I want to make sure the hardware’s available for dumping– is it? i.e. would someone be willing to part with their dumper temporarily for the good of the community (if indeed I can find some willing “donor”)?


Is this just because they haven’t been dumped?

Or is there a technical reason behind such a ROM not working on hardware / emulators (such as complicated hardware unique to the carts or something)?

Just curious.



Though I’m new to the forums, I can try to help answer your questions.

From what I understand, the japan import games typically are in both languages (anyone can correct me). There may be some that are all Japanese (rarer releases), but I don’t think there are any that are just English– there will be at least a little Japanese sprinkled in there.

I believe at least one Japanese version of a game is different from a US one in gameplay as well, but I’m not sure what it was (Panic Bomber, maybe?). I’m sure someone with more knowledge can answer.

What I can help with is your question on Teleroboxer and Mario Tennis.

The cartridges from Japan look different from the ones in the US, so that’s the easiest way to tell if you have a Japanese vs. a US version.

Here’s the US version of Teleroboxer:
Here’s the Japanese version of Teleroboxer:

Here’s the US version of Mario’s Tennis:
And here’s the Japanese version:

The site I found these images at is:
So, you can do a cross comparison of your games any time you get new acquisitions.

My guess from what you say is that you have the Japanese version of both of these games, so now you can check to verify for yourself.

Now, on to your dilemma– what to buy?
If you’re just looking for gameplay, then yes, you can go the less expensive route, and get the Japanese versions of the games first. You may have to figure out some of the menus, though (i.e. figuring out where the Japanese word for “Start game” is, so you can highlight it and play for some games), but they definitely should be playable. I don’t think there’s anything that’s text-based where you’d get stuck, except for maybe the more expensive games (Virtual Lab, SD Gundam, or maybe even Insmouse), but for the commons, I think you could easily figure it out, with a little bit of trial and error.

However, if you’re really looking strictly for gameplay, you may want to save up, and consider buying a FlashBoy. They are a little steep, but it’s a one time purchase, where you can play any VB game (US or Japanese) on your own home console. However, if you’re looking for collectability too, then sure, get the Japanese games first, and then slowly build your collection.

I’m sure some others can comment as well with their opinions, or to correct anything I may have been a little incorrect on.

Welcome aboard!

