speedyink wrote:
Are you any good at Photoshop? I can take a picture and edit it in Lightroom, but for the actually photoshopping (cutting out the background or whatever) I’m not the best at.
There’s so much great homebrew that deserves to be on that list. Hunter, the Yeti3D demo, pretty much any of the last coding competition entries, hyper fighting…
I should be able to clean it up. If you send the picture.
As far as the best homebrew I think I may make a separate thread for that so I can get everyone’s input. This project has plenty of time before it’s “due” lol
Thank you guys for pointing out what needs fixing 🙂 So glad I posted the rough draft for you guys to pick at. I’m definitely happy to use better pictures if anyone has them. These were more or less place holders of pictures I’d like to use or ones I’d stick with if nothing better turned up. I suck at photography lol
As far as top homebrew games, I haven’t played many so I was only going by ratings here on the site. I’m definitely happy to change them to something better as long as you all agree for the mostpart
The information about the specs was l taken from this forum on one of the pages. Good to know it needs fixing. The sales numbers were found on the VB wikia and wiki pages.
I love the ad! Like someone mentioned before, you captured the stereotypical 90s ad guy perfectly lol. This would make a great poster for a game room.
The flashboy plus is definitely worth adding to your VB collection. I got mine recently and I love being able to experience all the games without having to search and shell out a fortune for some of them. One game I recommend buying is Virtual Boy Wario Land. The flashboy doesn’t have a save feature so progress in that game won’t be saved which is why a real cart is better for it. The game will keep you busy and entertained for a long while.
I went to the store yesterday but they’re missing that middle sticker and the others are badly damaged. Sorry about that. I can see what I can do with the picture that I have
I might be able to help Roli. There’s a store near me that has that display unit and I have a DSLR so I can always try to get good pictures if you can’t find a scan. I imagine a scan would be better for you. I can see if I can convince my husband to take a trip to the store with me today or tomorrow.
My a-hole cat knocked my virtual girl over a couple times (only once with the displays in though). It still works fine and luckily no alignment issues as of yet. Nintendo has a pretty high standard on durability (at least in older systems) so I think you should be ok
speedyink wrote:
Actually I have a Super Everdrive for my SNES, and a GBC flash cart. I have plans to get Everdrives for the Genesis, NES, and n64 as well. You’re right, they really do work great. I will buy my favorite (and affordable) games, but I just don’t have the space nor funds to have every single game out there. Enter the Everdrive series =P
I feel the same way. I WISH I could own all the games but it’s not practical or financially possible so this will have to do for those retarded expensive and rare games lol.
If you haven’t looked into it already, you should consider a flash cart like the Everdrive for your Genesis. I have one for my NES and GB/GBC and I love them. It really saves the trouble of game hunting or damaging the ones I already own. They’re good quality and simple to use and setup.
Any time Amos, it’s the least I can do 🙂 You did such a great job fixing up her “eyes”. If people only knew what you had to deal with on the displays when I sent them to you. People would probably want to erect a statue in your name for saving these things despite some being so far “gone”.
That’s such a shame you lost all your PS1 stuff 🙁 I lost a lot during my million moves during the last several years too. Luckily the PS1 library is fairly cheap to replenish and modding the consoles is easier than ever too. Sega had some good systems in their day. As much of a Nintendo fangirl I am, Sega was doing something right to be a direct competitor to Nintendo back in the day. I played a couple consoles and once I get more room or a better place, I’ll likely add the Genesis (and add-ons) and Master System to the collection. Dreamcast is coming soon since my husband’s friend is giving us his. I don’t think I can bring myself to the Jaguar level either though lol
This is only about half of my PS1 collection. I visited my dad this weekend and brought some stuff home though so much was left behind due to lack of space in the car and even more that is still buried in storage somewhere over there.
The keyboard was my birthday gift from my dad since my original one was broken. I can’t believe after all these years I still remember the key combination needed to make the dog barking sound on the damn thing.
Your haul is pretty sweet. My husband would be jealous. He’s more of a Sega fan lol