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@retronintendonerdRegistered June 4, 2014Active 4 months, 1 week ago
565 Replies made

VectrexRoli2 wrote:
I just had enough of all those “The Virtual Boy ruins your eyes” videos on Youtube. 😉

You said it! That continues to keep the system on the “most hated” lists. I think my husband gained some respect for the system after watching the video with me. The detailed explanation of how eye strain and other issues were caused really deflated the BS hype it got from various media. Thanks!

I enjoy the informational videos just as much. I’m still trying to convert my husband into a VB lover lol I need all the help I can get!

I really enjoy your videos. I had no idea that it was you until recently though lol. Your Flashboy review had me crackin’ up in the beginning. Looking forward to this video

MineStorm wrote:
Sorted now.

My good friend Eric (bigmak) is sending one of his and I’ll square it with him later.

I did look at micro USB, but they all seem to be surface mount. I like a thru-hole mount for added strength.

AAMOI this batch is a revised board. I managed to fix the comms glitch (so now any length USB cable can be used).

I can’t thank you and Eric enough. You both went beyond what I would have expected in terms of helping me out. You both are stellar! Sorry I couldn’t have this be a simple fix but instead had to bother you about it.

TheForce81 wrote:

Lester Knight wrote:
if it isn’t working and can’t be debugged simply by switching out the cable, contact richard and ask to have it repaired. he is the nicest fellow and will sort you out.

This, I know there is some manual labor done on the FB+ and these things can unfortunately happen. I understand you are wanting to troubleshoot here, but these kind of things are pretty obviously a technical problem which has to be solved by the maker of the FB+ and I am sure he will help you out as good and quickly as he can.
No real need to put it on the board if you ask me 😉 no offense intended, just been seeing these things here lately while the shortest route to solve these things is just to go back to the seller of the item.

I don’t doubt Richard is an awesome fellow and all the hard work he puts into the carts. He and I have spoken in the past about ordering one of these badboys and he’s always been prompt and courteous. As a person who is farrr from having much technical knowledge I figured the board can help me (as its done many times before) or at least point me in the direction I need to go with the FB+ if its beyond a “simple fix”. I wasn’t sure if this was a common thing amongst them since I read a lot about the USBs being an issue.

To me the whole point of the Flashboy board is to ask troubleshooting questions but maybe I’m wrong? Richard lives in the UK while I reside in the US, sending it back is a bit more involved than it would be had he lived in the US. I was trying to avoid having to ship back to the UK and not have to trouble Richard if possible

RunnerPack wrote:
The Mini-B connectors have pretty bad longevity, so it’s not really surprising that yours is starting to go. As a stop-gap, you could try to carefully bend those three little tabs in a little with some kind of pointy instrument. That should make it squeeze the plug a little tighter (until they bend back out…)

: I don’t know how many FB+ parts you have left in stock, but I suggest you migrate to Micro-B connectors if you ever do a board revision (not to mention any future USB devices you do).

For the existing install-base, it may be possible to upgrade to Micro-B connectors. The problem is that it’s a through-hole connector. I’m not positive that through-hole Micro-B connectors don’t exist, but my gut feeling is that they don’t. Besides being more durable, the other main point of the Micro-B is that it’s thinner than the Mini-B.

It would be fiddly work, but one could possibly remove the Mini-B and “dead-bug” a Micro-B in its place, using fine wire to connect it to the board. Maybe I’ll get some Micro-Bs and try it on mine (if I can be reasonably sure I won’t kill it in the process).

I’m not sure how my connector would be starting to go when this was a brand new cart and I only got it a day ago and only used it today. Anything’s possible though. Hopefully the video I just put up shows the problem a bit better.

Here are some pictures and video of what I need to do to get it to work for me. Hope it gives you all a better idea because I suck at explaining most things technical

Video: https://flic.kr/p/pjumcK

Oh wow! I really want one now! lol I love ROB. I really kick myself in the ass for not buying him for $30 at a flea market years ago

Congrats on completing your collection! Regardless the console, it can be so difficult for people to get complete collections for a console. I felt the same way when I completed my Nintendo handheld/portable collection.

Don’t give up on the Japanese games just yet. Sometimes you find them for a fair price if you happen to be on eBay on the right day.

L___E___T wrote:
I quite like these – though I must admit I do prefer the Famicom version. I have one of those Famicom TV controllers new in the original box at home, plus a couple of Sharp-branded NES controllers for my Famicom Station, they look great.

I’m pretty jealous that you have the controllers lol Mine were lost many, many years ago. My uncle was not kind to this thing while we grew up. You have the Famicom TV controllers or just a Famicom system controllers (though I think those were hard-wired except on the AV Famicom)? Either way, nice! I don’t own any of the Japanese Nintendo home consoles.

Here’s some video of me playing Duck Hunt on the Everdrive on the NES TV (thats a mouthful)

My Everdrive N8 arrived in the mail today. Here I am enjoying some Duck Hunt after putting together the cart.

Edit: Those are decorative spider webs by the way. I like decorating for the various seasons/holidays.

akumie wrote:
A multicart with all the official 24 games and all homebrew demos would be nice
Better than the 1+ min to load a new game with the flashboy

The fact we as a community have any sort of flash cart for this system is good enough for me and should be for just about anyone (especially those of us with no knowledge or skill to make our own). I’m pretty sure if it was that simple to make what you expect/want, it would have been done years ago. By all means if you have the knowledge, get started on it so you don’t have to deal with a Flashboy+ cause ya know, god forbid something takes more than an instant to load and games need to be flashed one at a time…

Cosmoliner wrote:

retronintendonerd schrieb:
Just ordered my Flashboy+ from Richard! Super excited for when it comes in. I’ll be sitting by the door waiting for the post like a kid waiting for Santa at Christmas lol

Yes,the Flashboy is a fantastic thing,thank you richard… 🙂

As first flashboy game I recommend Hyperfighter!
I play it yesterday again,this game is incredible!
The graphics,the 3D,the game-sound,the voices of the characters.
I always thought this demo is a trick 😕
It shows what’s possible with the VB.

Thanks for the recommendation! I will definitely take you up on it. I just finished downloading every bit of official and unofficial content I could find for the VB.

Just ordered my Flashboy+ from Richard! Super excited for when it comes in. I’ll be sitting by the door waiting for the post like a kid waiting for Santa at Christmas lol

hawk1010 wrote:

retronintendonerd wrote:
My husband, his best friend and I went to a NAVA gathering today to see what video game goodies we could get. We came across this Virtual Boy kiosk but sadly it wasn’t working but still nice to find in a local store. The store is Digital Press Video Games in Clifton, NJ. They sell online as well as storefront. Personally I think there’s better places to shop but it’s nice if you need something quick or don’t feel like waiting for shipping.

I picked up a second NES controller and California Games to temporarily play and then steal the case for my Everdrive N8 I ordered.

Heh, I almost went there yesterday myself. Didn’t know another Planet VB member lives in Jersey! That’s awesome! I go to that store usually just to look around and for 3DS passes. Their prices are usually on the high end.

Hah! That’s awesome! I actually set up my own streetpass hotspot and I get global passes all the time. I can share the link on how to do it if you’re interested. I’m glad I’m not the only one that thought their prices were a bit high. Great store but definitely easy to burn a hole in your pocket/wallet there.

At home streetpass setup: http://www.ign.com/wikis/nintendo-3ds/Set_Up_Your_Own_StreetPass_Relay

HorvatM wrote:
I’m surprised there isn’t the same amount of myths/criticism/superstition surrounding it as the VB, which, IMO, is for now simply a better product. Maybe because it’s got John Carmack behind it? Gunpei Yokoi apparently wasn’t a good enough celebrity.

I always thought this myself. I don’t know many people that own a VB granted, but the ones I do know don’t ever complain of the headaches, nausea, eye issues, etc. that everyone liked to say the VB caused. I have played Wario Land for hours on end and I’m fine afterwards. I feel worse leaving a theater and going back into the harsh sunlight.

blitter wrote:
retronintendonerd are you a developer? Getting a DK2 now if you’re not a developer would be a waste of money, as the new Crescent Bay makes it obsolete in every way. (I played with it at OC last weekend). Odds are, given what happened with the DK1->DK2 switch, another SDK refactoring is coming– by that time, the DK2 won’t be compatible with anything anymore. I’d hold off until CV1.

I’m not a developer but my husband dabbles and majority of our friends do. I won’t be receiving my Oculus for a while (several months) so it’s possible it might be the newer one. Even if it’s not, I don’t mind having to upgrade to the next one when the time comes.

Locobox wrote:
Just look at those beautiful ads at the sides of the unit!!!

Great pic, one can even read the instructions on it.


Always happy to share pictures of the things I come across. I wish I had more than my iPhone to take pictures. I’m sure Digital Press’ Facebook will upload the pictures from the event yesterday.

Lester Knight wrote:

Have you read these reviews? http://gbatemp.net/threads/official-gbatemps-everdrive-month-announcement.368176/

They may give you some great insight into the Everdrive line of Flash Kits.

I haven’t read them yet but I will definitely get on that since I will most likely be adding the rest of them to my collection. The Everdrive GB was such a pleasant surprise. I heard people say that it would be crap and all this nonsense but it turned out to be the easiest flashcart I’ve ever used.

Haha omg I want this! Looks like I’ll be getting custom vinyl done to make a skin for my Oculus (using a different person this time! lol)